FedEx closing CGN, LAX, and ANC MD11. New system bid for all of the changes.

I'm not entirely sure, but I think you completely missed my point.

I was just trying to point out that SWitching or SWApping or UNifying or posing All American, or going for the Delta... it's often the whines of a bunch of coddled cry babies who seem to have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER just how good they've got it relative to, you know, people who actually have to do real, civilization-sustaining, socially productive, hard work for a living.

Coddled cry babies only switch jobs. Got it.
Coddled cry babies only switch jobs. Got it.
Nope. Still not really getting what I was trying to say. I'll own my lack of communication as MY problem, not yours.

It's not about switching jobs; It's about opportunism, basic fairness, and, more or less the equivalent of war-time price gouging.

It's about taking advantage of a situation in order to enrich oneself instead of thinking about, trying to understand, and trying to solve the deeper systemic problems that created the bleeding wound in the first place.

What if, instead of paying old guys even more money to press buttons and sit in a seat for a living, we put that money into training new pilots to actually be good sticks and accomplished airmen???

We can't eat our young and hope to have a sustainable future.

Nobody can run away from a pandemic.

We should stop selling high-priced band aids as a remedy for cancer.
I'm not entirely sure, but I think you completely missed my point.

I was just trying to point out that SWitching or SWApping or UNifying or posing All American, or going for the Delta... it's often the whines of a bunch of coddled cry babies who seem to have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER just how good they've got it relative to, you know, people who actually have to do real, civilization-sustaining, socially productive, hard work for a living.


It depends.

There are people that jump from dance partner to dance partner, but there are also those that understand that it's now or never.

IFFFFFF you're realitively new:

Like if you work for American but your home is in Detroit, I'd take a hard look at Delta.

If you're burned out on 737's at Alaska AND you're bound to Dallas, I'd take a hard look at American.

If you live in a small village near Alert Bay, BC and the phrase "If it's not free, it's McDonalds" and love Olive Garden, I'd look at Atlas.
Nope. Still not really getting what I was trying to say. I'll own my lack of communication as MY problem, not yours.

It's not about switching jobs; It's about opportunism, basic fairness, and, more or less the equivalent of war-time price gouging.

It's about taking advantage of a situation in order to enrich oneself instead of thinking about, trying to understand, and trying to solve the deeper systemic problems that created the bleeding wound in the first place.

What if, instead of paying old guys even more money to press buttons and sit in a seat for a living, we put that money into training new pilots to actually be good sticks and accomplished airmen???

We can't eat our young and hope to have a sustainable future.

Nobody can run away from a pandemic.

We should stop selling high-priced band aids as a remedy for cancer.

Imagine a world where we're actually doing both.

United has Aviate
Delta's got Propel (or something like that)
Southwest started a program...

It depends.

There are people that jump from dance partner to dance partner, but there are also those that understand that it's now or never.

IFFFFFF you're realitively new:

Like if you work for American but your home is in Detroit, I'd take a hard look at Delta.

If you're burned out on 737's at Alaska AND you're bound to Dallas, I'd take a hard look at American.

If you live in a small village near Alert Bay, BC and the phrase "If it's not free, it's McDonalds" and love Olive Garden, I'd look at Atlas.
All valid points, but still not really my point.

I'm saying that if you're making hundreds of thousands of dollars to push buttons, and you actually think you are doing hard work that is paid relative to its value to civilization, you should, at the very least just shut the hell up and pray to god that you never have to go swap sewer pipes or teach school for a living.
a. I'm not religious so praying to a god would be... odd. Not sure what I'd say to a diety if I had a direct line, but it certainly wouldn't be something vacant about work. More like "double rainbow, what does it mean?!" or "Bruh, how many other civilizations are out there?" or "If you're all powerful, explain cancer" and such.

b. I'm a capitalist and I like money. More is better. Especially when "more money, more time off" can be satisfied. If it's better elsewhere, it's something to consider.

c. I'm not going to apologize for or feign gratefulness for my income level, I earned and protected every last cent of it.
AND we're hiring! COME GEET SOME, I can help! :)

d. I love ordered lists
a. I'm not religious so praying to a god would be... odd. Not sure what I'd say to a diety if I had a direct line, but it certainly wouldn't be something vacant about work. More like "double rainbow, what does it mean?!" or "Bruh, how many other civilizations are out there?" or "If you're all powerful, explain cancer" and such.

b. I'm a capitalist and I like money. More is better. Especially when "more money, more time off" can be satisfied. If it's better elsewhere, it's something to consider.

c. I'm not going to apologize for or feign gratefulness for my income level, I earned and protected every last cent of it.
AND we're hiring! COME GEET SOME, I can help! :)

d. I love ordered lists
And, in a different level of particular (corporately-created*) scarcity, you'd still just be pressing buttons for a living, but you'd be paid a whole lot less and nobody with a pulse and a provisional ATP would EVER get a call back.

* Nope, those corporations did not create that scarcity with intention... They created due to precisely the motivation you are advocating. Pure, blinding, unmitigated, short-term greed. They made their bed. Now they have to sleep in it, and you and your overpaid bretheren get to think that's why you're all having hot sex.
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And in a different level of scarcity, you'd still just be pressing buttons for a living, but you'd be paid a whole lot less and nobody with a pulse and a provisional ATP would EVER get a call back.

I literally, and I'm using the word literally correctly, don't know what you're trying to communicate.

So you think we should take pay cuts to drive funding to creating pilots? Am I close? Help me understand.
I literally, and I'm using the word literally correctly, don't know what you're trying to communicate.

So you think we should take pay cuts to drive funding to creating pilots? Am I close? Help me understand.
Well, no, not "take pay cuts". Just not take more now when the future needs it. But only if you give a rat's ass about the sustainability and future of "our" "profession".

We are currently in a corporately-created scarcity period, and yet, everybody playing the tables right now seems just giddy with their current bit-pay winnings.

I don't know you, but I truly do not think you are a Capitalist. I think you are an employee. Perhaps an overpaid employee, but an employee just the same. Unless there is something I am grossly missing, you and I are LABOR; We're not CAPITAL.
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All valid points, but still not really my point.

I'm saying that if you're making hundreds of thousands of dollars to push buttons, and you actually think you are doing hard work that is paid relative to its value to civilization, you should, at the very least just shut the hell up and pray to god that you never have to go swap sewer pipes or teach school for a living.
People/companies are willing to pay for the safety and peace of mind that competent people are maintaining and piloting the planes they are on/own.

I've done the others jobs you referenced and it's easy to see why I'm paid more now based on the experience and training required as well as the continued dedication to professionalism and improvement required to fly for the airlines.
Well, no, not "take pay cuts". Just not take more now when the future needs it. But only if you give a rat's ass about the sustainability and future of "our" "profession".

We are currently in a corporately-created scarcity period, and yet, everybody playing the tables right now seems just giddy with their current bit-pay winnings.

I don't know you, but I truly do not think you are a Capitalist. I think you are an employee. Perhaps an overpaid employee, but an employee just the same. Unless there is something I am grossly missing, you and I are LABOR; We're not CAPITAL.

You’ve picked the wrong shop for anarchy, brother.
People/companies are willing to pay for the safety and peace of mind that competent people are maintaining and piloting the planes they are on/own.

I've done the others jobs you referenced and it's easy to see why I'm paid more now based on the experience and training required as well as the continued dedication to professionalism and improvement required to fly for the airlines.
Look. Objectively -albeit, in a subjectively derived fashion- even the the mainline airlines are not all that safe these days. Just a little while back I heard a mainline (passing through FL195) ask ATC to climb back to FL240 so they could "reestablish the FMS on the STAR" to make a 16000FT crossing fix up ahead of them. Huh?!? That ask of theirs says much, much more about their competence than just their competence with how an FMS works. That's a basic loss of consciousness and perception of reality right there. You gonna tell me that kinda thing ain't gonna lead to smoking holes? I would respectfully disagree. I've got a few choice words for that company's training department and whoever signed off that crew's last line check. WTF, Over??
That "linear and understandable" step can be difficult for some.

I'm willing to listen to almost anything, but I'll make less money BUT not take a payout, still get to "push buttons" and something happens with the next generation of pilots?

Besides, I'm not paid to push buttons, I'm paid to make decisions and make a gourmet meal out of an operationally sh— sandwich when things go really bad.
Look. Objectively -albeit, in a subjectively derived fashion- even the the mainline airlines are not all that safe these days. Just a little while back I heard a mainline (passing through FL195) ask ATC to climb back to FL240 so they could "reestablish the FMS on the STAR" to make a 16000FT crossing fix up ahead of them. Huh?!? That ask of theirs says much, much more about their competence than just their competence with how an FMS works. That's a basic loss of consciousness and perception of reality right there. You gonna tell me that kinda thing ain't gonna lead to smoking holes? I would respectfully disagree. I've got a few choice words for that company's training department and whoever signed off that crew's last line check. WTF, Over??

> Live_ATC _Archives ENTERS THE CHAT!

When, where, let's mete this out! :)
You’ve picked the wrong shop for anarchy, brother.
That ain't anarchy, brother. Just the opposite. That's just a basic care for the future instead of a craven self-focus on just one's ownself. Like some of y'all's baby Jesus said...
That ain't anarchy. That's just a basic care for the future instead of a self-focus on just one's ownself. Like some of y'all's baby Jesus said...

However, airlines spend millions of dollars on outreach, have crafted pathways to create new generations of pilots… Hell my own has a pathway that can get you into the seat of a mainline jet from soup to nuts in a handful of years starting from zero AND managed to agree to raises and benefits increases for the pilots.

Share with us where they could do more?
Reading @form810 posts is like when I've attempted to watch that cartoon with the milk shake talking to the hamburger. It really doesn't make any sense to me but I wonder if I was high it'd have more clarity.

And in walks the bald rotund guy named Carl who orders "twelve hot wings hot and 'nachuss' grand-A"

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