**EVERYTHING*** you wanted to know about the AT-SAT

However, your dancing bannanas make me think of Brian from Family Guy doin the "Peanut Butter Jelly Time!" dance.

Sorry, totally off topic, BUT... does anyone else get the worst taste in their mouth combining chicken noodle soup / chicken & dumplings and a PB&J? That is the worst taste in the world, besides Australian Beef [wayyyyy too gamy tasting]
I just got my test results and wanted to thank ya'll for this thread! It was a lifesaver! I guess now, I'll just sit and wait some more.
Just got my test results back. I scored an 88.1%. Does anyone know if this is good enough to get selected for an interview?
ok this is a question i havnt seen asked yet after going through all of the threads. i got selected to take the test but didnt know about it until just the other day due to the original message going to my spam box and getting deleted and dumb luck of me opening the second notice, that i almost deleted as spam do to no subject line, saying that i got a date for the AT-SAT. the thing is its for a standby slot. im just wondering if most of the testings are full or if there are usually open slots. i dont want to drive 2 hours to take the test and be told that there are no open slots, though i will do it anyways. im just wondering what my chances are if most testings have open slots or if most are packed.
ok this is a question i havnt seen asked yet after going through all of the threads. i got selected to take the test but didnt know about it until just the other day due to the original message going to my spam box and getting deleted and dumb luck of me opening the second notice, that i almost deleted as spam do to no subject line, saying that i got a date for the AT-SAT. the thing is its for a standby slot. im just wondering if most of the testings are full or if there are usually open slots. i dont want to drive 2 hours to take the test and be told that there are no open slots, though i will do it anyways. im just wondering what my chances are if most testings have open slots or if most are packed.

No need to panic, unless the email is really old and the testing has already finished. The same thing happened to me, I found it about a week after it hit my junkbox. Just call the number listed in the email, and they will work with you to schedule a formal time. You shouldnt have to standby if you do it quick enough.
ok thanks man. i just recived the letter on the 31st (yesterday) so illgive them a call tomorrow. hopefully they will reasure me that a sopts open. but the letter did say i could show up on any day of testing as a standby tester so they might be able to give me a date that would be better to show up on.
Hey im Mark, i have been surfing this forum for about a week now, and would like to thank everyone who has offered the time to post tips and suggestions and anything that can help a newbie take the ATSAT. My confidence has doubled since stumbling upon here. (Minus the 200 people talking about getting 100's on the ATSAT)

Im still super nervous about the Math section especially the questions that involve 2 planes passing eachother. The rediculous verbal analagies, the questions during letter factory and not running planes into the walls of the AT section. But what can you do? ha Im wondering how quite you have to be because ive been pretty verbal while doing some of the sections, like i was playing halo3 or COD5 or something.

I take the test 1/9. Anyone else joining me at the Crown PLaza Hotel?
Im wondering how quite you have to be because ive been pretty verbal while doing some of the sections, like i was playing halo3 or COD5 or something.

I know it was extremely quiet when I took my test... almost to the point of being uncomfortable. Other than during the scenario portion when you're wearing headphones and hearing others crash planes, you can hear people sighing or exhaling loudly, a stomach or two growling, and the constant clicking of keyboard keys... I also became aware of how loud a mouse click can be.

That should give you an idea of what the test was like for me... maybe you can be the one to provide some relief for those who need to have some noise around them :)

Welcome and good luck ;)
Hey im Mark, i have been surfing this forum for about a week now, and would like to thank everyone who has offered the time to post tips and suggestions and anything that can help a newbie take the ATSAT. My confidence has doubled since stumbling upon here. (Minus the 200 people talking about getting 100's on the ATSAT)

Im still super nervous about the Math section especially the questions that involve 2 planes passing eachother. The rediculous verbal analagies, the questions during letter factory and not running planes into the walls of the AT section. But what can you do? ha Im wondering how quite you have to be because ive been pretty verbal while doing some of the sections, like i was playing halo3 or COD5 or something.

I take the test 1/9. Anyone else joining me at the Crown PLaza Hotel?

just wanna add that COD5 is amazing...haha
Im glad there are a couple gamers in here. My Xbox Live name is oo50calchromeoo so add me whenever youd like.

About the silence, i hate it, it makes me feel uncomfrotable and nervous, im def going to try to animate the test a little bit. Anyway i do have a quick question about the green books ST section. I have landed a bunch of planes properly in airport "f" at Slow level 1 but the planes just keep going through and never dissapear? Has this happened to anyone else in the green book?

Id also like to thank whoever posted that math text on there, because its awesome.

If i fail i think i may join the air force anyone think that it may be the best way to get into the industry?
Oh yea and i think im an idiot, when i applied to take the test it asked me to list the airports i want to work in i listed Newark, Philly, A.C, Leigh Valley, Baltimore, Cinci, Cleveland, anywhere in NJ and 2 other randoms, with just a college degree in Communications do you think i should have selected lower ranking airports or rearrange my selections? Can i still do that? I take the test Friday.