Cargo Prop Pecking Order

Out of your list there?


However it is really Radials > Garrets > PT6s > horizontally opposed

Radials > Garrets > Turbo/supercharged Piston > PT6 > NA Piston.

And if we're real honest, you put the pt6 at the bottom of even the NA Pistons as long as they're twins. PT6 - training wheels for pilots.
That is a very dynamic question. Don't forget the ATR...

I like this thread. How many freighters can you post? Jets need not apply, because everyone knows jet pilots are sallies. @UAL747400
That's a 580, so those are Allison 501's. The 600 series Convairs (F-27's and G-I's too) have the Darts. The sound of a Dart engine can best be described as 10,000 pairs of scissors, all being used at once.

Cool, thanks! Used to see those things on the ramp at STT and boy-howdy were they ear-splitting. Conversely (lol) the radials sounded like Huey's taxing in with those huge props just going "whop whop whop".
According to the multiple Metro circle jerk posts I have read on here over the years, I would say they think that the Metro is the best...


It is weird how it is the wing that is on fire instead of the engine

How about a C-87 (B-24 cargo variant)


I think that is a box of killer bees and deer piss....

You guys are fast. 4 posts in the time it took me to pick a C47 and 87 picture
Can anyone help?

I've been reading some old posts here and I can't quite figure out where one would start and where one would allude to upgrade to. Obviously, I do know turboprop > recip.

Cessna 402
Beech 99

Based only on what I've flown and ranked by overall operational difficulty. I realize most HR departments don't give a crap, but they should! :)

-MU-2/Metro because they're CRAZY
-Unpressurised turbine
-Other pressurized turbine
-Part 25 props, using the Brasilia a reference. By far the easiest and least experience building of the lot. CRM IN the plane aside, but even that just isn't hard at all to figure out. If you're not a richard and know how to disarm a richard. Learned in life...
-Jets. All the former freight guys would probably put them here as well. :)

For career advancement
The exact reverse of that list. :rolleyes: :)

My humble opinion of course. I'm braced and ready for your comments! :)
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