Failed MMPI at PEPC?

what about the notary for the e-mailed document?

i dunno if it costs anything...honestly im not even sure what a notary is?

you have to go to a notary to get it done. it was the first time i ever had to do it too. they just make it an official document or something and log it in their books. i just googled notary san francisco, i think i ended up going to kinkos. it will cost you about 10 bucks or so. then you can have them fax it over.
you have to go to a notary to get it done. it was the first time i ever had to do it too. they just make it an official document or something and log it in their books. i just googled notary san francisco, i think i ended up going to kinkos. it will cost you about 10 bucks or so. then you can have them fax it over.

I've always gone to AAA for notary if you're a member it's free!

Actually last time I went they didn't even ask to see my membership card
you have to go to a notary to get it done. it was the first time i ever had to do it too. they just make it an official document or something and log it in their books. i just googled notary san francisco, i think i ended up going to kinkos. it will cost you about 10 bucks or so. then you can have them fax it over.

I paid $1 for a notary at currency exchange.
Well as of this morning I am the newest member of the club. What the hell? I have to go down into LA, its over 100 miles from where I live.
:banghead: this seems to be appropriate for this thread.
Well as of this morning I am the newest member of the club. What the hell? I have to go down into LA, its over 100 miles from where I live.
:banghead: this seems to be appropriate for this thread.

ya i have to go to baton rouge even though i know a perfectly good psychologist in covington!

...dont ask...:rolleyes:
Dangit!! Here I thought that I was in the clear to head on out to OKC but instead I was notified today that my answers on the MMPI-2 were inconclusive so now I too am headed to the local shrink. I am so glad that the fed. gov't thinks that I am NUCKING FUTS!! :crazy::crazy::crazy: I wonder how long this is going to delay me?
Dangit!! Here I thought that I was in the clear to head on out to OKC but instead I was notified today that my answers on the MMPI-2 were inconclusive so now I too am headed to the local shrink. I am so glad that the fed. gov't thinks that I am NUCKING FUTS!! :crazy::crazy::crazy: I wonder how long this is going to delay me?

2-3 months atleast
Dangit!! Here I thought that I was in the clear to head on out to OKC but instead I was notified today that my answers on the MMPI-2 were inconclusive so now I too am headed to the local shrink. I am so glad that the fed. gov't thinks that I am NUCKING FUTS!! :crazy::crazy::crazy: I wonder how long this is going to delay me?

Same here...

They said I didnt fail, but it was inconclusive. Im headed to the psychologist next week.
For all those heading far away for their re-evals, call back and request something closer. Unfortunately I did that too late but upon doing so I discovered I could have went to a shrink 20min away instead of 3 hours.

It sucks but if you popped inconclusive you're probably in the clear, you'll just have to get a lecture about answering dishonestly (my guess). I'm hoping to protest if my re-eval comes back negative, I had the grumpiest old man in my interview that I swear saw roll his eyes :whatever: while I was speaking to him. He gave me the ink blot test for f's sakes! Who in the world uses that anymore?!?!

Honestly, I saw a chinchila in one of the pictures. Hints anyone? Am I a loony bin?
Just spoke with Audrey figurski 48 of 200+ applicants failed the mmpi. I was not on the list of failures--- WHEW!

--- from the NY PEPC in February
I was at the NY PEPC and just had to redo my MMPI. I drove 3 and half hours to re take that thing last week. The second evaluation is a lot more in depth and a much bigger pain in the arse. I was told by Medical folks in NY that they should have the final results in a month or so.