Failed MMPI at PEPC?

I did the re-evaluation. It included 1 hour of sitting on the couch talking to a psychologist. He asked me questions from a sheet that the FAA gave him. These questions included everything and anything, including going back to all the places I have lived, what grades I received in grammar, middle, high school, and college. Traumatic events in my life. We talked about stuff that happened 7-8 years ago that I was not prepared to talk about and it was hard.

After that, I retook the exact same MMPI-2 that I took at the PEPC, 567 questions all in the same order. I thought this was weird because both the FAA and the psychologist told me I will be taking the long version of the test, and it ended up being the same exact test. Then I took a similar test to the MMPI-2, a T/F test with 175 questions. Then a test with around 400 questions with 4 answer choices (False, Slightly True, Mostly True, Very True).

I took my time answering all the questions honestly and I was there about 5 hours total. The psychologist sends his notes from the 1 hour session and the 3 tests to the FAA and they make their decision.
I did the re-evaluation. It included 1 hour of sitting on the couch talking to a psychologist. He asked me questions from a sheet that the FAA gave him. These questions included everything and anything, including going back to all the places I have lived, what grades I received in grammar, middle, high school, and college. Traumatic events in my life. We talked about stuff that happened 7-8 years ago that I was not prepared to talk about and it was hard.

After that, I retook the exact same MMPI-2 that I took at the PEPC, 567 questions all in the same order. I thought this was weird because both the FAA and the psychologist told me I will be taking the long version of the test, and it ended up being the same exact test. Then I took a similar test to the MMPI-2, a T/F test with 175 questions. Then a test with around 400 questions with 4 answer choices (False, Slightly True, Mostly True, Very True).

I took my time answering all the questions honestly and I was there about 5 hours total. The psychologist sends his notes from the 1 hour session and the 3 tests to the FAA and they make their decision.

This is very similar to my experience. Although when I asked my psychologist she said that she had her own questions but they are very similar to yours. It's a really long day but not that bad, you only talk to the psychologist for 45 minutes or so. The worst part is you leave the office not knowing if you did well or not.

As for the whole process, it seems to add atleast two months and up to five months to get cleared. I just found out I was cleared and it took just over two months to find out. From the people I have talked to only one did not get cleared out of about five or so. Hopefully, this helps some people that are worrying about what happens now. I know I was in the same situation a couple months ago.

Also, make sure you call because, from my experience, they are not going to call you. I was calling them pretty much every week till I found out.
just got some good factodal informationage from a reliabilified source the other evening regardilating the MMPI.

My uncle's taken the MMPI numerous times as a pilot.. including some pretty intense MMPI testing for carrying a firearm in the cockpit (he's a senior captain in the airlines)

Turns out the questions that we're all worrying about aren't really there to psycho-analyse us (for the most part.. there is SOME crazy-person indication in the questions).

What they're looking for is consistency. They don't care if you're constipated from time to time.. they just want to make sure you say you're constipated from time to time.. every time they ASK you.

catch my drift? consistency is the key. and then.. well.. yeah if you answer "true" to "I daydream about boomersooner and bippoptl getting it on in a tub of chocolate while petting my imaginary pink elephant"... they might fail you anyway...
and then.. well.. yeah if you answer "true" to "I daydream about boomersooner and bippoptl getting it on in a tub of chocolate while petting my imaginary pink elephant"... they might fail you anyway...

Dang. I could have sworn that was for bonus points.
This is very similar to my experience. Although when I asked my psychologist she said that she had her own questions but they are very similar to yours. It's a really long day but not that bad, you only talk to the psychologist for 45 minutes or so. The worst part is you leave the office not knowing if you did well or not.

As for the whole process, it seems to add atleast two months and up to five months to get cleared. I just found out I was cleared and it took just over two months to find out. From the people I have talked to only one did not get cleared out of about five or so. Hopefully, this helps some people that are worrying about what happens now. I know I was in the same situation a couple months ago.

Also, make sure you call because, from my experience, they are not going to call you. I was calling them pretty much every week till I found out.

is the 2 months how long it took just to find your results from the re-eval or 2 months since you were notified you failed the MMPI?
god this is terrible, i guess i'll be doing the same thing as you Joe...i JUST got my TOL a few days ago, and am trying to schedule a physical. from there i should get my re-evaluation. what a pain in the ass.

btw i THOUGHT i was consistent everytime they asked me some question i'm positive i answered it the same way. for example "do you think people are following you?" of course not, and i was asked that many many times. so i don't know wtf to do seeing that i "failed" it already...
god this is terrible, i guess i'll be doing the same thing as you Joe...i JUST got my TOL a few days ago, and am trying to schedule a physical. from there i should get my re-evaluation. what a pain in the ass.

btw i THOUGHT i was consistent everytime they asked me some question i'm positive i answered it the same way. for example "do you think people are following you?" of course not, and i was asked that many many times. so i don't know wtf to do seeing that i "failed" it already...

The psych told me a lot of people taking this test take it as a job interview, which is it not meant to be. Therefore, many people answer true / false according to what they think the employer wants to hear. There are several validity scales built into the test that can detect stuff such as lies, making yourself look bad (underconfidence), or making yourself look too good (most common problem). I guess they don't expect everyone to like mechanics magazines, fixing door latches, and being librarians. You will retake the same test plus 2 additional ones and a 1 hour session on the couch with a psychologist. It's a long process and it sucks to have these extra steps but hey long as we get through it, right?

Good luck.
Well my appointment is today and I plan to go in there and be completely honest. To be sincere, I feel that I did sort of try to stay on the positive side to make myself look good.

I can remember a couple of examples of where I may have contradicted myself. Against my better judgment, I answered a question like "I always tell the truth" as True (of course not, no one does)...then turn around and answer a similar question such as "I have never lied" I remember a few like this and this is most likely what triggered a negative score on my behalf. Today the key is going to be to answer everything honestly and take whatever decision that comes out of this with sincere understanding. I understand that this is a very important job with complexity, so I'll do myself a favor and not pose as something other than who I am, we'll see if I fit the personality they are looking for. I am confident that I can do this job...I hope everyone that has to go through this step ends up happy with the outcome.
Well my appointment is today and I plan to go in there and be completely honest. To be sincere, I feel that I did sort of try to stay on the positive side to make myself look good.

I can remember a couple of examples of where I may have contradicted myself. Against my better judgment, I answered a question like "I always tell the truth" as True (of course not, no one does)...then turn around and answer a similar question such as "I have never lied" I remember a few like this and this is most likely what triggered a negative score on my behalf. Today the key is going to be to answer everything honestly and take whatever decision that comes out of this with sincere understanding. I understand that this is a very important job with complexity, so I'll do myself a favor and not pose as something other than who I am, we'll see if I fit the personality they are looking for. I am confident that I can do this job...I hope everyone that has to go through this step ends up happy with the outcome.

I agree that with that attitude youll be fine. I hope it went well. Any suggestions from this group of people who already took this test for someone who will be taking it soon? It seems like don't rush this test. Be totally honest dont look at it in the stand point of trying to empress an employer just say the truth and there are some odd questions. If you fail, other seemingly sain people have to and its just a hickup in your hiring process but after an re eval. youll be on your way again. Anything on top of that?

I'd be willing to bet money Joe will be fine too, ps if anyone is down on not passing this test or even anything they can always PM jermcentral he seems to have a positive attitude and some good insight.:sarcasm:
thanks :)

I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Unfortunately, I don't think I will even find out the results for a while.
With that kind of attitude, I'd bet money you'll do fine.

I agree that with that attitude youll be fine. I hope it went well. Any suggestions from this group of people who already took this test for someone who will be taking it soon? It seems like don't rush this test. Be totally honest dont look at it in the stand point of trying to empress an employer just say the truth and there are some odd questions. If you fail, other seemingly sain people have to and its just a hickup in your hiring process but after an re eval. youll be on your way again. Anything on top of that?

I'd be willing to bet money Joe will be fine too, ps if anyone is down on not passing this test or even anything they can always PM jermcentral he seems to have a positive attitude and some good insight.:sarcasm:

I appreciate the input guys...well, let me talk about my day a little bit. I am guessing this re-eval is not the same for everyone. I have read previous posts on what others went through, so this is my day in a recap;

I went in and was met by the physcologist who then took me into a room and gave me about 4 packets of paperwork; the MMPI-2 (and yes, they do tell you its the extended version but it was the same one we took at the PEPC-576 questions), another paperwork with 175 questions on it (it was in the true, slightly true, very true, false format), then about 200 more True or False
questions...and finally a personality questionnaire that was a shorter version of the SF-86. This was really the one that was a burden, I mean having to fill out my employment history, credit history, and criminal history seemed a bit redundant after I had already filled out and turned in a books worth of questions on the security clearance side of things...Anyways, after about 5 hours of filling out questions I had my interview with the Doctor.

What surprised me was that after all this paperwork I had expected to have a talk with the Doctor about myself and my life. Instead, he had me do a series of tests that involved memorizing a series of numbers and repeating them back, then the same thing but I had to repeat the numbers back in reverse order...Math word problems followed this and finally some number and letter connecting problems on paper. When all this was completed we talked about me and he asked some questions from the personality paperwork involving my background and employment history, etc...the whole ordeal was pleasant but it was a bit the waiting continues.
I appreciate the input guys...well, let me talk about my day a little bit. I am guessing this re-eval is not the same for everyone. I have read previous posts on what others went through, so this is my day in a recap.

This process seems a bit annouying, but other than that and being super annouyed that you have to wait a little longer (by little I mean a couple months) once your lookin down a scope in the center you want! youll probably think that was a drop in the bucket to get hear and well worth it. I'm sure you did fine:rawk:
I appreciate the input guys...well, let me talk about my day a little bit. I am guessing this re-eval is not the same for everyone. I have read previous posts on what others went through, so this is my day in a recap;

I went in and was met by the physcologist who then took me into a room and gave me about 4 packets of paperwork; the MMPI-2 (and yes, they do tell you its the extended version but it was the same one we took at the PEPC-576 questions), another paperwork with 175 questions on it (it was in the true, slightly true, very true, false format), then about 200 more True or False
questions...and finally a personality questionnaire that was a shorter version of the SF-86. This was really the one that was a burden, I mean having to fill out my employment history, credit history, and criminal history seemed a bit redundant after I had already filled out and turned in a books worth of questions on the security clearance side of things...Anyways, after about 5 hours of filling out questions I had my interview with the Doctor.

What surprised me was that after all this paperwork I had expected to have a talk with the Doctor about myself and my life. Instead, he had me do a series of tests that involved memorizing a series of numbers and repeating them back, then the same thing but I had to repeat the numbers back in reverse order...Math word problems followed this and finally some number and letter connecting problems on paper. When all this was completed we talked about me and he asked some questions from the personality paperwork involving my background and employment history, etc...the whole ordeal was pleasant but it was a bit the waiting continues.

wow that is way different than what I had to do.
I appreciate the input guys...well, let me talk about my day a little bit. I am guessing this re-eval is not the same for everyone. I have read previous posts on what others went through, so this is my day in a recap;

I went in and was met by the physcologist who then took me into a room and gave me about 4 packets of paperwork; the MMPI-2 (and yes, they do tell you its the extended version but it was the same one we took at the PEPC-576 questions), another paperwork with 175 questions on it (it was in the true, slightly true, very true, false format), then about 200 more True or False
questions...and finally a personality questionnaire that was a shorter version of the SF-86. This was really the one that was a burden, I mean having to fill out my employment history, credit history, and criminal history seemed a bit redundant after I had already filled out and turned in a books worth of questions on the security clearance side of things...Anyways, after about 5 hours of filling out questions I had my interview with the Doctor.

What surprised me was that after all this paperwork I had expected to have a talk with the Doctor about myself and my life. Instead, he had me do a series of tests that involved memorizing a series of numbers and repeating them back, then the same thing but I had to repeat the numbers back in reverse order...Math word problems followed this and finally some number and letter connecting problems on paper. When all this was completed we talked about me and he asked some questions from the personality paperwork involving my background and employment history, etc...the whole ordeal was pleasant but it was a bit the waiting continues.

I had a similar day question wise from the psychologist, with the numbers and work history etc. The order was different though. I also did the 567 question MMPI and another test with 344 False, Slightly True, Mostly True and Very True answers. There were no 200 or 175 question tests for me.
Does anyone else in this situation feel like the butt of a cruel "Yo Momma..." joke? Something like, "You're so stupid you couldn't even pass a personality test..." I'm in Charlotte and I had to go see a psych. The whole process took several hours, with the interview, the new MMPI, and the inkblot tests.