Failed MMPI at PEPC?

Well, I too failed the MMPI-2. I went to my psychiatrist, and she told me what flagged me. Let me see if I remember them all correctly.

"Have you ever been angry enough to initiate physical violence?" I answered yes. I have a little brother. Who here would believe I haven't been in a fight with him?

"Have you ever stolen things when you were younger?" Again, I have a little brother. Of course I have.

"Is your sex life satisfactory?" I answered no. I've been single since November. Honestly, I could use a little more nookie, thank you.

"Have you ever had what some would consider a deviant sex life? (or some such)" I answered yes. I dated a submissive for two years. Yeah, I tried it out. Sue me.

"Have you ever had strange or peculiar thoughts?" I answered yes. I've been an artist all my life. I've thought up some pretty crazy things to paint before, lemme tell ya. Thing is, that's not what they mean. They mean peculiar like "i hear voices from that light socket over there" type peculiar. Not "man, that's a scary painting" peculiar. Who knew.

At any rate, after I explained all these and took her tests over, she said I'm perfectly normal. This was all done the 19th of March. I haven't heard anything yet, so I'm probably gonna start calling.

Anyone have an average of how long it takes to usually get cleared, providing you're normal, after you go to this evaluation?

It takes an average of 2 months. Some have done the process a little quicker and some have done it slower. I would not think about calling anybody until at least a month has passed by. There is a 0% chance that you will receive any kind of result before a month is over and someone on here received a verbal lashing for calling too often. Also, when you do call, it is best to call the medical division at the regional office where you received your TOL. How to do this can be found a couple pages back in this thread. They will be the first ones to know any kind of answer. Your HR Rep is the last person to know. Basically this is how it works...

#1 You take re-eval
#2 Psych office sends results to regional office
#3 Regional office sends results to FAA HQ to make a final decision
#4 HQ sends final decision to regional office
#5 Regional office sends final decision to HR rep
#6 HR rep sends a letter in the mail to you with final decision

This is what I have figured out from working the phones during the process. Each step where the government sends information back and forth, it takes 1-2 weeks. I wouldn't even call the psych office because they will not be notified whether or not you pass or fail. All they can tell you is whether or not they sent the results to the FAA. Good luck.
ok no news yet...i call tm because it's been exactly 3 weeks since they received the results. this is all make or break for me....
how do you know when they get the results?

i called the medical office to see if they received them a while ago. it actually took around 3 weeks to a month for the psychologist to finish the evaluation. then the medical office called me to tell me they got the results and they were being sent to DC where the final decision was to be made. i was told to call back in exactly 3 weeks...which happens to be tomorrow.
I'm interested to hear from someone who failed the 2nd go around. I know most won't be willing to share any info of the bad news but I think it may be helpful or not depending on the results. I'll post if I fail just to be non-hypocritical :D Good luck to you all!
I'm interested to hear from someone who failed the 2nd go around. I know most won't be willing to share any info of the bad news but I think it may be helpful or not depending on the results. I'll post if I fail just to be non-hypocritical :D Good luck to you all!

i dont think ive ever heard of someone failing the re-eval.
i called yesterday still no word for me from washington... i dont know exactly what day it was sent to DC but i know it was before 03/12 so it should be anytime now?...hopefully?
:( just got off the phone...still nothing. they said they're trying to get them out in the order they got them and i guess it's taking longer than expected.
:( just got off the phone...still nothing. they said they're trying to get them out in the order they got them and i guess it's taking longer than expected.

It took exactly 11 weeks for me to hear how I did. I took the re-eval Jan 13th and heard on the 31st of March. I was calling once a week as well. All of you hoping to hear back in 3 weeks is kind of pushing it. I'm not saying you won't hear in less time than I did, but this is the FAA we are dealing with.
It took exactly 11 weeks for me to hear how I did. I took the re-eval Jan 13th and heard on the 31st of March. I was calling once a week as well. All of you hoping to hear back in 3 weeks is kind of pushing it. I'm not saying you won't hear in less time than I did, but this is the FAA we are dealing with.

no i took mine way back in Feb 11th. It took the psychologist about a month to finish her report. Then i got a call exactly 3 weeks ago saying that if i don't hear from them in 3 weeks, then give them a call...So still nothing.
no i took mine way back in Feb 11th. It took the psychologist about a month to finish her report. Then i got a call exactly 3 weeks ago saying that if i don't hear from them in 3 weeks, then give them a call...So still nothing.

That's a long time for the psychologist to send in information. It must not be too bad to be a psych. Mine worked M-TH... off by 4pm and no holidays. :buck:
That's a long time for the psychologist to send in information. It must not be too bad to be a psych. Mine worked M-TH... off by 4pm and no holidays. :buck:

yeah it wasn't until i called and the medical office left her a message. she finished the evaluation a few days after that. it only makes me wonder how long it would have taken had i not called at all.
This happened to me. I retook the test in January and only just got word of my med cert over the weekend. Now I'm being told that the facility I was slated to go to (Greensboro) is done hiring for this fiscal year. What puzzles me is that several posters on this website from the same PEPC (KC in November) were in this situation and apparently got their medical certification months ago. Needless to say, I'm annoyed. I know this is gonna be mostly disregarded since anyone with less than a certain number of posts is considered to be completely unworthy of anyone's attention, but I feel like someone out there might be in the same boat and I just wanna say have patience.
This happened to me. I retook the test in January and only just got word of my med cert over the weekend. Now I'm being told that the facility I was slated to go to (Greensboro) is done hiring for this fiscal year. What puzzles me is that several posters on this website from the same PEPC (KC in November) were in this situation and apparently got their medical certification months ago. Needless to say, I'm annoyed. I know this is gonna be mostly disregarded since anyone with less than a certain number of posts is considered to be completely unworthy of anyone's attention, but I feel like someone out there might be in the same boat and I just wanna say have patience.

I won't be going to OKC until October, but there's another guy going to my facility that got a June class date.. hmmm.. The ATM at my facility says July or August might look good for me.. I guess we'll see!
Needless to say, I'm annoyed. I know this is gonna be mostly disregarded since anyone with less than a certain number of posts is considered to be completely unworthy of anyone's attention, but I feel like someone out there might be in the same boat and I just wanna say have patience.

Hey not true :D See, I replied, hehe

[Pretty much we're all getting the royal shaft so some of us are numb from the complaints]
Well I called to check in on my Medical and was told "Did someone call you and let you know you failed the MMPI?" UGH now im all worried. Kinda felt like I got punched in my stomach.

Reading through these posts eases my mind a lot. Thanks everyone for any help doing that and keeping us sane. (about as much as you can be in this holding pattern) :D
Well I called to check in on my Medical and was told "Did someone call you and let you know you failed the MMPI?" UGH now im all worried. Kinda felt like I got punched in my stomach.

Reading through these posts eases my mind a lot. Thanks everyone for any help doing that and keeping us sane. (about as much as you can be in this holding pattern) :D

yeah this was what happened to me. i was never actually notified that i failed the mmpi. i found out by calling them, then i took the physical. i passed the physical, so they scheduled me for tier 2 re evaluation.
so the average wait time is about 1.5 months for being cleared??

im trying everything to keep me from calling HR =X