Considering Ameriflight interview; could use some answers/input

From a pilot standpoint the SA-227 has so far been an interesting experience. Other pilots and FBO people have been commenting about me flying the thing single pilot. I did a charter where all the previous cargo carriers using metros flew them two pilot. I have also gotten comments from major airline guys as well. I have to wonder if the Metro's reputation could land me a great job in the future.

It got me to UPS. 4000 hrs in that sewer pipe and still one of my favorites! If you can fly it you can fly anything we have.
Is that still the case today? I'll be honest, I have zero interest in going into the regional drama unless it improves and stabilizes drastically. The goal right now is corporate, of which freight and flight instructing is where it's at. I'm open to going to a stable major though, but the freight route seems like a bit of a gamble, even with networking.

That and the metroliner single pilot has a mysterious allure to it that I can't put into words. That and the bigger gulfstreams, citation X and 757 are my aeronautical unicorns. As silly as that sounds. Haha
Is that still the case today? I'll be honest, I have zero interest in going into the regional drama unless it improves and stabilizes drastically. The goal right now is corporate, of which freight and flight instructing is where it's at. I'm open to going to a stable major though, but the freight route seems like a bit of a gamble, even with networking.

That and the metroliner single pilot has a mysterious allure to it that I can't put into words. That and the bigger gulfstreams, citation X and 757 are my aeronautical unicorns. As silly as that sounds. Haha

No such thing as "stable" anything in aviation. Don't know how much Metro time will help nowadays since its been 25 yrs since I last stepped foot in one and I'm not privy to the inner workings of the HR dept but it certainly can't hurt.

And drama.....I've found drama in every step of my aviation career. I probably have to deal with more drama now then ever. Just sayin'
Yeah I hear ya. Stability is relative of course. Driving garbage trucks looks more and more appealing everyday. Haha It just seems like there's a lot more whining and animosity on the 121 side of the field at the regional level than the GA side.
Hey guys, some more questions for those at CVG:

What's the nearest city to get a rental at?
is there a site for AMF guys to check on crashpads?
At the outstation, is it an fbo or what?
Can you give me the specific location of the outstation? facility available to pass the time or just lounging around pretty much? Figured at the least I could get a work-out in or get back in school and do homework.

I am just trying to plan in case I do good on the interview.

Thanks all!
Don't plan on using a crash pad. CVG is not a commutable base.

CVG is all home based. When on a run you will stay in a hotel during the day and then fly back. You can do what you want while you sit in the hotel.

There are a few outstationed people out of SDF but not many.
What I meant to ask was about renting an apartment, since I'd be moving. Am I to understand that they provide a hotel on all the days I'm scheduled to fly? So, that pretty much does away with the nee'd for an apartment huh?
What I meant to ask was about renting an apartment, since I'd be moving. Am I to understand that they provide a hotel on all the days I'm scheduled to fly? So, that pretty much does away with the nee'd for an apartment huh?

I will add this. Flying freight is going to require moving to upgrade, or at the very least, upgrade quickly. As you already know, most apartment leases are a year. The ones that don't have meth labs in the garages at least. Make sure there's a "transfer clause" in the lease that will allow you to break your lease without paying penalties. You'll probably have to get a letter from your company to show proof though. Also, freight, not just Ameriflight, is a lot more of the attitude of "Oh you're having trouble with training? See ya!". So if one were say based in Oakland. I'd want everything on a hair trigger to get out of that expensive city ASAP if something negative ever happened. Unless you're from/or like the area I suppose. ;)
Good advice guys, thanks for the info as well! Hopefully I don't run the same luck as you Douglas, but if I can't afford it, I guess I'll always carry my sleeping bag :P
Is amflight hiring street captains for the metro. I have my SA227 PIC type with IOE completed at my current company. If so, are there any metro base in California.
Is amflight hiring street captains for the metro. I have my SA227 PIC type with IOE completed at my current company. If so, are there any metro base in California.
They sometimes do, I don't think they are right now though. Give them a call to find out.

I don't think you are going to be able to specify anything as far as what base you get if they're hiring into the metros, because it will be where nobody else wants to go.
Is amflight hiring street captains for the metro. I have my SA227 PIC type with IOE completed at my current company. If so, are there any metro base in California.

Street hires usually go out east. Everyone in BUR/ONT/OAK in the Metro has minimum of three years with the company.
I was homeless for a while, it sucked.
Get to hang out in a lot of parks though.

Techncally I'm homeless. Been living in a hotel from January 23rd til now. >1 year leases aren't really available in the Minneapolis area unless you're okay with living where the crime rate is ridiculous. I'm a skinny preppy white kid that drives a BMW, I'd be so screwed. haha I did aerial survey for a year straight, so psychologically, I'm still alright. :confused: