Failed MMPI at PEPC?

the psychologist i went to had never done this process before.. they were asking me what kind of tests they were supposed to give me and if i knew the process of sending them back in :confused:... so im worried that i might fail because they easily could have filled out something wrong..
I saw the psychologist on January 13th and I am still waiting. I haven't heard a thing. For all of you who just took it or are going to, continue on with your lives as it will be months for you.
I am on cloud nine...the results are in:nana2: My medical, tier 2 eval, is cleared. I took my re-eval Feb 6th and called the medical office today for my results.

Just need my FOL...and OKC here I come:rawk:
Well just got back from the psychologist because of my "inconclusive" results!

not fun

578 true/False
380 False/Somewhat True/ Mainly True/ Very True
178 True/False

I dont think it matters if you failed or had inconclusive results. You still have to do everything!

I have to go again next week for the follow up. So we will see if im crazy or not!:panic:
You will be waiting for awhile. I took the re-eval Jan 13th and I just found out today that I passed. HUGE relief!:D
To all people taking the MMPI for the first time - don't worry about being totally consistent.

At points during the test I almost changed my answers because I knew I had answered differently to a similar question. I decided to go ahead with my gut feeling (because that's what I was told to do:p) and I made it through okay.

It has been said before, it will be said again and I can assure you that the fastest way to get crushed by the MMPI is to over-think it, and I would not be surprised if the time you spent on each question was as much a gauge of your potential as a controller as the actual answers to the test.

I mean we are going to be making quick evaluations under pressure when we make it to our field.

Go with your gut feeling and get the heck out of there:p.
To all people taking the MMPI for the first time - don't worry about being totally consistent.

At points during the test I almost changed my answers because I knew I had answered differently to a similar question. I decided to go ahead with my gut feeling (because that's what I was told to do:p) and I made it through okay.

It has been said before, it will be said again and I can assure you that the fastest way to get crushed by the MMPI is to over-think it, and I would not be surprised if the time you spent on each question was as much a gauge of your potential as a controller as the actual answers to the test.

I mean we are going to be making quick evaluations under pressure when we make it to our field.

Go with your gut feeling and get the heck out of there:p.

This was the approach i tried to take in the tier 2. however by the end, i was so exhausted from answering hundreds of questions i think i may have gone too fast. we'll see.
Finally notified by HR that all of my clearances are in. :nana2: Yes!

I took the tier 2 psych eval on Feb 16 after going to the LA pepc in January, so the MMPI retake delayed me about 5 weeks. Hang in there guys and gals, the time will come!

Now for this pesky class date thing.... :banghead:
To all people taking the MMPI for the first time - don't worry about being totally consistent.

At points during the test I almost changed my answers because I knew I had answered differently to a similar question. I decided to go ahead with my gut feeling (because that's what I was told to do:p) and I made it through okay.

It has been said before, it will be said again and I can assure you that the fastest way to get crushed by the MMPI is to over-think it, and I would not be surprised if the time you spent on each question was as much a gauge of your potential as a controller as the actual answers to the test.

I mean we are going to be making quick evaluations under pressure when we make it to our field.

Go with your gut feeling and get the heck out of there:p.

I agree - try not to read too far into the questions. I know it's easier said than done. I tried to read each question as quickly as possible and answer with the first thing that came to mind...not sure if it will work for everyone but seemed to work for me
I haven't been on the forums in a while, but I feel alittle better about my situation. I took my re-eval March 5th, and my anticipation only has gotten worse over this. It's only been a month and they told me it can take up to 3 months. I am PUBNAT2 though. I had was told I had to do this in February...I've had my TOL since KS City.

Well congrats guys on your recent clearances. My bday is coming up and I don't care if I get a car and a house, THIS would make my day!
I haven't been on the forums in a while, but I feel alittle better about my situation. I took my re-eval March 5th, and my anticipation only has gotten worse over this. It's only been a month and they told me it can take up to 3 months. I am PUBNAT2 though. I had was told I had to do this in February...I've had my TOL since KS City.

Well congrats guys on your recent clearances. My bday is coming up and I don't care if I get a car and a house, THIS would make my day!

3 months??

why so long?
3 months??

why so long?

They probably were told 3 months because that is a safe number for the FAA to give. In most cases, it will take 2. It took me a little over 2 months from the time I re-evaluated to the time I received a letter in the mail saying I passed.
Well, I too failed the MMPI-2. I went to my psychiatrist, and she told me what flagged me. Let me see if I remember them all correctly.

"Have you ever been angry enough to initiate physical violence?" I answered yes. I have a little brother. Who here would believe I haven't been in a fight with him?

"Have you ever stolen things when you were younger?" Again, I have a little brother. Of course I have.

"Is your sex life satisfactory?" I answered no. I've been single since November. Honestly, I could use a little more nookie, thank you.

"Have you ever had what some would consider a deviant sex life? (or some such)" I answered yes. I dated a submissive for two years. Yeah, I tried it out. Sue me.

"Have you ever had strange or peculiar thoughts?" I answered yes. I've been an artist all my life. I've thought up some pretty crazy things to paint before, lemme tell ya. Thing is, that's not what they mean. They mean peculiar like "i hear voices from that light socket over there" type peculiar. Not "man, that's a scary painting" peculiar. Who knew.

At any rate, after I explained all these and took her tests over, she said I'm perfectly normal. This was all done the 19th of March. I haven't heard anything yet, so I'm probably gonna start calling.

Anyone have an average of how long it takes to usually get cleared, providing you're normal, after you go to this evaluation?
Well, I too failed the MMPI-2. I went to my psychiatrist, and she told me what flagged me. Let me see if I remember them all correctly.

"Have you ever been angry enough to initiate physical violence?" I answered yes. I have a little brother. Who here would believe I haven't been in a fight with him?

"Have you ever stolen things when you were younger?" Again, I have a little brother. Of course I have.

"Is your sex life satisfactory?" I answered no. I've been single since November. Honestly, I could use a little more nookie, thank you.

"Have you ever had what some would consider a deviant sex life? (or some such)" I answered yes. I dated a submissive for two years. Yeah, I tried it out. Sue me.

"Have you ever had strange or peculiar thoughts?" I answered yes. I've been an artist all my life. I've thought up some pretty crazy things to paint before, lemme tell ya. Thing is, that's not what they mean. They mean peculiar like "i hear voices from that light socket over there" type peculiar. Not "man, that's a scary painting" peculiar. Who knew.

At any rate, after I explained all these and took her tests over, she said I'm perfectly normal. This was all done the 19th of March. I haven't heard anything yet, so I'm probably gonna start calling.

Anyone have an average of how long it takes to usually get cleared, providing you're normal, after you go to this evaluation?

I re-took my evaluation 19 March as well so we should be getting word back around the same time. The medical folks I talked to in NY told me they should have word back from thier shrink around 20 April so that's when I plan on calling them back. It's better to get the info directly from the office responsible for handling it instead of waiting for your HR rep to let you know. If your HR rep is anything like mine then they're about 3-4 wks late with the info. I've been calling my HR rep all month inquiring about my sec. clearance and I kept getting told that I wasn't clear. I finally got the number to the woman in charge of doing my clearance to find out what the hold up was. Come to find out my security clearance was processed and cleared almost a month earlier. I'm stressed out wondering what the heck is going on and someone is sitting on the paperwork....go figure.