FLX taking USC routes??

Yeah, very close bulk-wise. CG is another 210 plus, though. If you can fit it in the door and tie it down, you're probably well within CG. The Baron's sole advantage for bankwork that I can see is speed. As to taking full fuel, it's obviously a luxury item, but it's nice to A) not have to worry about calculating how much fuel to add vs. alternate requirements and B) be able to hold more or less indefinitely.
I heard over fingers that Flight Express is taking over USC341, MKC-DSM-MKC, in a Baron. Wasn't it orginally a Baron flying that?
I heard over fingers that Flight Express is taking over USC341, MKC-DSM-MKC, in a Baron. Wasn't it orginally a Baron flying that?

I don't care if it was in a Baron or not. So far the reason I hear FLX is taking our routes is because the 210 is a lot more economical. With the way Airnet is struggling, I can at least undertand that. I don't like it, I don't agree with it, but I do understand it. They shouldn't be taking over any of our routes in their Barons, period!:mad:
[FONT=Arial,Bold]ROUTE# - USC341
FBO - Executive Beechcraft
A/C TYPE - Baron
FREQUENCY - Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu​

[FONT=Arial,Bold]ROUTE# - USC341
FBO - Executive Beechcraft
A/C TYPE - Baron
FREQUENCY - Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu​

Not to get in the middle of this, but if that is/was the late night sort in DSM, then it used to be flown by Central Air. Just fyi...

And I agree there is no way they should be swapping Baron for Baron!!!
Not to get in the middle of this, but if that is/was the late night sort in DSM, then it used to be flown by Central Air. Just fyi...

And I agree there is no way they should be swapping Baron for Baron!!!
Yeah, Central did have that route, but Airnet did take the route back (after all it was theirs, so I have no problem with it.) But I believe they are going to pay the FLX pilot less than the USC pilot to save money. Just what I heard on the radio this morning.
I can't speak for Starcheck, but the minimum daily pay at FLX is extremely unlikely. I worked maybe "a bit harder than most" and made about $35-36k my first year, and that was pre-raise. The duty day pay system makes direct comparisons difficult. Basically, you get paid a fixed amount for every hour on duty over 7.5, no matter what you're doing.

For example (real examples): A guy duties on around 7:30pm, is in the air around 8pm, flies to an airport about an hour away, lands, disgorges some checks, picks some checks up, flies back, unloads, duties off around say 10:15pm, and goes to his "real job". He makes $23.4k a year. Another guy duties on at 5:30 on the morning, flies three legs for about 2.5, lands at an outstation around 9:15am, goes to sleep on a recliner, eats, poops (banks), etc., takes off around 4pm, flies the same three legs in reverse, duties off around 7pm. He makes something like $42k/year. Basically the system rewards either working an insane amount, or working barely at all. It's the rare guy with an 8 hour duty day who winds up getting screwed.

I can smell this thread turning in to one of those nails-on-chalkboard "pilot a/pilot b" compensation/QOL/CareerExpectation bitchfest back-n-forths. Welcome to the regionals!

For what it's worth, I think it's extra crappy that they replaced a starcheck baron with an FLX baron, if true.

And, to raise an entirely different issue, can anyone come up with a defense for the total lack of transparency on this? Like, if Bayside's goal is to move all of the prop flying to the FLX side of the house (not saying it is), why not say so? They could win back some goodwill from everybody involved by just stating their intentions and have basically nothing to lose, as far as I can see.
I can't speak for Starcheck, but the minimum daily pay at FLX is extremely unlikely. I worked maybe "a bit harder than most" and made about $35-36k my first year, and that was pre-raise. The duty day pay system makes direct comparisons difficult. Basically, you get paid a fixed amount for every hour on duty over 7.5, no matter what you're doing.

For example (real examples): A guy duties on around 7:30pm, is in the air around 8pm, flies to an airport about an hour away, lands, disgorges some checks, picks some checks up, flies back, unloads, duties off around say 10:15pm, and goes to his "real job". He makes $23.4k a year. Another guy duties on at 5:30 on the morning, flies three legs for about 2.5, lands at an outstation around 9:15am, goes to sleep on a recliner, eats, poops (banks), etc., takes off around 4pm, flies the same three legs in reverse, duties off around 7pm. He makes something like $42k/year. Basically the system rewards either working an insane amount, or working barely at all. It's the rare guy with an 8 hour duty day who winds up getting screwed.

I can smell this thread turning in to one of those nails-on-chalkboard "pilot a/pilot b" compensation/QOL/CareerExpectation bitchfest back-n-forths. Welcome to the regionals!

For what it's worth, I think it's extra crappy that they replaced a starcheck baron with an FLX baron, if true.

And, to raise an entirely different issue, can anyone come up with a defense for the total lack of transparency on this? Like, if Bayside's goal is to move all of the prop flying to the FLX side of the house (not saying it is), why not say so? They could win back some goodwill from everybody involved by just stating their intentions and have basically nothing to lose, as far as I can see.
Not sure what you're frustrated about, mike. Minitour asked for a salary comparison, I contributed the part I know anything about. Then I said "I think this sucks", which I do.

I don't work for either company. I hope no one is seeing this as a fight, but if it is, I don't have a dog in it, unless you count the faint hope that everyone comes out unscathed.
can anyone come up with a defense for the total lack of transparency on this? Like, if Bayside's goal is to move all of the prop flying to the FLX side of the house (not saying it is), why not say so? They could win back some goodwill from everybody involved by just stating their intentions and have basically nothing to lose, as far as I can see.

It seems that when they do communicate with us, you can't trust what they say anyways.
When Bayside first bought out Airnet, we were all told things like:
"Nothing's gonna change"
"This will give us more money to operate on"
"This is a good thing"
Then a couple months later, FURLOUGH!

Then when they bought out FLX we were told things like:
"Nothing's gonna change"
"This is a good thing"
"This opens up more doors for us"
"This will give us greater flexibility"
Then a couple months later, the rumors started that Airnet is loosing runs to Flight Express.

Anyone see a pattern here?
Just curious....
Flight Express posted a job ad a couple days before Jan 16, for a Jan 16 class date. The ad had an appology in it for such short notice.
Now they just posted an ad for a Feb. 2 class date. The ad said, "Sorry again for the short notice but that is just how it worked out."

Does anyone have any theorys as to why they keep posting jobs with "such short notice"?
Just curious....
Flight Express posted a job ad a couple days before Jan 16, for a Jan 16 class date. The ad had an appology in it for such short notice.
Now they just posted an ad for a Feb. 2 class date. The ad said, "Sorry again for the short notice but that is just how it worked out."

Does anyone have any theorys as to why they keep posting jobs with "such short notice"?

According to Orlando, FLX picked up about 7 runs from Airnet. 4 out of Birmingham, and at least the Baron out of MKC. Yes, FLX did swap baron for baron. I don't know why, in fact it was supposed to happen before the new year is what I hear but because they couldn't train a pilot fast enough is why Airnet was flying the run. No it sucks six ways to Sunday, but that is what Bayside is doing.

The reason for the short notices is because they need to train pilots so that they can take the runs. It all depends on what the customers want on the run I guess.

As far as min pay is $90/day at FLX (anything under 7.5 hrs like Boris said) work it out for yourself. (If the run is 4 days a week thats $360 per week and about $1440 per month and about $17,700 per year. My guess is though they cannot pay anything under $23,800 but I do not know for sure.

I don't like it anymore than anybody else.
Not sure what you're frustrated about, mike. Minitour asked for a salary comparison, I contributed the part I know anything about. Then I said "I think this sucks", which I do.

I don't work for either company. I hope no one is seeing this as a fight, but if it is, I don't have a dog in it, unless you count the faint hope that everyone comes out unscathed.
I didn't mean to quote your post.
Just frustrated at the situation.
Dcramer, the often total lack of communication or simply wrong information comes from the fact that the people pulling the strings at the top couldn't care less about you/me at the bottom. You're now viewed as an integer on a Brickell Avenue balance sheet instead of an Team Member. This is a different place now, and I would seriously proceed with caution when recalled. FLX guys-when Bayside finds your cheaper step brother, the same thing will happen to you.

End rant.
P.S., sorry to piss 'n vinegar all over these frieght forums. forgive me. I'd love to be proven wrong.
Dcramer, the often total lack of communication or simply wrong information comes from the fact that the people pulling the strings at the top couldn't care less about you/me at the bottom. You're now viewed as an integer on a Brickell Avenue balance sheet instead of an Team Member. This is a different place now, and I would seriously proceed with caution when recalled. FLX guys-when Bayside finds your cheaper step brother, the same thing will happen to you.

End rant.
P.S., sorry to piss 'n vinegar all over these frieght forums. forgive me. I'd love to be proven wrong.

I appreciate your honesty and bluntness. I feel about the same way you do.

As far as getting recalled, I doubt that will happen if our runs are going away. As I stated earlier, I put no blame on FLX pilots, they have bills to pay too. Besides, as I furloughed pilot I have much more time to work on my hobbies, so no hard feelings FLX pilots.:)

Dans Titanic Finally Finished!.jpg
I wish I could take a picture of the FLX plane/tail number with an airnet flight number posted next to it. That always makes you feel awesome.

Correction...two FLX tails with USC flights.

I really thought Airnet was a good place to work when I was there. Really sorry to see what it has become and more importantly, the effect it has had on its pilots. Wishin' you guys the very best.