Considering Ameriflight interview; could use some answers/input

"Localizer backtrack" is not standard phraseology*, so I'm not surprised you confused it with a backcourse. Going into an unfamiliar sim they're not going to expect you to fly to PTS standards, just show that you're trainable.

* Although "backtrack" is ICAO phraseology to indicate taxiing in the opposite direction of the runway.
I jacked up a missed approach on my sim ride. The radial I was to intercept came in faster than I expected. I asked for vectors and continued the flight. Other than that no issues. Still got the job. :)

Where did you do your interview?
How easy is it to get based in SJU/BQN? A freight job is pretty far down the road for me, but I wouldn't mind living in PR...
Yeah, I call it backtrack but he actually said track the "localizer outbound"...don't know why my brain started thinking of reverse sensing! I use back-taxi;back-track all the time in my flying down here. Well, the interviewer was a really amicable guy and I breezed through the rest, so maybe he cut me slack on that one.

I interviewed in Miami. If I had money, I'd of done some sim time, but I was trying to do the best I could with my flights at work to stay furloughed on Monday, and that was the day I was going to rent a PCATD to get some practice; I guess things just have a way of working themselves out lol.
Congratulations Flugzeugfhrer E-man on doing well on the oral. I'm sure you did fine on the sim ride as well. I interview in Miami on Tuesday, would appreciate ANY info on what was asked in your oral/what approach(es) they had you fly in the sim. I have read the gouges available here and elsewhere, just looking for specifics if I can get them. PM is fine, I'm just trying to get as prepared as I can!!! Good luck to you, hope to see you on the line :)
I just got the emails with all the stuff I have to go over for training...any tips on what to focus on, memorize or put more emphasis on?

I figure I'll read this stuff as often as possible throughout the day, but if anyone has advice, I'd appreciate it.

Systems will be covered in groundschool. The sims themselves are a total waste of time and will teach you nothing about flying the airplane. They are a test of your ability to rote memorize and that's it.

Systems will be covered in groundschool. The sims themselves are a total waste of time and will teach you nothing about flying the airplane. They are a test of your ability to rote memorize and that's it.
This x1000.

Systems will be covered in groundschool. The sims themselves are a total waste of time and will teach you nothing about flying the airplane. They are a test of your ability to rote memorize and that's it.
to add on that, emergency procedures memory items.
Flows, memory items and limitations in that order is what I would prioritize on. If you don't know the flows yet and don't have a paper tiger / poster to really practice on still practice them so you at least know the "triggers" AMF uses and the general outline for their flows if not exactly where your hand goes.
Agreed. Just wait for recurrent. We got some interesting scenarios waiting for you. ;-)
Ah I know how to get out of said scenarios. Jam the right rudder hard enough to require the sim to be reset. Anything that happens after is considered a "simism" issue :).
Well, my worries were for naught...I got the job offer today. Thanks to the guys posting on here who provided me with the necessary info on the interview in other threads!

I'll pass you a pm; so you should have success as well.

Perhaps I missed it, but which plane did they assign you to?