Delta is planning on hiring 1300 in 2020

I like it. I merely think there’s no reason to behave that way in the interview context.
From the "Checklist to success" book (or some such) from one of the prep companies, that, along with superfriendly, is just an interview tactic to see how you behave outside of the typical interview setup.
Superfriendly interrogator, same as aggressive interrogator, don't really have the time to figure you out and to get to know you. So they just throw you an "unusual attitude" and see how you deal with it.
Nuthin personal, just doing their jobs. Book suggests remaining professional either way.
From the "Checklist to success" book (or some such) from one of the prep companies, that, along with superfriendly, is just an interview tactic to see how you behave outside of the typical interview setup.
Superfriendly interrogator, same as aggressive interrogator, don't really have the time to figure you out and to get to know you. So they just throw you an "unusual attitude" and see how you deal with it.
Nuthin personal, just doing their jobs. Book suggests remaining professional either way.
Sorry, I’m too old to play games. The only ones I want to play are on my computer
From the "Checklist to success" book (or some such) from one of the prep companies, that, along with superfriendly, is just an interview tactic to see how you behave outside of the typical interview setup.
Superfriendly interrogator, same as aggressive interrogator, don't really have the time to figure you out and to get to know you. So they just throw you an "unusual attitude" and see how you deal with it.
Nuthin personal, just doing their jobs. Book suggests remaining professional either way.

And this garbage is why people hate HR people.
“You have died of dysentery”
Aw Jeez Computing Consortium!

I actually had the opportunity to cite a book about the development of that game in a class of mine and I felt I should have, then and there, been awarded the degree of Master of Science. Alas, they did not see it so.
Aw Jeez Computing Consortium!

I actually had the opportunity to cite a book about the development of that game in a class of mine and I felt I should have, then and there, been awarded the degree of Master of Science. Alas, they did not see it so.
I'm pretty sure this conversation happened:

"If Nark doesn't pass this class, he'll be back the next semester."
Dean: "Come hell or high water, Nark will pass this last class!"
I'm pretty sure this conversation happened:

"If Nark doesn't pass this class, he'll be back the next semester."
Dean: "Come hell or high water, Nark will pass this last class!"
They don’t seem sick of me - yet - but I’ve got Clutch for one more term and I’m pretty sure *he* is.
From the "Checklist to success" book (or some such) from one of the prep companies, that, along with superfriendly, is just an interview tactic to see how you behave outside of the typical interview setup.
Superfriendly interrogator, same as aggressive interrogator, don't really have the time to figure you out and to get to know you. So they just throw you an "unusual attitude" and see how you deal with it.
Nuthin personal, just doing their jobs. Book suggests remaining professional either way.

Curious. Is this sort of a test to determine how a pilot might react to an angry, uninformed, exhausted passenger yelling at them in the airplane?
AA starts to lose almost 1,000/year in 2020 (for many years) to retirement. I know you and UAL are similar. I don’t see how anything short of another 911 results in a furlough.

We work in such a Bipolar & Demented industry, at a time of uncertainty I’m going sit and pace back & forth at the mad house until I see a trend and opening break.

But prior to making the jump I’ll be wondering.... What if it sucks outside the mad house? What if I leave then my luck war, current economic bubble finally burst, and furloughs occurs. What if my QOL, bidding seniority, $120-$130k was really enough.
Curious. Is this sort of a test to determine how a pilot might react to an angry, uninformed, exhausted passenger yelling at them in the airplane?
My response to that is more like:

Or, "I'm angry about it too," depending.

The power dynamic, I think, is "off" for trying to assess that specific interaction in the interview context, incidentally. I think it might be a more useful thing to use either a scenario question or a "tell me about this from your experience" than to stomp on someone's nicely-polished dress shoes, grab them by their painfully common red power tie and piss them off.

I might love Admiral Rickover, but I don't think his interview techniques have any place in the airlines.
But prior to making the jump I’ll be wondering.... What if it sucks outside the mad house? What if I leave then my luck war, current economic bubble finally burst, and furloughs occurs. What if my QOL, bidding seniority, $120-$130k was really enough.
You mean, like Donnie Boy illegally knocking off an Iranian general, contrary to the laws of war and possibly even U.S. federal law? ;)
*closes cockpit door*
I mean, more or less. I think of that lady who lost her mind in Rochester after a medical diversion. Sorry, you're asking me to de-escalate that? I'm not sure that's a good plan, as I wouldn't know where to start—especially once it gets to that point.

There are three ways it ends:
  1. Subject passenger becomes the nicest person in the world, squares themselves away and starts pooping Tiffany cufflinks,
  2. Subject passenger leaves the aircraft under their own power, or
  3. Subject passenger leaves the aircraft with assistance from the local constabulary.
Now, there's a large gap between 1 and 2, and possibly another large gap between 2 and 3, and the objective is to have it all be a (1) and not a (2) or especially not a (3) if it can be avoided. (3) tends to damage the brand even if the airline is perfectly justified in having that action taken.

As far as getting to and keeping it as a (1), empathizing and identifying are nice skills to have.
Curious. Is this sort of a test to determine how a pilot might react to an angry, uninformed, exhausted passenger yelling at them in the airplane?

I think it is nothing more than BS good cop/bad cop type nonsense.
Maybe someone thought this would be a way to suss out those who don’t handle stressful situations well, maybe they came up with it because they were bored, had psychological issues and enjoyed messing with people.
Who knows?