Gang Member
Come on - we haven't had the testing capability to know how many cases are actually out there. Look at NY anti body test study. This thing won't even have a 1% death rate when it's said and done and we know how many tens of millions have already had the virus.
That argument has been around for a few months now, hasn't changed. The fatality rate also hasn't changed. That was the number when this was only in China. That's still the number with the data we have now. Are there cases we don't know about? Sure. But there are also deaths we haven't counted. And, you know, of the current cases - patients that just haven't died yet.
All the evidence we have says 6%. The argument that everyone or most everyone has already caught Covid is BS. If that really were the case, the massive shutdowns last month wouldn't have done anything. But they did. In most states, they have been effective at causing infection rates to go down, rather than increase exponentially.