Frontier pilot arrested

Are you aware that legit DV cases exist? And not just scorned woman hell on earth?

Maybe I should consult with my mother and sister, both DV and substance abuse counselors.

Actually, I’ll go big. I’m a terminal illness diagnosis away from hunting down my sister’s abuser. His family will not enjoy an open casket funeral.

Yeah, I’m aware of legit DV cases.
Genetics is a bitch... how is dude not type 2 diabetic? But I'm very physically fit and pre-diabetic? Thankfully under control now. But I gotta watch it.
I’ve seen a closer picture of him on social media. He’s a tall guy. I’d call him husky but he’s FAR from being as big as some of the other guys out there. Wait until you start flying and you’ll see a few in the terminal.

There were a few on the CRJ that wouldn’t make it out the escape hatch if that was the only option.
Just add it to the design deficiency list, etc.
In fairness, I'm noodly, and I would regard that hatch as a last resort. Not because getting out, but then the getting down part.

Just add it to the design deficiency list, etc.
I've always thought that strap would just shred your hands, beats burning up though.
I've always thought that strap would just shred your hands, beats burning up though.
Yeah. Priorities and so on. It's not like going out the DV window on the 767 is likely to end any BETTER for me if the nose gear is extended with that escape rope apparatus, and beats burning, but yeah.
Yeah. Priorities and so on. It's not like going out the DV window on the 767 is likely to end any BETTER for me if the nose gear is extended with that escape rope apparatus, and beats burning, but yeah.

If I ever have to go out the emergency escape hatch on the 747 there’s gonna be a streak down the side. I don’t get afraid of heights, but even leaning out that to take a picture weirds me out.