Failed MMPI at PEPC?

For anyone who failed the MMPI-2 at March Chicago PEPC, did anybody receive word back from the medical office regarding scheduling an appointment with a local psychologist? I mailed my release on Friday and haven't heard anything from them yet.
I sent mine priority mail and got confirmation that it was received on monday, Im guessing its going to go like most FAA things and get a response on friday right before everyone leaves the office.

When I called and was told I failed I was told probably end of june for the retest so Thats what I am aiming for.
For anyone who failed the MMPI-2 at March Chicago PEPC, did anybody receive word back from the medical office regarding scheduling an appointment with a local psychologist? I mailed my release on Friday and haven't heard anything from them yet.

I sent my release back on friday and was told by the medical office that I would receive a call on this Thursday with the doctor's information. When I originally was told I failed I was informed that I would have my retake done sometime in June. I would call and ask.
Still in a holding pattern from late April retest. The contact I have keeps saying he's not sure whats taking so long for the Dr. too look at em. :banghead: I just hope there not forgetting about us out here.
How did you get confirmation? Did you contact them?

Confirmation that they received it? I wanted it to get there as quick as possible so I sent it priority mail with delivery confirmation.

So I know it is somewhere in the building, but that still does not mean the right person has it just that its in the building.
I'm curious to know of how long it is estimated to take for the FAA to go through the paperwork after it has been received from the doctor. So far it's been 1 month for me tomorrow. 3 months total since I've retaken the MMPI.

Ya that's right, I'm crazy,

I'm curious to know of how long it is estimated to take for the FAA to go through the paperwork after it has been received from the doctor.

it'll take about as long as it takes for the contract dispute over the MMPI to end.

its been about 2 months since it started with no end in sight...

heres to another uneventful month! :beer:.
it'll take about as long as it takes for the contract dispute over the MMPI to end.

its been about 2 months since it started with no end in sight...

heres to another uneventful month! :beer:.
Not that it would be easy to do, but I can wait and scrap to make ends meet if I know I have a job. All I want to know is if I have the damn thing :confused:

Here's to to quitting my job and moving to avoid a lease renewal 9 months ago :rawk:
I got an "official" letter in the mail today informing me of my MMPI-2 results, and that I'll be seeing a psych. No word back from when/how to schedule the appointment.
I got an "official" letter in the mail today informing me of my MMPI-2 results, and that I'll be seeing a psych. No word back from when/how to schedule the appointment.

Spoke to the medical office in Chicago on Thursday to find out the info on the doctor I would be seeing. Apparently there is a delay in that and I will not find out until next Wednesday. Here is to another 5 days of waiting, and to another 90 days after my appointment. I guess on a positive note I will be spending my birthday at home with my wife.
Well, it's June 15th. I PEPC'ed on the 29th of Jan, took my MMPI retake on march 18th, and today I have been medically cleared. There's my exact time line for this ridiculous debacle. In the end I am forced to be happy, but I feel pain for all of you still in the "poop" storm. Good luck guys and I hope to see some of you at the academy or ZSE! :D :beer:
Well, it's June 15th. I PEPC'ed on the 29th of Jan, took my MMPI retake on march 18th, and today I have been medically cleared. There's my exact time line for this ridiculous debacle. In the end I am forced to be happy, but I feel pain for all of you still in the "poop" storm. Good luck guys and I hope to see some of you at the academy or ZSE! :D :beer:
Get ready to wait some more!:dunno:
any chicago pepc'ers receive any news yet about setting up their reevaluation. Its been over a week since my authorization letter was sent back in and still no word on being able to set up the apointment.
any chicago pepc'ers receive any news yet about setting up their reevaluation. Its been over a week since my authorization letter was sent back in and still no word on being able to set up the apointment.

I was told I was to receive the doctor's info last thursday, and then told it would not be until today that I received the info. As of right now I have not heard anything. I would call the Chicago Medical Office tomorrow.
I was told I was to receive the doctor's info last thursday, and then told it would not be until today that I received the info. As of right now I have not heard anything. I would call the Chicago Medical Office tomorrow.

I called today and was told I should get a call about it tomorrow? Im not sure what a difference a day makes but but at least its some type of update.
Any New York pepc'rs hear anything about their medical clearances coming back yet? I am trying to find out if I am the last of the NY PEPC that hasn't cleared the medical.
Am I the only Kansas City PEPC'er still waiting??? If there are...I AM!!!

Took it March 5th. Was told 3 months wait at least. Well we are past that now. I think I am getting used to it now.