Delta is planning on hiring 1300 in 2020

I interviewed there a while ago. Left a negative impression of the whole company tbh. Lots of people (who got the job) say things like “they are really friendly and try hard to get you to relax”. Nope, they kept everything at the minimum expected level of politeness and that’s it. HR interview was quite confrontational compared to other places.

Oh what the hell, I'm off probation.

I don't know why they hired me, and yeah one guy was a little combative in the little room but I got him talking about corvettes somehow and he eased up. I've been told I speak well, maybe that did it.

They left a lot of really good honest people behind, being a pilot not an HR professional, I would say guys that deserved it. I always thought I'd fit in better at Southwest but they didn't want me.

I'm happy to be here but I figured they'd have figured out what a tool I am and have fired me by now. Idk. Just keep applying and keep trying to fit in at the next place @thevideographer . I would say try here again, and make the little testy crap they throw at you a game. I suppose on some level I took the prep really serious and I didn't take the interview very serious. I assumed it would be great practice and there was a free opportunity so I took it. I definitely saw what people were talking about, and despite the protestations on here and other places I believed the people I knew over random internet posters who were pretending to be top men or white knights for the mothership. Who knows, maybe listening to everyone's complaints and believing them and trying to imagine myself ducking that attitude was what got me the job.

Either way, whatever. There is a weird "get you to relax" song and dance but after all the stories I took it to mean act relaxed and keep your guard up (so literally put on an act) . Relaxed for me is shorts and a beer with BBQ ribs in the other hand. Their kind of relaxed ain't my kind of relaxed.

Something to be said for the widget. There's a Lotta good people here and I wouldn't know it being on their jumpseats or talking to them in the terminal. If your on the team you kinda get let in this world. Maybe united and American are like that too, but I hope we're not coming off as up tight. I joked with a swa guy on the elevator on an overnight and he asked if I was sure I was in fact shiny jet intunationul. I don't like that reputation.
Had a bro interview at "a place". Now potential sour grapes being what they are, he said it was VERY clear from the very outset which Sneeches has stars on their bellies and which didn't. This became more apparent as the process went on, as the Star Bellied Sneechs f'ed up and were given passes, while those doing "comparatively better" were shown the door.

He went on to say he didn't even mind the process so much "their place, their rules", but went on to say "ya know, if it was so clear at the outset which people they wanted to hire, why didn't they just call THOSE people, instead of wasting the time of the people they didn't want to hire".

Nominally I would have brushed this story off as a one-off, but I heard the same story from no less than a dozen non-related people. NONE of the people hired were "good s4!ts", and EVERY one who was hired had some kind of indelible personality flaw that made them candidates for a no-fly list.

This remains one of my life's mysteries.
My Dad calla them “kool-aid commandos” though I suppose Star-bellied sneeches works just as well.
Finally you outted yourself! You pulled a great Kaiser Sose when you inexplicably disappeared from our seniority list. I think they did a great thing giving a monkey a widget. Ballsy move that I think will pay off for them.
Lol. Yeah I should check that list with a friends login and see if anyone else is missing.

Oh what the hell, I'm off probation.

I don't know why they hired me, and yeah one guy was a little combative in the little room but I got him talking about corvettes somehow and he eased up. I've been told I speak well, maybe that did it.

They left a lot of really good honest people behind, being a pilot not an HR professional, I would say guys that deserved it. I always thought I'd fit in better at Southwest but they didn't want me.

I'm happy to be here but I figured they'd have figured out what a tool I am and have fired me by now. Idk. Just keep applying and keep trying to fit in at the next place @thevideographer . I would say try here again, and make the little testy crap they throw at you a game. I suppose on some level I took the prep really serious and I didn't take the interview very serious. I assumed it would be great practice and there was a free opportunity so I took it. I definitely saw what people were talking about, and despite the protestations on here and other places I believed the people I knew over random internet posters who were pretending to be top men or white knights for the mothership. Who knows, maybe listening to everyone's complaints and believing them and trying to imagine myself ducking that attitude was what got me the job.

Either way, whatever. There is a weird "get you to relax" song and dance but after all the stories I took it to mean act relaxed and keep your guard up (so literally put on an act) . Relaxed for me is shorts and a beer with BBQ ribs in the other hand. Their kind of relaxed ain't my kind of relaxed.

Something to be said for the widget. There's a Lotta good people here and I wouldn't know it being on their jumpseats or talking to them in the terminal. If your on the team you kinda get let in this world. Maybe united and American are like that too, but I hope we're not coming off as up tight. I joked with a swa guy on the elevator on an overnight and he asked if I was sure I was in fact shiny jet intunationul. I don't like that reputation.

I think that might be the complaint; that if any critique is brought, the response is, "HA HA HA HA! YEAH YOU'RE JUST BITTER THAT WE DIDN'T PICK YOU WHEN YOU RUSHED DELTA!!! HA HA HA LOSER!!!! O'DOYLE RULES!!!"

But the thing is, it's not unique to SJI. Most airlines seem to have this attitude that you're dating them, not interviewing for job. People get oddly personal about the place where they work and how they perceive other people perceiving them.
Had a bro interview at "a place". Now potential sour grapes being what they are, he said it was VERY clear from the very outset which Sneeches has stars on their bellies and which didn't. This became more apparent as the process went on, as the Star Bellied Sneechs f'ed up and were given passes, while those doing "comparatively better" were shown the door.

He went on to say he didn't even mind the process so much "their place, their rules", but went on to say "ya know, if it was so clear at the outset which people they wanted to hire, why didn't they just call THOSE people, instead of wasting the time of the people they didn't want to hire".

Nominally I would have brushed this story off as a one-off, but I heard the same story from no less than a dozen non-related people. NONE of the people hired were "good s4!ts", and EVERY one who was hired had some kind of indelible personality flaw that made them candidates for a no-fly list.

This remains one of my life's mysteries.

Love the Sneeches reference. Classic!