FLX taking USC routes??

Does a bear poop in the woods?


Well, I'm sorry to hear that. The moral for us furloughed pilots isn't the best either. But at least we already know we're furloughed. It's gotta be tough living with the uncertainty of wether you're gonna get your run pulled out from underneath you.
Well, I'm sorry to hear that. The moral for us furloughed pilots isn't the best either. But at least we already know we're furloughed. It's gotta be tough living with the uncertainty of wether you're gonna get your run pulled out from underneath you.

I just joined you about 3 hours ago.:yup::nana2:

I just joined you about 3 hours ago.:yup::nana2:


Are they furloughing again or were you unjustly fired? I've talked to 3 pilots now that say they were fired for no reason. The only reason being they needed to free up some space. I don't know if it's true or not, I wasn't there. But that's the word I'm hearing....:banghead:
Are they furloughing again or were you unjustly fired? :banghead:
By the way, that's a rhetorical question, I don't want you to publicly admit to it, if it happened. Sorry to hear it. I remember when I was first applying to Airnet you had answered a lot of my questions I posted on here about the interview, etc...
I wish they would come out with a e-mail to all us Airnet Pilots, furloughed and non-furloughed. It would probably go something like this:

Dear Airnet Team Member,

Thank you for being a part of the team. We couldn't have done it without you....blah blah blah.

In the midst of this economic crisis we are having to do some restructuring to better serve our customers. (Yeah right, it's for us baby!) Our highly skilled management team has come up with plans to keep our company afloat in these bad times. That is why we have decided to slowly cut our runs and give them to Flight Express, our sister company. We are truly sorry it has come to this, but it's the only way we can compete during this terrible market collapse(and keep our bonuses). We appreciate your loyalty(thank god the job market is so bad), and wish you all the best in 2009.


It wouldn't be pretty, but at least it would be (somewhat) honest.
:crazy:Already to gets you 'som that free govn't moo-lah uh?
I'd much rather be working though.

Are they furloughing again or were you unjustly fired? I've talked to 3 pilots now that say they were fired for no reason. The only reason being they needed to free up some space. I don't know if it's true or not, I wasn't there. But that's the word I'm hearing....:banghead:
I was furloughed, but it was a mutual thing.

I've got to take care of some health issues and I didn't want to risk being terminated and since I'm out of sick time when they offered the furlough I took it. I figure that looks better on a background check than being fired for calling off.:bandit:

Dude, seriously sorry. I really wish that I could help that. I hope things get better soon! I know that I can't do much but if I can please feel free to ask.
It's going to work out. I had another gig lined up for when the day came so once the doctor says I can go back to work, I'll start working again and waiting on my recall (insert laugh here).

I'd much rather be working though.

It's going to work out. I had another gig lined up for when the day came so once the doctor says I can go back to work, I'll start working again and waiting on my recall (insert laugh here).


Balls. Good luck. Other job a flying gig or truck driving?
Sorry to hear that Mini tour.

Are the furloughed Air Net guys trying or interested in getting hired by Flight Express? FLX is continuing to do a little bit of hiring. I would hope Air Net pilots get first priority.
Sorry to hear that Mini tour.

Are the furloughed Air Net guys trying or interested in getting hired by Flight Express? FLX is continuing to do a little bit of hiring. I would hope Air Net pilots get first priority.

I have thought about it but here's where my thinking has led. They don't pay for your move and they don't have jumpseat agreements (correct me if I'm wrong). So I would either have to leave my family behind, or would have to pay for a move from Montana to the East Coast. They require an 18 month contract (again, correct me if I'm wrong), and I wouldn't get paid as much as when I worked with Airnet. Yes they do have some good paying routes, but the chances are slim that I would get one that paid as well as when I worked at Airnet (I got paid really well). Even with the good paycheck I got from Airnet my family and I still had to work hard on getting our monthly budget right. I'm not going to leave my family behind for 18 months because I can't afford to buy plane tickets all the time because they don't have jumpseat agreements. Since I would be taking my family with me, I couldn't get a cheap crashpad, and thus we would be struggling to make ends meet for the next 18 months, while I'm flying a single engine, getting paid less, doing the same thing I was doing with Airnet.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-FLX. The main problem is FLX isn't as family friendly as Airnet. Again, I'm not saying they aren't family friendly, just not near as much as Airnet.
I have thought about it but here's where my thinking has led. They don't pay for your move and they don't have jumpseat agreements (correct me if I'm wrong).

Correct. But they do give you a $1000 bonus at the end of training (like $780 after taxes). Paid for my move.

So I would either have to leave my family behind, or would have to pay for a move from Montana to the East Coast.

Might not be the east coast, in fact probably wouldn't be. Kansas City, Cincinnasty, St. Louis, Little Rock etc are all bases. When I was there Florida was in high demand, so if you didn't want to sind up there, there's a good chance you could avoid it.

They require an 18 month contract (again, correct me if I'm wrong),

Incorrect, unless something has changed. No contract, but if you leave before six months (I think it's six months), you pay them back the grand they give you at the end of training.

and I wouldn't get paid as much as when I worked with Airnet. Yes they do have some good paying routes, but the chances are slim that I would get one that paid as well as when I worked at Airnet (I got paid really well).

I really think you might be surprised. The pay systems are so different it's practically impossible to compare, but at the current pay rates, my W2s first year would have been high 30s. Yes, I was on a long run, but there are more long runs than short ones. Granted, you can't be sure you'll get a long run out of the gate, but the odds are decent, and you can certainly bid one as your seniority accrues.

Even with the good paycheck I got from Airnet my family and I still had to work hard on getting our monthly budget right. I'm not going to leave my family behind for 18 months because I can't afford to buy plane tickets all the time because they don't have jumpseat agreements. Since I would be taking my family with me, I couldn't get a cheap crashpad, and thus we would be struggling to make ends meet for the next 18 months, while I'm flying a single engine, getting paid less, doing the same thing I was doing with Airnet. Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-FLX. The main problem is FLX isn't as family friendly as Airnet. Again, I'm not saying they aren't family friendly, just not near as much as Airnet.

There's nothing wrong with saying FLX isn't family friendly, at least in the sense you mean it, which I read as "friendly towards those pilots with families unable or unwilling to move with them". If I had a wife and kids, I wouldn't take a job at FLX unless I knew they could come with me...it would be awful otherwise. That said, the pay is, I think, better that you might imagine, and the contract doesn't exist. Good luck whatever you decide.
Incorrect, unless something has changed. No contract, but if you leave before six months (I think it's six months), you pay them back the grand they give you at the end of training.

Thats good to hear!

I really think you might be surprised. The pay systems are so different it's practically impossible to compare, but at the current pay rates, my W2s first year would have been high 30s. Yes, I was on a long run, but there are more long runs than short ones. Granted, you can't be sure you'll get a long run out of the gate, but the odds are decent, and you can certainly bid one as your seniority accrues.

In all reality that's not bad for a cargo pilot. But with airnet my W2 this last year would have been (for the whole year had I not been furloughed) 48K. So even the high 30's is pretty low for me. Don't get me wrong either, in todays economy it looks like I'm gonna have to take what I can get, but there's no sense in taking a job, that I know I won't be able to support my family. My family comes first. I could give a rats ass about me. When I was single I lived in some interesting situations. With as much as I love to fly, if I have to throw their quality of life out the window, I might was well get into another line of work. I'm still waiting to see if it will come to that.....

There's nothing wrong with saying FLX isn't family friendly, at least in the sense you mean it, which I read as "friendly towards those pilots with families unable or unwilling to move with them".

My family, God love them, has been dragged all over the country in the last 3 years. From Montana to Florida, to Texas, to Ohio, back to Montana. It's not that they're unwilling. They have been very very very supportive of my career move, and have followed me everywhere. Honestly I don't know if I would have done the same for my wife!!LOL But the main point is I can't get a job, where we have to live in the ghetto, because I don't get paid much. In that respect I have been extremely lucky that I have gotten good paying jobs with great schedules. Even when I first started out. So, while FLX is a decent company, I have tried to think of every way I could make it work and still haven't come up with anything.

It is good to hear that they don't require a contract. If I could even work there for 6 months until something better came along that would be great. So I am going to definaly check into that. I would be willing to leave my family for 6 months. It would be a heck of a strech, but if it got me going again.....

Thanks a lot for all the info Boris!
I would like to point out that just because Flight Express has been a decent company to work for up to this point, does not mean it will stay that way. I think all bets are off when it comes to Bayside. With all the changes (almost all for the worse) that we have seen at AirNet, I have got to think that more changes will be coming to Flight Express also.
Correct. But they do give you a $1000 bonus at the end of training (like $780 after taxes). Paid for my move.

P.S. Not to beat a dead horse, or whatever the saying is. I just got a deal in the mail from Airnet not only 5 minutes ago and in light of our recent conversation, thought I would mention it. It is a form for my taxes that showed my moving expenses. From Montana to Ohio, my move cost me $2438.76. It costs a lot more when you move a family. I'm assuming you only moved yourself? But I will be shooting them my resume if they don't have that dreaded 18 month contract!
I would like to point out that just because Flight Express has been a decent company to work for up to this point, does not mean it will stay that way. I think all bets are off when it comes to Bayside. With all the changes (almost all for the worse) that we have seen at AirNet, I have got to think that more changes will be coming to Flight Express also.
:yeahthat: Thanks for bringing that up. I completly forgot to mention it, but that is also a big factor too. I've already seen the way Bayside has made us bend over and take it, I would hate to relive that nightmare again. There's just so many reason's why FLX doens't seem right for me, I forget a few things here and there. But after sitting on my rear for the last 4 months with no prospects in sight, it might be worth thinking about this possibility a little more.
I would like to point out that just because Flight Express has been a decent company to work for up to this point, does not mean it will stay that way. I think all bets are off when it comes to Bayside. With all the changes (almost all for the worse) that we have seen at AirNet, I have got to think that more changes will be coming to Flight Express also.

Fair point. As far as I've heard, so far Ernst is still pretty much running the show in Orlando, but I'm sure a current FLX guy will chime in if things get worse.