Failed MMPI at PEPC?

so quick update... medical finally got my re-eval from the shrink's office. Now she said we are just waiting to get it ok'd from DC.. hopefully soon!
omg i called today after i couldn't reach her yesterday. she said this to me
"mr. xxx, we will notify you when we get the results, you do not need to call everyday, this is borderline harrassment."

i couldn't believe it. i talk to her once a week and she just flipped on me. now i don't know who to contact.
Well if you called yesterday and then again today, it's daily not weekly that you are calling. It is overboard a little bit... scale it back... don't want to piss these people off or they might accidentally process every other file first...
Did you ever think that maybe the reason the FAA takes so long to do anything is because they are so busy answering phones and emails that they don't have time to do anything else.
If the FAA does not have enough staff to field needs more staff.

They made the rules, we just play by them. Everyone has learned that they are not really going to be contacted. They need to do it them self.

The squeaky wheel is the game people play with employers, schools, testing agencies, etc. Daily calls is kinda the status quo with precocious waiters. I know because I used to process applications for a grad school program. You just have to laugh when they call. "Oh high billy the grad applicant! No, not today."

So I think she kinda jumped on your too hard. If I haven't had a business call returned in a day...I'm going to call again. Based on what she said, she hadn't intended on calling you back.

I don't have both sides of course, so all I can say is ask yourself how you are behaving on the phone. Do you moan and groan? Whine at them? Ask them "Why isn't it ready yet!?" Those aren't the most professional behaviors.

Now for some comic relief, my Dad's a chatter and talks to everyone he comes across. Most people enjoy it, but I find myself having to give him a slap in the face when he gets into exchanges like this. Think about this people, This is only cute the first time!:

My dad: What? No thin mints!?

Polite girl scout: Yes, I'm sorry. Where sold out. (<--note, girl scout's patience with answering this question for the 30 millionth time ended here)

My dad: oooooooh noooooooo. really? (whining)

Slightly disinterested girl scout: Yep. Sorry. (tries turning attention to next customer)

My dad: But they're my favorite.

Indifferent girl scout: We're really sorry. We'll have more tomorrow.

My dad: Well alright. I guess I'll let it slide this time. (attempt at cute teasing)

Officially annoyed girl scout: Okay. Thanks.

Now is when most people walk away wondering "What was her problem?"
That freaking question is her problem! Sympathy ended at customer 3000! It's not that she can't field this question anymore. She just can't pretend to CARE anymore after she has answered it. Pouting and whining will not make thin mints magically aprear.

All I can say is that I am so glad that I'm teaching now instead of doing customer service. Now when a kid whines I can say "TOUGH! Get over it." It is fabulous.
omg i called today after i couldn't reach her yesterday. she said this to me
"mr. xxx, we will notify you when we get the results, you do not need to call everyday, this is borderline harrassment."

i couldn't believe it. i talk to her once a week and she just flipped on me. now i don't know who to contact.

That is definitely a bit surprising to me. I made a point of calling them every monday morning and never had a problem. I also did so as politely and professionally as possible. I bet she was just having a bad day, everybody has those. I would not call more than once a week though since not much will change over the course of a week while waiting with the government, especially as it takes about a week for them to pass information from person to person.
Well if you called yesterday and then again today, it's daily not weekly that you are calling. It is overboard a little bit... scale it back... don't want to piss these people off or they might accidentally process every other file first...

i said i called yesterday but she wasn't there. i only called back today because i couldn't get a hold of her yesterday. so for her, she only has talked to me once a week at the very most.
If the FAA does not have enough staff to field needs more staff.

They made the rules, we just play by them. Everyone has learned that they are not really going to be contacted. They need to do it them self.

The squeaky wheel is the game people play with employers, schools, testing agencies, etc. Daily calls is kinda the status quo with precocious waiters. I know because I used to process applications for a grad school program. You just have to laugh when they call. "Oh high billy the grad applicant! No, not today."

So I think she kinda jumped on your too hard. If I haven't had a business call returned in a day...I'm going to call again. Based on what she said, she hadn't intended on calling you back.

I don't have both sides of course, so all I can say is ask yourself how you are behaving on the phone. Do you moan and groan? Whine at them? Ask them "Why isn't it ready yet!?" Those aren't the most professional behaviors.

Now for some comic relief, my Dad's a chatter and talks to everyone he comes across. Most people enjoy it, but I find myself having to give him a slap in the face when he gets into exchanges like this. Think about this people, This is only cute the first time!:

My dad: What? No thin mints!?

Polite girl scout: Yes, I'm sorry. Where sold out. (<--note, girl scout's patience with answering this question for the 30 millionth time ended here)

My dad: oooooooh noooooooo. really? (whining)

Slightly disinterested girl scout: Yep. Sorry. (tries turning attention to next customer)

My dad: But they're my favorite.

Indifferent girl scout: We're really sorry. We'll have more tomorrow.

My dad: Well alright. I guess I'll let it slide this time. (attempt at cute teasing)

Officially annoyed girl scout: Okay. Thanks.

Now is when most people walk away wondering "What was her problem?"
That freaking question is her problem! Sympathy ended at customer 3000! It's not that she can't field this question anymore. She just can't pretend to CARE anymore after she has answered it. Pouting and whining will not make thin mints magically aprear.

All I can say is that I am so glad that I'm teaching now instead of doing customer service. Now when a kid whines I can say "TOUGH! Get over it." It is fabulous.

Yeah i hate customer service myself. I have to deliver pizzas to ungrateful customers who put all their baggage on me in hopes that they can get a free pizza for it. Anyways, i am very respectful everytime i call. She told me 3 weeks ago that it would take 3-4 weeks for them to receive the evaluation. i called exactly 1 month after my appointment, which was last thursday, and she left a message for the psychologist because she had expected to get the evaluation by then. i called yesterday to see if the psych had returned her phone call but she was at lunch or something. So i called her today and that's when she flipped on me.
OK i just called the psychologist and she said she mailed it out on monday. now that calling the medical office isn't an option, how long would it take for me to find out?
well honestly i would say call the med office in about 2 weeks..even if she does go off on you. When i called back in the last time, she said that they hadn't recieved it yet and that "alot of times the psychologists office say that they sent it but they really didnt" and she insisted that they didnt have it yet..:rolleyes: so i asked her to check again for me and she actually went and physically spoke to the mail room. Turned out that they had it a week ago and that it had already been sent to DC for approval...:whatever:

so total it took from feb 24th to march 09th to get to the med office
well honestly i would say call the med office in about 2 weeks..even if she does go off on you. When i called back in the last time, she said that they hadn't recieved it yet and that "alot of times the psychologists office say that they sent it but they really didnt" and she insisted that they didnt have it yet..:rolleyes: so i asked her to check again for me and she actually went and physically spoke to the mail room. Turned out that they had it a week ago and that it had already been sent to DC for approval...:whatever:

so total it took from feb 24th to march 09th to get to the med office

wow, i think i've been pretty patient since i applied and got my TOL the third week of january even though the damn thing was dated Dec 27th. things like this really aggravate me and it makes me wonder what the hell they're doing at work.
Stuff like this happens all the time with the government.. there is so much paperwork getting passed back in forth that sometimes things get lost in the shuffle, which is why I always feel the need to call to make sure everything keeps moving along.
I have my mmpi tier 2 eval. tomorrow at 9:30 am. Not sure why i'm still up but i'll let you know how it goes. And since i know that it takes a while i'm not even gonna call for at least a month.
Just did my re-eval in Richland, WA. Very annoying since they told me that's the only place I could do it until bugging them and finding out I could have gone to Seattle a bit too late. So, make sure you find a close psychologist cause they won't necessarily give you one.

The visit was pretty awful, an old guy examined me and he seemed to have a bigger chip on his shoulder than my grandpa. I honestly could swear I saw him roll his eyes! :mad: Maybe it was seeing a chinchila on the ink blot test that did it, dno. Anyhow, for those about to take the re-eval be ready for them to dig a good bit. Good luck to everyone I know whether justified or not this process is hell for some!
my visit was about 3 hours long... and 20 mins of that was "tell me a little about yourself" and the other 2hrs and 40mins was filling in the circles.. so that was pretty frustrating but other than that it was ok..
ok i got some somewhat encouraging news. they called me today and told me that they received the results and were sending it to DC. i was told that if i didn't hear anything in 3 weeks to call them back. a light at the end of the tunnel perhaps? this whole process has taken a LOT longer than i thought it would, and i skipped a semester of school just to wait on the results. but if i pass i pass, and will hopefully get a class date sooner than later. i'll update within the next few weeks i guess.
Finally done with the Second tier eval. and some of my refrences are getting letters so things are moving forward. Hopefully at this point i've done everything I can do. So i'll do what i'm good at which is.......... waiting!!
i get a call from a number i dont recognize...

my first reaction is "woooo class date on my bday!"


i failed the mmpi:(

scoot over everyone, youve got company!