FLX taking USC routes??


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing rumors that FLX is taking some of the Airnet routes. Is this true?? Of course if it is not much I can do about it, but still would be nice to know if it's true or not. It wouldn't surprise me.

How are the Airnet furloughies doing? I'm still looking for a job, but I hope you others are having better luck than me! I haven't seen a bid sheet since mid-december. Is it because a lot of our runs are going to FLX??
I have heard the same thing- FLX is just starting a class and according to climbto350.com they need 5 pilots. I think they are giving some of the Airnet Baron routes to FLX C210s because it hauls more payload and burns half the fuel and you only lose 20-25 knots. I talked to a girl at the front desk at GNV today and she said that the Airnet run that usually goes in there is being taken over by FLX.
I have heard the same thing- FLX is just starting a class and according to climbto350.com they need 5 pilots. I think they are giving some of the Airnet Baron routes to FLX C210s because it hauls more payload and burns half the fuel and you only lose 20-25 knots. I talked to a girl at the front desk at GNV today and she said that the Airnet run that usually goes in there is being taken over by FLX.

That's too bad. I remember when I first got furloughed I had a interview offer that I'm sure would have turned into a job offer. I turned it down because I didn't want to take the pay cut and downgrade to a single engine. I almost wish I had. Maybe I could have still flown some Airnet routes...:sarcasm:

...that's all I'm going to say.


Well I have to say I can't really blame FLX pilots. It's not like I expect them to picket or anything.

And with the money that's being saved by having a more fuel efficient plane fly our runs, I guess that makes sense too. It just sucks, because I am waiting, waiting, and waiting. No bid sheets are coming out, and from what I hear it's partly because of FLX is taking over Airnet runs. Maybe I'll just have to suck it up and go work for Gojets:sarcasm:
If you're on the bottom of the furlough list, why would you want to come back? I'm not being negative or trying to stir the pot whatsoever-honest question.
If you're on the bottom of the furlough list, why would you want to come back? I'm not being negative or trying to stir the pot whatsoever-honest question.

I'm not at the bottom. I'm currently #9 from the top, and not sure how many are below me. As far as coming back, I really enjoyed my time with Airnet, and I enjoyed working with the pilots even more than that! It's sad to see what Bayside is doing to the company, and more and more it's changing from what it was, but it's still a great company (for now). So it doesn't quite measure up to what it once was through my rose colored glasses, but it's still a darn fine company in my book.
I've got a feeling it's going to be a lo-o-o-o-o-o-ong time before we start seeing massive quantities of recalls.

I've got a feeling it's a good thing I didn't go to class as a prop SIC back in July...
Above it said a 210 can haul more than a baron...????? Is that true? Being one of the guys towards the bottom of the list, I was lucky being from philly, getting a cake philly run so I had to jump on it since it had a 5th day. Im interested to see if they start throwing 210s up here (northeast) in the winter time... than I will have the "joy" of being furloughed for the 2nd time by a company that "never furloughed a pilot (cw)"

Hey Shenanigans since you currently occupy a recliner position you're probably insulated from the 210's. For the moment all it means is you'll have to do less work.
Yes full fuel payload on a C210 is at least 200 pounds more than on a Baron. On shorter routes where the 5 minutes time savings doesnt matter, the C210 is definitely more economical.
And only half the trouble of getting that thing started than flying a Baron!

Well, but they've got you when it comes to engine out missed approaches though.
Yes full fuel payload on a C210 is at least 200 pounds more than on a Baron. On shorter routes where the 5 minutes time savings doesnt matter, the C210 is definitely more economical.
Who flys with full fuel?
Also bulk wise how does it compare? Most of this stuff is big bulk and relatively small weight.
Who flys with full fuel?
Also bulk wise how does it compare? Most of this stuff is big bulk and relatively small weight.

Bulk wise I'd say the 210 is just a tiny bit bigger. It may have a few inches on the width and length. Maybe. But no less.