FFDO Budget Cut

Wait a minute... He's (if he is directly involved) cutting a government program. How the hell is that trying to grow government?

Because the FFDO is not functionally a government program. Private citizens do all the dirty work. But once he eliminates the FFDO's, what do you bet he will call for an expansion of the TSA or Air Marshall program>
So, is it agreed that cutting funding to this is a bad idea? The TSA is consistently screwing things up! Why not keep or increase the funding, heck lets get more pilots on board!
Also, dough, vitamin c and chicken noodle. Does someone have a cold?! I lol'd though...

Wish more attention was on this. We are going to get pushed under the rug, not sure the logic on this, we will spend 100X more on other things that don't help or cause these problems but our little drop in the bucket to have this program is being cut. Makes me even more pissed, leave it to DR NO, and Dr cut spending to fix the budget to support this PROGRAM, that cost MONEY, that says a ton to me.
Do you always exaggerate, hyperbole and read into everyone's statements things that are just not there???

Do you actually have an opinion or any thoughts on the FFDO program and it's value and importance? Any thoughts or ideas about the cutting of it's budget by more than 50%?

Or did you just pop in to defend the President and his Administration and slam my ass? I did not have a little melt down nor a rant here at all, but it seems that you have. Wow, you seem to be having a really bad day or something. I was completely civil. Too bad, the same cannot be said for your reactions and statements. Seriously, take a step back and look at what I posted and your (over) reactions. The only "raging" I have seen in this entire thread thus far, is coming directly from you.

I'm basically an internet keyboard ninja, here only to torment you and chase you around the forum.