Delta is planning on hiring 1300 in 2020

I renounced my UK citizenship when I was 19, right before I went to US Navy boot. But my love for English chocolate will never die( includes my hate for Hershey’s). That being said, many other things English they can keep on the other end of the pond, like spotted dick..
Our food here is better.

And since you're American anyway, yeah Hersey is crap.
I fixed it the same day I received the email. Maybe I was so efficient they decided I wasn't the right guy for the job?

^ general feeling about the whole thing
Jordan's interview write up sounded like a nightmare. I'm 41. Too old for musical chairs. With the latest on the MAX I really don't know what to do. Seems like things will be very stagnant for a long time now.

Yea his write up honestly turned me off to the whole process especially with all the delta memes. But Alaska isn’t going to just stop growing because of the MAX. They’ve built 400 since the grounding, and let’s say even if they all end up scrapped the airlines aren’t going to just not grow, they’ll get another plane on order.

At least in theory right?
At the moment Alaska is SHRINKING. Aircraft are being returned to the leasing company and no planes are on order (for growth). Captains on the A320 are being displaced and at least one downgraded. They aren’t expanding any routes, trying new markets, or leveraging the cheap fuel and good economy. I’d say things here are bad.

Plus, only 20% of the list is retiring in the next 10 years. Lots of Virgin FOs senior to the Alaska hires so guys picked up now will be in the right seat a LONG time. Upgrades will be VX FOs going into the left seat of the Guppy.

Better to go to a place that actually has a plan and future prospects.
Where is this write up?
I interviewed there a while ago. Left a negative impression of the whole company tbh. Lots of people (who got the job) say things like “they are really friendly and try hard to get you to relax”. Nope, they kept everything at the minimum expected level of politeness and that’s it. HR interview was quite confrontational compared to other places.
I interviewed there a while ago. Left a negative impression of the whole company tbh. Lots of people (who got the job) say things like “they are really friendly and try hard to get you to relax”. Nope, they kept everything at the minimum expected level of politeness and that’s it. HR interview was quite confrontational compared to other places.
Not inaccurate in my experience. In fact, it bordered on openly hostile the first time through.

yeah, yeah; results not typical and the money’d be great or something.
I interviewed there a while ago. Left a negative impression of the whole company tbh. Lots of people (who got the job) say things like “they are really friendly and try hard to get you to relax”. Nope, they kept everything at the minimum expected level of politeness and that’s it. HR interview was quite confrontational compared to other places.

Had a bro interview at "a place". Now potential sour grapes being what they are, he said it was VERY clear from the very outset which Sneeches has stars on their bellies and which didn't. This became more apparent as the process went on, as the Star Bellied Sneechs f'ed up and were given passes, while those doing "comparatively better" were shown the door.

He went on to say he didn't even mind the process so much "their place, their rules", but went on to say "ya know, if it was so clear at the outset which people they wanted to hire, why didn't they just call THOSE people, instead of wasting the time of the people they didn't want to hire".

Nominally I would have brushed this story off as a one-off, but I heard the same story from no less than a dozen non-related people. NONE of the people hired were "good s4!ts", and EVERY one who was hired had some kind of indelible personality flaw that made them candidates for a no-fly list.

This remains one of my life's mysteries.