**EVERYTHING*** you wanted to know about the AT-SAT

Alitude seperation: You can have them "fly over" one another--you will have 4 options for altitude...1 lowest--4 highest. As long as there is atleast one difference between, you will be fine. EX: Level 3 flies over a level 1. Level 4 files over a level 2.

As for landing and "exiting"...the FASTER THE BETTER. All aircraft that "exit" need to exit at the highest speed...opposite for landing...SLOWEST SPEED....

BUT>>>>you need to get all aircraft to their destination as QUICLKY AS POSSIBLE!!!. It is best to slow the landing aircraft just before they enter the airfield. At the end of each "session" you will have an efficiency rating...the higher the better. When I took mine in March, my first one was in the the 80% range, then the other two were in the 90% range. hope this helps...any other questions let me know...

They can be seperated by any altitude. I kept all my departures at 3 and 4 and arrivals at 1 and 2. No collisions at all.
Trident, Nathan and Chichi...

You guys are awesome! Thanks for the tips. I'm going to play the Jeremy Justice version to practice.

Are the scan and scenarios 30 minutes, 45 minutes. I think the book says 30 minutes but I read somewhere that it's 45 minutes. Also, it sounds like the scenarios are broken up into 4 smaller tests. Can someone please clarify for me what the time alotments are?

applied PUBNAT3 5/30/08
ATSAT Date 08/12/08
Turn 31 10/11/08 :(
Trident, Nathan and Chichi...

You guys are awesome! Thanks for the tips. I'm going to play the Jeremy Justice version to practice.

Are the scan and scenarios 30 minutes, 45 minutes. I think the book says 30 minutes but I read somewhere that it's 45 minutes. Also, it sounds like the scenarios are broken up into 4 smaller tests. Can someone please clarify for me what the time alotments are?

I think the scan was actually pretty short, maybe like 20-25 minutes. The Air Traffic scenario portion was separated into 4 parts: 3 were 900 seconds long and the last was 1500 seconds.
I just wanted to thank everyone on this forum. I took my AT-SAT yesterday and have been reading this forum for a long time. I really appreciate everyone's help. Hopefully I will get my score soon!!!
the toughest part is waiting after you've taken the test... as the time passes you keep thinking you did worse and worse lol- THINK POSITIVE!
Thanks for all the help on this site and this is my first post on here but this is where I'm at:

05/30 - Applied PUBNAT3
07/17 - ASAP notice that I'm authorized to take the AT-SAT
07/28 - Received e-mail to schedule test
08/12 - Took the AT-SAT in Lisle, IL (300 miles from my Kentucky home)
Today - Waiting on my test score which they told me would be available on ASAP in 5-7 business days but not for sure exactly where it will be at on there. I'm sure somebody has already stated where it appears on ASAP. I have no clue as to how I did. It could be a high or low score. I used this site and the green book to prepare and practice but I feel like I did okay. Now just hurry up and wait.:banghead:

Dose anyone know how long it takes for your scores to pop up on ASAP? I took my test yesterday and I see a lot of ppl geting test scores back the next day and others getting scores 7 days after the test. Whats the average time?

Dose anyone know how long it takes for your scores to pop up on ASAP? I took my test yesterday and I see a lot of ppl geting test scores back the next day and others getting scores 7 days after the test. Whats the average time?

No one can really answer that for you... average time would be a few days I suppose, but some people got them the next day and others waited a week and a half. You'll get it when they decide to put it up.
I see why no one has posted instructions for letter factory...because they are very detailed. It's a good idea not to use the green book to get ready for the real test because what's okay on the CD and the actual test are different.

It's okay for you to pre load the boxes on the CD but not from the test. You can only click on the boxes that are needed. In the test all you need to do is click on a box and it will load the box for you. When you need to order boxes on the CD it orders all three colors but in the actual test it only orders the one box you need. It's also a good habit that when you need a box to check and see if you have one left because that's when you need to order boxes. On the actual test the letters will start blinking when they are below the line and you can use them so that's quite helpful. On the actual test there is no need to drag the letters to the boxes. You can click at the bottom of the conveyor belt and put the letter in the box.
Thanks for all the help on this site and this is my first post on here but this is where I'm at:

05/30 - Applied PUBNAT3
07/17 - ASAP notice that I'm authorized to take the AT-SAT
07/28 - Received e-mail to schedule test
08/12 - Took the AT-SAT in Lisle, IL (300 miles from my Kentucky home)
Today - Waiting on my test score which they told me would be available on ASAP in 5-7 business days but not for sure exactly where it will be at on there. I'm sure somebody has already stated where it appears on ASAP. I have no clue as to how I did. It could be a high or low score. I used this site and the green book to prepare and practice but I feel like I did okay. Now just hurry up and wait.:banghead:

I feel your pain. I tested on the 11th in Lisle (which was a six hour drive for me as well) and don't yet have the results... Meanwhile we get to drive ourselves nuts lol!! :panic:
to the first page? meaning of the website? if so and you want to put that up as a perspective, PM Doug Taylor. He can do that for you. :)

Heh, no, I just meant the first page of this thread, with the other AT-SAT links. I'd hesitate to try to give any sort of perspective before I actually get into the field and know what I'm talking about -- I don't want to end up being the cause of a thread like this one.
stupid question..

is it every calendar year that you can take the test or once every 365 days.. i figured it's the latter but my friend only got a "W" on his test and got the 2nd email like some of us did.. i told him not to get his hopes up when he calls in in the next couple of days... :whatever:
stupid question..

is it every calendar year that you can take the test or once every 365 days.. i figured it's the latter but my friend only got a "W" on his test and got the 2nd email like some of us did.. i told him not to get his hopes up when he calls in in the next couple of days... :whatever:

what is a "W"?

its every 365 days and you are eligible again
365 days...

From the FAA website:
Can I retake the pre-employment test if I want to improve my score?
Yes. No matter what your score, you may retake the test one year after the first time you took the test. Your second test score will always replace your first score.