Failed MMPI at PEPC?

I received my call last week from Anne and My date with the doc is 07/21 i believe in schaumburg, I live in chicago so no problem, I have to call anne tomorrow and tell her my scheduled date, i keep forgetting that

Well it is good to hear that some people are getting there phone calls from chicago medical with there retake instructions. I just wish I was one of them. :insane:
Did you get a call about a retake from March Chicago PEPC or June Chicago PEPC?

these are all from the march PEPC or earlier. I don't think anyone from the June one have gotten anything back as far as clearances go.
Well, I guess it depends on if you actually asked for that, or if that's what you were assigned. Look at it this way, at least you're not going to A80....

No, I did not ask for it, I was assigned. It was funny during my interview at the PEPC. The gentleman asked me where I was going, and when I told him there was a long pause. Afterward he said if I have any trouble keeping up to make sure I speak up. I guess a level 12 facility is pretty difficult :eek:
To be honest I am just trying to get through this MMPI retake. I have'nt even received a phone call with my retake doctor's info. I found out that I failed the MMPI about 7 weeks ago. So I am just trying to take it step by step and get to my facility. Once I get there I will worry about how difficult it will be.
Whew, I mean this with the greatest respect. If you're assigned Atl tower study study study before you get there. Keep reading material by the toilet lol :laff:
well all luck to ya.

if you make it through the meat grinder(and i have no doubt that you will), i might see you in about 10 or so years when i work my way up there.

Well I just left a message to the medical office. I hope that since I have not called in a month I will not get in trouble
Well...just got back from my Tier-2 psych re-eval. It went really well. She started by asking questions and basically getting my life story. First we talked about my education, followed by jobs, family, chemical/substance use, and physical health. The interview portion was about an hour and 15 minutes. Then I took the MMPI-2 again, and also took the MCMI-III (175 T-F questions) test.

I am from the March PEPC. I know some of you haven't even gotten your doctor's information yet. If it makes you feel any better, my psych can't send my results in until she has my original MMPI results from when I took it in March, so I am also still waiting on Chicago.
Well...just got back from my Tier-2 psych re-eval. It went really well. She started by asking questions and basically getting my life story. First we talked about my education, followed by jobs, family, chemical/substance use, and physical health. The interview portion was about an hour and 15 minutes. Then I took the MMPI-2 again, and also took the MCMI-III (175 T-F questions) test.

I am from the March PEPC. I know some of you haven't even gotten your doctor's information yet. If it makes you feel any better, my psych can't send my results in until she has my original MMPI results from when I took it in March, so I am also still waiting on Chicago.

Well at least it is done and all you have to do is wait. Hopefully you will get your results within the 90 days.
yeah so i got a letter basically saying that i'm medically disqualified and i'm too crazy to be an ATC. i can appeal within 15 days but it will be to my expense and i'm tired of shelling out all this money and time for someone to tell me that i'm not mentally fit to do a job i know i'm perfectly capable of doing. whatever. good luck to you guys.
Wow, I am sorry to hear that. Did they tell you what is involved in the appeal and what you would have pay for? Think it through, it might not be too difficult and/or expensive to appeal, and you may be able to have this career after all is said and done. Don't throw away the chance just cause you are frustrated right now...

But, I really feel for you and the position you are in. Hopefully everything turns out OK if you decide to appeal, or hopefully you end up happy in whatever else you decide to do. Good Luck!