Delta is planning on hiring 1300 in 2020

This is true. Sadly, I find more “30 going on 60” weird copilots than I found odd duck captains when I was an FO.

Upgrading was a rude awakening at times.
It's the same in the regionals. The kids, they don't make no sense no more.

... However, they pretty alright. Just weird. Some. Of this may be because I started drinking Claw and I like it, they were right I was wrong.
I still haven’t tried “White Claw” but I’m so outside of the target demographic, it’d be like me saying “Hmm, I wonder am I more of a Smarties man or a Bubble Yum guy?
I mean, absurd complaint coming from an English man.

I renounced my UK citizenship when I was 19, right before I went to US Navy boot. But my love for English chocolate will never die( includes my hate for Hershey’s). That being said, many other things English they can keep on the other end of the pond, like spotted dick..