Cargo weekly/monthly logbook entries


Well-Known Member
any of you dawgs that fly the same route every night, make weekly or monthly entries for your logbook? I cant find anything saying daily entries are necessary.
any of you dawgs that fly the same route every night, make weekly or monthly entries for your logbook? I cant find anything saying daily entries are necessary.
You don't have to log anything except for currency.

As far as your logbook goes, it's your logbook. Put whatever you see fit in there however you want to put it.
I am now on my second job of monthly entries by aircraft type. I have all the tripsheets in a separate binder.
I have yet to be asked to see my logbook. I mainly keep it up for my posterity sake. Note interesting stuff every once in a while....
I'm on my third job that never opened my logbook in the interview. The last guy even told me not to bring it to the interview.

My logbook was looked through at every interview I have been to. It certainly does happen.
My logbook was looked through at every interview I have been to. It certainly does happen.
Interesting, because we've both been to one interview that was conducted by the same person. That said they did go through it at indoc, I didn't have some of the pages signed, lol.
I'm sure it does, it seems like some of the regionals go through it with a fine toothed comb. I've also only been to one interview that didn't involve actually flying an airplane though. That might have something to do with it. And you can tell a lot more about a person by flying with them than looking at some paper, that for all you know could be complete BS.
My logbook was looked through at every interview I have been to. It certainly does happen.
Granted this is only my first job, they didn't see anything other than my cert and medical. And I think my SS card.

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The last job interview I had (Air Ambulance) they didn't look at logbook at all. The two one previous to that (freight, FedEx Feeder and UPS feeder) they either didn't look at it or skimmed it in a desultory fashion. The only times I've had it actually inspected were interviews at regional airlines.

With that said I still have mine looking pretty good, I log per leg because that is what European, Middle Eastern and Chinese airlines want to see and I may as well keep my options open.
I have yet to be asked to see my logbook. I mainly keep it up for my posterity sake. Note interesting stuff every once in a while....

Me too. I can open a logbook and just the three or four word in the comments section is enough for me to remember the flight.

As to the logging of months or weeks. I do it everyday just so I can keep up with how much I've flown and verify what days I've had off. I've worked for some very low tech companies. But to each their own. Log it how you want. Its your logbook. Not some DB sitting across the table that may or may not like how you've kept a record of your flying.
I keep mine updated, flight by flight, log approaches, holds, etc, just to keep options open down the road.
I'd say if you have copys of company log sheets somewhere, you should have no problem going to weekly or monthly entries. And if someone ever asks for details you'll have them in the trip sheets.
I keep mine updated, flight by flight, log approaches, holds, etc, just to keep options open down the road.

I agree with this and do the same. It's more tedious to log each flight, electronically. But it's also most accurate and easy to draw monthly/quarterly etc summaries from. It also most accurately depicts your experience to someone who is actually going to take the time to open up your logbook and look. "Oh, this guy's been into LAX and ATL quite a lot (or whatever), and has a good amount of Mexico flying."

YMMV but...even if you just do the same route right now every night doesn't mean that you won't be doing something vastly different 18-24 months from now in the same logbook.
any of you dawgs that fly the same route every night, make weekly or monthly entries for your logbook? I cant find anything saying daily entries are necessary.
That's your call. You don't need to log anything besides currency. I personally would fill my book out every couple days, otherwise I would get forgetful.
I logged about a week's flying at a time.

I also included the route # that I was fling that week.