Failed MMPI at PEPC?

Seems to me that the majority of people have at least had a traffic ticket.

Ya I got those questions too. "It says here you have had 3 tickets...45 in a 35(eyesbrows lift)...hmmm 52 in a 45...." Is it that bad to have had speeding tickets? And I was 100% honest. I am surprised I remember the exact numbers. I just never forget where I was pulled over and I always slow down there and tell my friends, "SLOW DOWN I was pulled over here lol!"

And the questions like when did you last drink and how many drinks and what not. I almost felt like I was admitting to being an alcoholic when I said I had many drinks at my best friends wedding! Who doesn't drink at weddings, especially open bar? But that was a few months before that time and I made sure I gave the date and I haven't had much to drink since with the occasional Coronas at the neighborhood La Cocina.
Here is a question. Has anyone been told by there medical office to stop calling them? It happened to me today. I was calling because I got an email last week saying I would get my retake info yesterday. I did not get it so I called late afternoon, I get a call today saying tostop calling because it is slowing my process down. I know that I am a little anxious to get this process done, but wanted to see if anyone had a similar experience. The reason I ask is because everytime I have called or sent an email I am told I need to calm down, all I am doing is following up when they tell me to follow up.
Here is a question. Has anyone been told by there medical office to stop calling them? It happened to me today. I was calling because I got an email last week saying I would get my retake info yesterday. I did not get it so I called late afternoon, I get a call today saying tostop calling because it is slowing my process down. I know that I am a little anxious to get this process done, but wanted to see if anyone had a similar experience. The reason I ask is because everytime I have called or sent an email I am told I need to calm down, all I am doing is following up when they tell me to follow up.

My experience was complete opposite. The NY office was extremely helpful with me. I was told to continue checking up on my status and that they didnt mind the phone calls. The worst I got was when I called on a Monday and they told me to check back on Friday. Maybe you're coming off as a bit hostile if you're having to be told to calm down?
My experience was complete opposite. The NY office was extremely helpful with me. I was told to continue checking up on my status and that they didnt mind the phone calls. The worst I got was when I called on a Monday and they told me to check back on Friday. Maybe you're coming off as a bit hostile if you're having to be told to calm down?

Well when I do call I try to be as pleasant as possible and explain that I am just calling to ask a question. I have even resorted to emails instead of calls because I did not want to come accross as pushy. I have been in phone sales for the last 5 years so I feel that I have alot of control of how I am preceived over the phone. Going forward I will not be contacting the medical office until 90 to 120 days after my retake. The last two times I have called were just in response to info I was given by the office. I was told that I would have my doctor's info by last thursday, when I did not receive a call I sent an email asking who the doctor would be and I get a phone call saying that I need to calm down. Then I was told I would get the info yesterday and when I did'nt I left a VM and sent an email and I get a call today telling me I have to stop calling because it is slowing my process down. I just hope that my proactive approach with all of this does not jepordize my future. I hope someone has a story similar to mine that has good outcome, because I am getting kind of nervous now. :eek:
I can't seem to get ahold of my HR rep at all. I'll rarely get an email reply with my question answered in the first place...Does anyone know if I can contact someone else to find out about my clearances? I'm from the LA PEPC in April. Thanks!
Just got off the phone with Chicago Medical.

They said they are "in the process of contacting all the psychologists this week and next week" and once they do that they will call us with our assigned shrinks and their numbers so we can set up appointments.

Sound too good to be true? It is! Evidently, since they are having a PEPC in Chicago next week they won't be calling us with the info until the following week. She said don't call back until 2 weeks from today.

:crazy:So it will officially be 6 weeks since I was notified I failed before I even know what doctor to schedule with...and then hopefull the doc can get me in ASAP...and then 90 days wait after that! Wonderful. This process is awesome. They need something from me and I get it to them that same day...I drive and fly all over the country to take their tests...but if I need them to do something I can expect it to take no less than 2 weeks if it is something simple and most likely a month or two and several follow-up reminder phone calls. If I didn't know better I'd say it almost seems like they are trying to make it difficult and frustrating. And yes...I was told repeatedly every time I've called not to call them, they will call us. I guess 6 weeks just to get my doctor's phone number is a reasonable timeframe to them. Oh well. Just once I would like something to be ahead of that asking too much? OK venting complete. Sorry. I'll check back in 2 weeks.:crazy:

Good luck to everyone else going through this.
Just got off the phone with Chicago Medical.

They said they are "in the process of contacting all the psychologists this week and next week" and once they do that they will call us with our assigned shrinks and their numbers so we can set up appointments.

Sound too good to be true? It is! Evidently, since they are having a PEPC in Chicago next week they won't be calling us with the info until the following week. She said don't call back until 2 weeks from today.

:crazy:So it will officially be 6 weeks since I was notified I failed before I even know what doctor to schedule with...and then hopefull the doc can get me in ASAP...and then 90 days wait after that! Wonderful. This process is awesome. They need something from me and I get it to them that same day...I drive and fly all over the country to take their tests...but if I need them to do something I can expect it to take no less than 2 weeks if it is something simple and most likely a month or two and several follow-up reminder phone calls. If I didn't know better I'd say it almost seems like they are trying to make it difficult and frustrating. And yes...I was told repeatedly every time I've called not to call them, they will call us. I guess 6 weeks just to get my doctor's phone number is a reasonable timeframe to them. Oh well. Just once I would like something to be ahead of that asking too much? OK venting complete. Sorry. I'll check back in 2 weeks.:crazy:

Good luck to everyone else going through this.

---*Note to self*---

Don't mess up the PEPC.

lol hang in there
I sent my HR rep a Christmas Bonus last year.:cwm27:

Haha I knew there was something behind you guys making it all the way through! If the schedules go as planned and I miraculously get selected for PUB it should be around Christmas so I'll have to keep that in mind :cwm27:
Haha I knew there was something behind you guys making it all the way through! If the schedules go as planned and I miraculously get selected for PUB it should be around Christmas so I'll have to keep that in mind :cwm27:
And now she sends me a message stating that she is "moving on"

I'm heartbroken
So now that I know my "you will get a call tomorrow" answer I got last wed. was just to get me off the phone I guess its back to the waiting game for reevaluation. Anyone hear anything new in the past few days?

I just hope the original time frame I was given of testing at end of june will still be correct. I just want to get everything over with.
So now that I know my "you will get a call tomorrow" answer I got last wed. was just to get me off the phone I guess its back to the waiting game for reevaluation. Anyone hear anything new in the past few days?

I just hope the original time frame I was given of testing at end of june will still be correct. I just want to get everything over with.

Nothing yet. They are having another PEPC in chicago this week, so I do not expect anything until next week hopefully.
Here is a question. Has anyone been told by there medical office to stop calling them? It happened to me today. I was calling because I got an email last week saying I would get my retake info yesterday. I did not get it so I called late afternoon, I get a call today saying tostop calling because it is slowing my process down. I know that I am a little anxious to get this process done, but wanted to see if anyone had a similar experience. The reason I ask is because everytime I have called or sent an email I am told I need to calm down, all I am doing is following up when they tell me to follow up.

You and me are very much alike. Basically they told me that in an email. I have called or emailed not even 5 times total in a 4 month time frame.

I am PUBNAT2 and Atlanta speced for ZTL. Still waiting....
You and me are very much alike. Basically they told me that in an email. I have called or emailed not even 5 times total in a 4 month time frame.

I am PUBNAT2 and Atlanta speced for ZTL. Still waiting....

Well I hope that they give you an answer soon. This waiting is killing me. All I want is to get this over with and find out if I have the job or not. Let us know when you get the final answer. Hopefully it will all be worth the wait.
Well I hope that they give you an answer soon. This waiting is killing me. All I want is to get this over with and find out if I have the job or not. Let us know when you get the final answer. Hopefully it will all be worth the wait.
You're probably fine. Just worrying too damn much.
You're probably fine. Just worrying too damn much.

You are right, I am worrying too much. I think it is because failing the MMPI was the last thought on my mind. Combine that with a job that I dispise on a day to day basis, it makes for a long summer and more than likely a long autumn. On a positive note I do get to play golf this up coming weekend.:)
I havent gotten any update either. I only contact them every 3 weeks or so to check the status. There telling me that the Dr's havent looked at any paperwork yet. :confused: