FedEx closing CGN, LAX, and ANC MD11. New system bid for all of the changes.

Yeah. A healthy dose of perspective is needed for sure. For all of us. You yourself stated earlier that you might get displaced before getting off high mins meaning you've flown that little in what 8 months!?

Yep. Although two months of that I was out for a lower back issue. But still, that’s a good point and that’s with me having a secondary line almost every month so it’s not like I’ve just been rotting away on reserve.

I admit I got caught up in the doom and gloom a bit too much, and am feeling quite a bit better about everything.
I admit I got caught up in the doom and gloom a bit too much, and am feeling quite a bit better about everything.
It's easy to do. There's certainly a lot of it going around on the internet these days.

However, I have faith in this NC. This is just a small bump in the road. I'm not worried. I gave up a lot of seniority to come here and I don't regret it one bit.

Will I be sad to leave the MD? Of course. Is is the best choice? Absolutely.
Being a senior WB F/O isn't so bad. There were times I regretted upgrading early on when I couldn't get the sweet lines anymore and even towards the end I would have considered downgrading rather than retiring to get a decent schedule. It was never about the money for me and I was REALLY picky about schedules and QOL. Sadly, towards the end there was just nothing I could live with so I got out at 60. Pension made that possible otherwise I'm sure I'd still be slogging away doing Rockford Hot Standby duty.
It's easy to do. There's certainly a lot of it going around on the internet these days.

However, I have faith in this NC. This is just a small bump in the road. I'm not worried. I gave up a lot of seniority to come here and I don't regret it one bit.

Will I be sad to leave the MD? Of course. Is is the best choice? Absolutely.
Just curious…. What was your DOH? I’m 6/18.
Much of FedEx's new vision is for packages to ride on those third party carriers. It's a shame, reliability and on time performance will suffer, and our pilot group will shrink. That should please no one, except for wall-street (initially). We are far from the best compensated but us and our brown brothers represent the last of the guys with ties that have a pension.
It’s really sad that we are headed in the direction that the “smart people” want us to go with… but I understand why we are buying back stock…. I just hope they were able to buy enough back to prevent worse things from happening.
It’s really sad that we are headed in the direction that the “smart people” want us to go with… but I understand why we are buying back stock…. I just hope they were able to buy enough back to prevent worse things from happening.
I'm not smart enough to understand that stuff. I just stay off the toxic groups filled with"experts" and hold signs while wearing my blazer when I'm asked and cherish every moment I have left with the best plane ive ever flown. The rest is for someone else to figure out
Much of FedEx's new vision is for packages to ride on those third party carriers. It's a shame, reliability and on time performance will suffer, and our pilot group will shrink. That should please no one, except for wall-street (initially). We are far from the best compensated but us and our brown brothers represent the last of the guys with ties that have a pension.
The more I've thought about this, the more it dismantles what "Federal Express" is supposed to be and at that point, what is the difference between shipping with FedEx or going with the lowest bidder? "We'll get it there, somehow, with the help of whoever we hire to do it, inshallah" isn't why FedEx started filling DC-10s. I know a lot goes into these decisions, so I really, really wonder how companies come to conclusions like this. At least on name alone, FedEx and UPS have the ultimate branding in much of the world for decades to come at the very least. That is some brand security that most companies do not have.

Being a senior WB F/O isn't so bad. There were times I regretted upgrading early on when I couldn't get the sweet lines anymore and even towards the end I would have considered downgrading rather than retiring to get a decent schedule. It was never about the money for me and I was REALLY picky about schedules and QOL. Sadly, towards the end there was just nothing I could live with so I got out at 60. Pension made that possible otherwise I'm sure I'd still be slogging away doing Rockford Hot Standby duty.
One of the more interesting takeaways from my gate agent days and all the hours spent with bored pilots hanging out at the gate was very senior FOs at the legacy airlines who said they did it for QOL were some of the happiest guys I ever met. Many of them were commuters on RJs or Brasilias, but every time I'd see them, they'd just be saying "Life's great man, get to touch a jet every 20-something days". If you can get that as a CA, obviously that's way better, but QOL and not pay for sure seemed to be the driving force behind the guys who loved the job in their 50s and 60s and the guys who hated life.

I remember a few long-term FOs I talked to independently let out jokes about how they'll never get the water cannon salute but they'd "survive", and that made me think that at some level, a lot of those guys may wish they were in the left seat even if they don't admit it.
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The more I've thought about this, the more it dismantles what "Federal Express" is supposed to be and at that point, what is the difference between shipping with FedEx or going with the lowest bidder? "We'll get it there, somehow, with the help of whoever we hire to do it, inshallah" isn't why FedEx started filling DC-10s. I know a lot goes into these decisions, so I really, really wonder how companies come to conclusions like this. At least on name alone, FedEx and UPS have the ultimate branding in much of the world for decades to come at the very least. That is some brand security that most companies do not have.

One of the more interesting takeaways from my gate agent days and all the hours spent with bored pilots hanging out at the gate was very senior FOs at the legacy airlines who said they did it for QOL were some of the happiest guys I ever met. Many of them were commuters on RJs or Brasilias, but every time I'd see them, they'd just be saying "Life's great man, get to touch a jet every 20-something days". If you can get that as a CA, obviously that's way better, but QOL and not pay for sure seemed to be the driving force behind the guys who loved the job in their 50s and 60s and the guys who hated life.

I remember a few long-term FOs I talked to independently let out jokes about how they'll never get the water cannon salute but they'd "survive", and that made me think that at some level, a lot of those guys may wish they were in the left seat even if they don't admit it.

That's self justification to make one feel not bad for the card that's been dealt to them through the seniority system, timing, and the economy. Don't let them fool you. This isn't a mashallah moment.
That's self justification to make one feel not bad for the card that's been dealt to them through the seniority system, timing, and the economy. Don't let them fool you. This isn't a mashallah moment.
Card that’s been dealt? Any senior FO pretty much anywhere now can be in a left seat at their given company. That’s their choosing, big difference.
I'm sorry, but I don't see how bailing on 5 years at FDX to start over at UA makes any sense. Maybe I'm too much of a qol guy but widebody FO at $200/hr sitting 50+% with a good schedule is not the end of the world even if its stagnant for 5 years. Go have some beers with buddies that actually work for a living and get a reality check.
I'm sorry, but I don't see how bailing on 5 years at FDX to start over at UA makes any sense. Maybe I'm too much of a qol guy but widebody FO at $200/hr sitting 50+% with a good schedule is not the end of the world even if its stagnant for 5 years. Go have some beers with buddies that actually work for a living and get a reality check.
Damned straight! :rolleyes:

Convo at the bar:

"What a messed up day! Had to move a 30 ton chunk of concrete out of the street to place the new conduit," says the construction worker.

Farmer quips, "Yeah, I threw 3 tons of hay today... one bale at a time."

Teacher adds, "30 rambunctious kindergartners! Had to keep them engaged all day. Bobby threw up after lunch. Johnny fell off the monkey bars and skinned his knee real bad. Mary was a basket case 'cause her parents are getting divorced. I love these kids, but what a handful!"

Pilot laments, "I know! Damn! I had to push buttons for 10 seconds! Then I had to sit on my ass for 4 hours! THEN, I had to push some more buttons!"
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Damned straight! :rolleyes:

Convo at the bar:

"What a messed up day! Had to move a 30 ton chunk of concrete out of the street to place the new conduit," says the construction worker.

Farmer quips, "Yeah, I threw 3 tons of hay today... one bale at a time."

Teacher adds, "30 rambunctious kindergartners! Had to keep them engaged all day. Bobby threw up after lunch. Johnny fell off the monkey bars and skinned his knee real bad. Mary was a basket case 'cause her parents are getting divorced. I love these kids, but what a handful!"

Pilot laments, "I know! Damn! I had to push buttons for 10 seconds! Then I had to sit on my ass for 4 hours! THEN, I had to push some more buttons!"

They’re all welcome to apply to flight school. At this rate, they’ll be nice and senior in record time.

I find it rather ironic that people are jumping all over the crazy idea of leaving FedEx after XYZ when there’s literally a guy posting in this thread that left a major airline job after more than what, 5/6 years? There’s an FO in my base (the one in Europe, closing) that left SWA after 13 years and was a DEN based, DEN living, captain. He tells people, and they’re like “oh, nice. Where we headed to dinner?”

Point is, all of these people have their reasons. My SWA buddy here couldn’t stomach 20 more years of SWA style flying. Most are, but some of us simply choose not to be slave’s of our seniority.

Would you rather be comfortable or happy? And if you choose happy, it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else.
Damned straight! :rolleyes:

Convo at the bar:

"What a messed up day! Had to move a 30 ton chunk of concrete out of the street to place the new conduit," says the construction worker.

Farmer quips, "Yeah, I threw 3 tons of hay today... one bale at a time."

Teacher adds, "30 rambunctious kindergartners! Had to keep them engaged all day. Bobby threw up after lunch. Johnny fell off the monkey bars and skinned his knee real bad. Mary was a basket case 'cause her parents are getting divorced. I love these kids, but what a handful!"

Pilot laments, "I know! Damn! I had to push buttons for 10 seconds! Then I had to sit on my ass for 4 hours! THEN, I had to push some more buttons!"

Well, just like I tell coworkers that lament what pilots make: "Well, we're hiring! If I could make this amount of money playing video games all day and that company was hiring, I wouldn't complain about it, I'd apply"
They’re all welcome to apply to flight school. At this rate, they’ll be nice and senior in record time.

I find it rather ironic that people are jumping all over the crazy idea of leaving FedEx after XYZ when there’s literally a guy posting in this thread that left a major airline job after more than what, 5/6 years? There’s an FO in my base (the one in Europe, closing) that left SWA after 13 years and was a DEN based, DEN living, captain. He tells people, and they’re like “oh, nice. Where we headed to dinner?”

Point is, all of these people have their reasons. My SWA buddy here couldn’t stomach 20 more years of SWA style flying. Most are, but some of us simply choose not to be slave’s of our seniority.

Would you rather be comfortable or happy? And if you choose happy, it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else.

Thing is, it was stated that 757 CA MEM wasn't in the cards due to how bad the flying is, he's got options even if the company shrinks, which is a great place to be. If UA is the answer, then I spose, I was gonna jump to UA a month ago, then I realized I was being stupid, so I stayed where I'm at.

Well, just like I tell coworkers that lament what pilots make: "Well, we're hiring! If I could make this amount of money playing video games all day and that company was hiring, I wouldn't complain about it, I'd apply"

I'm very much not lamenting the cash, I'm celebrating it so much so that I'm budgeting to be done by age 50... 15 years from now when coincadentally I think we'll be on the cusp of being a pilot not really being a job anymore. Tryin' to get while the gettin' is good.
Damned straight! :rolleyes:

Convo at the bar:

"What a messed up day! Had to move a 30 ton chunk of concrete out of the street to place the new conduit," says the construction worker.

Farmer quips, "Yeah, I threw 3 tons of hay today... one bale at a time."

Teacher adds, "30 rambunctious kindergartners! Had to keep them engaged all day. Bobby threw up after lunch. Johnny fell off the monkey bars and skinned his knee real bad. Mary was a basket case 'cause her parents are getting divorced. I love these kids, but what a handful!"

Pilot laments, "I know! Damn! I had to push buttons for 10 seconds! Then I had to sit on my ass for 4 hours! THEN, I had to push some more buttons!"

Unless the Pilot is a regional pilot:

Sampling of the regional pilot archives: Today I went to work and the printer wouldn't print out the release and ops hadn't had a printer since the merger with DAL. The gate agent was working 5 other flights on that gate and the FO had a commute to catch so I had him go out to the airplane and get us ready. I knew an Aramark rampie that went to the JetStream side of the ramp, which is really American, and he would let me go in and use his printer. Thankfully I was in a hub, so I had a SIDA badge and there's no rules preventing me from going over there so there's no problem. The golfcart guy (catering cart) was nice enough to give me a lift to the other ramp, and she had no F's to give so while she went to smoke and wait for me I got on a backdoor program for NWA that allows the airlink guys to print from any printer if we have to. While I was there I printed off everyone's flights because they had a laser jet. My buddy at jetstream stole a few cokes from the cart as payment and I told him I owed him a six pack too, but in a few minutes I was back on my way to the other side of the ramp. When I came back the plane was loaded and the rampies weren't doing anything so I handed off the other 5 flights of paperwork to him and stepped on the plane with the stairs. The passengers all looked at me in that "I hate your airplane, I hate props, I can't believe this thing has props, am I gonna die? I've never been this close to a fat regional pilot with stains on his shirt, you look like the anti-pilot from a comedy sketch- wait... did you even shave today? There's no way this is safe." I told the pax "Hey folks had a paperwork issue but we'll be ready to go in about 5 minutes." As I jump in the cockpit I realize the MX can is gone and hop back out the airplane, flag the MX guy, and he runs over with my can. We realize about the same time, wrong can, he runs back over, realizes he hasn't finished and gives me the "one second" gesture with his finger. God I'll be so happy to be done with this 4 day. I've got 2 glorious days off then I'm back at it with a Columbia overnight and the bartender has been letting us behind the bar to mix our own drinks so that should be fun. Plus I think she thinks I'm a mainline pilot so maybe the flirting is for real and not just for the tips. The FA gives me a "WTF REALLY?" look and I giggle and give her the "Right?" shrug of my shoulders. MX brings me the can and I run up the stairs and hop in my seat. I haven't got the headset on yet when the stairs have been folded and I feel them rack into place in that little stair cubby we have, and the door makes that laborious "Weeeeeee" sound as it closes WAY too hard and handle slams into place. The FA must be back at work tomorrow and needs to get laundry done. Oh well, at least she lives in base like me, this poor sucker on my right still has to get home to colorado springs and he's already planning to bag out for his next four day to spend some time with his wife and kids. I drop the hammer on the brake to get the clock started and say, like I've said for 4 days, "Ok we are getting paid, all is well." The FO looks at the clock and says, "Wow, minute early after all that garbage! I pulled the TAMDAR CB in anticipation we'd have to make up our times." I reply "Eh, just slap that back in so we don't forget, the little bastard will still send the right time, it's powered off the batt bus if you can believe that." the FO laughs, "Yeah but if you don't put it in and do a complete shutdown it won't remember *click* but that's for another time, Breaker is in." We run through all the checklists off memory he never even picks up the paper, we're starting engines partway through the Preflight check and nailing down the taxi check as they yank the chocks. The good news, that was the only hiccup on the last day, when I got back I wrote up 3 things that broke on the way back but all the resets worked so they are info only. I can't wait to get drunk and naked with my girlfriend. Right before Tower calls us the FO says, "Bet you can't fly all the way to greenville and back with no auto!" I laugh and tell him "whatever non-fly, just get ready to tune talk and twist, I still got a little caffeine in me!" As tower switches us to departure the FO says, "Hey man, I appreciate you trying to get me back in time for the commute. I'm gonna run once they chock us. I wanted to make sure I said that before I punch out. This was a lot of fun man, I'll catch you for cards in the crew room next month between banks."

Mainline FO excerpts: Work was work, 24 hours in St. Lucia with an annoying captain but not that annoying. Gonna go look at trucks again, my 2018 is paid off with my bonus check and I'm trying to figure out if I can get that new 2020 Ford Hybrid AND the C8. I have no idea how to weld but I should learn. I've got 7 days off but that's ----ed up. I have to work 11 out of 30 days this month if you can believe it, instead of 10. These jackasses running the company are trying to kill me with all this work. I swear if they start screwing around with my schedule I'm gonna go back full guard to punish them until I get my captain seat. This job is so boring, I do nothing and it's nothing like flying fighters. Oh that reminds me, some young punk in the van completely fell asleep while I was telling war stories, can you believe it? Probably some ex-regional puke doesn't know how good he has it and shouldn't even be here
Well, just like I tell coworkers that lament what pilots make: "Well, we're hiring! If I could make this amount of money playing video games all day and that company was hiring, I wouldn't complain about it, I'd apply"

Talk about hazardous attitudes.

Actions not aligned with philosophies have no foundation.

They are are opportunistic. They are self-centered. They are unconsidered. They are dangerous.
They’re all welcome to apply to flight school. At this rate, they’ll be nice and senior in record time.

I find it rather ironic that people are jumping all over the crazy idea of leaving FedEx after XYZ when there’s literally a guy posting in this thread that left a major airline job after more than what, 5/6 years? There’s an FO in my base (the one in Europe, closing) that left SWA after 13 years and was a DEN based, DEN living, captain. He tells people, and they’re like “oh, nice. Where we headed to dinner?”

Point is, all of these people have their reasons. My SWA buddy here couldn’t stomach 20 more years of SWA style flying. Most are, but some of us simply choose not to be slave’s of our seniority.

Would you rather be comfortable or happy? And if you choose happy, it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else.
I'm not entirely sure, but I think you completely missed my point.

I was just trying to point out that SWitching or SWApping or UNifying or posing All American, or going for the Delta... it's often the whines of a bunch of coddled cry babies who seem to have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER just how good they've got it relative to, you know, people who actually have to do real, civilization-sustaining, socially productive, hard work for a living.

I'm not entirely sure, but I think you completely missed my point.

I was just trying to point out that SWitching or SWApping or UNifying or posing All American, or going for the Delta... it's often the whines of a bunch of coddled cry babies who seem to have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER just how good they've got it relative to, you know, people who actually have to do real, civilization-sustaining, socially productive, hard work for a living.

You completely missed his.