Frontier pilot arrested

Once you’re done licking the State’s boots, mine could use a polish.

Those words probably don’t mean what you think they mean.

The FAA (and NTSB, since they handle appeals from FAA decisions) have a good amount of case law defining what good moral character is. It’s sweeping, but it’s not as sweeping as you think it is, and this might not be “it.” I’m not going to bother to link you to CAB (yes, the case law is that old) and NTSB opinions on the topic since you won’t read them anyway, but it’s conceivable that the ALLEGED offense for which the warrant was issued and under which he was arrested would not run afoul of FAR 61.153. Especially if or when it’s eventually disposed of, and disclosed to the FAA.

And unless and until there’s a conviction (or, more likely, a plea), yes, it is an ALLEGED offense. I hope he’s got good representation to navigate this—not merely his own representation regarding the criminal beef, but from FFTMEC and from the Representation Department at the Association.

If we know nothing about this case other than the charges, we can play the odds with regards to the outcome. There’s a likely chance that this case will be dismissed, with or without adverse adjudication.

While I hate to see victims of abuse refusing to appear as a witnesses for the state, I also hate arrests with little if any evidence.

I’ve had a couple of male friends narrowly escape an undeserved arrest and have one male friend that will have his charges dismissed as there’s credible evidence he was assaulted by his drunk girlfriend.

Years ago, police came to my apartment after my girlfriend let out a bloodcurdling scream. I had a bad dream in which I went to a window, pulled the curtain back and saw a man with his face against the glass. I shrieked, my girlfriend screamed. The police separated us and got matching stores. I’m glad my girlfriend didn’t have her normal cuts and bruises as she played rugby for William and Mary. 😀
Once you’re done licking the State’s boots, mine could use a polish.

Those words probably don’t mean what you think they mean.

The FAA (and NTSB, since they handle appeals from FAA decisions) have a good amount of case law defining what good moral character is. It’s sweeping, but it’s not as sweeping as you think it is, and this might not be “it.” I’m not going to bother to link you to CAB (yes, the case law is that old) and NTSB opinions on the topic since you won’t read them anyway, but it’s conceivable that the ALLEGED offense for which the warrant was issued and under which he was arrested would not run afoul of FAR 61.153. Especially if or when it’s eventually disposed of, and disclosed to the FAA.

And unless and until there’s a conviction (or, more likely, a plea), yes, it is an ALLEGED offense. I hope he’s got good representation to navigate this—not merely his own representation regarding the criminal beef, but from FFTMEC and from the Representation Department at the Association.

I’ve seen that clause of the ATP requirements to justify the most disgusting bigotry…
Yeah, diabetes affects Black and Brown people about as easily as a middle school/high school ectomorph, with a 28 in. waist and 1% body fat can get an eight pack of abs, just from reaching down and picking something up off of the floor.

I'm forty-eight, so this is really new to me. I've always been pretty fit, except during my short stint in SLC. My A1C is down to 5 something, but I still gotta watch what I eat and exercise regularly. If I don't do both, I gain weight and with that my A1C shoots up real quick. But my White ex co-worker was like 260 lbs. and eats like • and he's not diabetic. I don't know if he can see his dick, but he's not diabetic.

My PA at my TRT clinic is like 5'5" maybe 140 lbs. Hispanic and she a swimmer and works out five days a week and has a very lean swimmers build. She's pre-diabetic too. Makes no sense. Life ain't fair.

We like to think of everything that goes wrong with our bodies as being caused by our behavior, but a lot of it is genetic.
We like to think of everything that goes wrong with our bodies as being caused by our behavior, but a lot of it is genetic.
Yeah and Black and Brown people seem to either through genetics, are at a higher probability, than other races to get the beetus. There's just certain diseases, that affect one race, more than the others. Like Sickle Cell for example.
Yep. I was dancing in the borderline blood sugar zone. My doctor suggested I lose 25lbs. Lost 40lbs, eating a diet monitored by a nutritionist - no change in my numbers.
Was exercise a part of this diet? My doctor said the same as yours, he originally wanted to put me on metformin, I was like ummmm... no, for reasons. He was like then you're going to have to watch what you eat, exercise. Lose some weight and he recommended cardio. He said walking/running really helps to bring down blood sugar and also greatly helps losing weight. I only run when I'm being chased by ax murderers. So yeah, not a lot. But I do like to go biking on my road bike/mountain bike. Or hit the elliptical at the gym.
Was exercise a part of this diet? My doctor said the same as yours, he originally wanted to put me on metformin, I was like ummmm... no, for reasons. He was like then you're going to have to watch what you eat, exercise. Lose some weight and he recommended cardio. He said walking/running really helps to bring down blood sugar and also greatly helps losing weight. I only run when I'm being chased by ax murderers. So yeah, not a lot. But I do like to go biking on my road bike/mountain bike. Or hit the elliptical at the gym.

I was pretty active as far as working out and engaging in strenuous recreational pursuits, before and after the weight loss.

After starting Test, all my numbers are in the green.
Not lately, at least not by anyone whose opinion on it matters.

I’ve never heard that rule interpreted by anyone who understands how our legal system works.

But I’ve had to sit through a fair share of diatribes where that requirement was cited by someone who had no idea what they were talking about

Yep. I was dancing in the borderline blood sugar zone. My doctor suggested I lose 25lbs. Lost 40lbs, eating a diet monitored by a nutritionist - no change in my numbers.

I’m a big fan of intermittent fasting for type 2 or those teetering. It’s been proven to do wonders for reversing insulin resistance which is what causes type 2. The best example I heard was comparing insulin to cocaine. The more cocaine you do the more it takes to get high because your body gets used to it. Same thing with insulin. The more often you eat the more often your body is exposed to insulin. If you limit your eating windows you can reverse that insulin resistance.
And cops’ll never, ever miss the chance to do a perp walk.

It's actually an airport thing too. An airport I worked for perp walked me out of the building when I was placed on leave (though not in handcuffs). I cashed a five figure check in exchange for not saying why, but I can say that it was not related to any wrongdoing on my part. Executives had stopped replying to my e-mails a few days before, and when I saw an HR meeting scheduled for Friday afternoon hit my calendar, I cleaned out my office. I watched the cops roll up 15-minutes before my meeting, and went a different route so I could swing by and say "see you in a couple of minutes!" and to let them know I had no interest in anything crazy. They wanted me to be perp walked upstairs to my office and out, likely to parade me in front of my former colleagues, but not my first rodeo, and I told them I'd go straight to my car since I had nothing left in there.

After two decades in corporate America, I'm truly surprised and grateful workplace shootings are as uncommon as they are given the ways I've seen people be treated.
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I was pretty active as far as working out and engaging in strenuous recreational pursuits, before and after the weight loss.

After starting Test, all my numbers are in the green.
Sometimes it depends on what the particular departmental policy is, which will affect the amount of discretion an individual LEO may be able to undertake, or not. I agree, depending on the assessed threat or flight risk a person may be considered who is being taken into custody, will determine whether it can be a “why don’t we walk together over to this private area and have a chat”, versus immediately cuffing someone up regardless, when taking them into custody. But policy can affect that, unfortunately.
what if he fell walking down the steps with hands cuffed as shown on the video? who's liable?
I’m sincerely curious, are you not aware that DV complaints are often vengeful strategic acts as part of divorce and child custody battles? Likewise, are you not aware that men are often arrested following assaults by women? Are you aware that DV arrests are often made with zero evidence? Are you aware that DV arrests rarely go to trial for lack of evidence?

At least you are apologetic.

Are you aware that legit DV cases exist? And not just scorned woman hell on earth?
Once you’re done licking the State’s boots, mine could use a polish.

Those words probably don’t mean what you think they mean.

The FAA (and NTSB, since they handle appeals from FAA decisions) have a good amount of case law defining what good moral character is. It’s sweeping, but it’s not as sweeping as you think it is, and this might not be “it.” I’m not going to bother to link you to CAB (yes, the case law is that old) and NTSB opinions on the topic since you won’t read them anyway, but it’s conceivable that the ALLEGED offense for which the warrant was issued and under which he was arrested would not run afoul of FAR 61.153. Especially if or when it’s eventually disposed of, and disclosed to the FAA.

And unless and until there’s a conviction (or, more likely, a plea), yes, it is an ALLEGED offense. I hope he’s got good representation to navigate this—not merely his own representation regarding the criminal beef, but from FFTMEC and from the Representation Department at the Association.

I’m aware. I’m not trying to use the good moral character as some sort of revocation for the ATP, is that’s where you are going.

I’m just surprised the JC crowd takes the side of an “ALLEGED” pilot being handcuffed and walked off a 121 airliner.
I’m aware. I’m not trying to use the good moral character as some sort of revocation for the ATP, is that’s where you are going.

I’m just surprised the JC crowd takes the side of an “ALLEGED” pilot being handcuffed and walked off a 121 airliner.
Nobody is “taking his side”. All I’ve seen are people saying that DV cases sometimes occur from bogus charges, and at this point there has not been any public information made available. Given that point, maybe it would be prudent not to do a very public career-threatening arrest on the off chance that he is not guilty.

You, on the other hand, seem perfectly willing to watch his life and career take a beating before any trial has taken place. If this guy turns out to be innocent (probably long odds against that, but definitely non-zero), what do you propose happens then? How does the damage already done get taken back?

Everybody here is dead set against domestic violence and agree that if this guy is guilty of…whatever the charges are…he should be punished.