Cargo Prop Pecking Order


Apparently a "terse" writer
Staff member
Can anyone help?

I've been reading some old posts here and I can't quite figure out where one would start and where one would allude to upgrade to. Obviously, I do know turboprop > recip.

Cessna 402
Beech 99
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I don't get it?

On another note, the ameriflight thread has been dead for over a month now. This has to be a record. Party on Garth.
In order of awesomeness:

most airliners
most business jets (not Citations)
402 (Cessna, not Beech), Navajo/Chieftan - all recips, but twins
Single engine piston poppers
Can anyone help?

I've been reading some old posts here and I can't quite figure out where one would start and where one would allude to upgrade to. Obviously, I do know turboprop > recip.

Beech 402
The Beech 402 is a Cessna and a recip. The Van in single engine and honestly one of the recip twins will do far more for your career unless the van is on floats and you want to fly floats.
Past that they're all airplanes and as long as you're landing it on a really long piece of pavement, probably with an ILS... well an airplane is an airplane. They all more or less fly the same.
The Beech 402 is a Cessna and a recip. The Van in single engine and honestly one of the recip twins will do far more for your career unless the van is on floats and you want to fly floats.
Past that they're all airplanes and as long as you're landing it on a really long piece of pavement, probably with an ILS... well an airplane is an airplane. They all more or less fly the same.

Crap. Blame it on the beer. Correcting...
Obviously, I do know turboprop > recip.

The rule in aviation is that anything with radials up front and a tailwheel in back is better than anything with a stinky nosewheel...and especially better than any kerosene burner.




And even....

Crap. Blame it on the beer. Correcting...
You should probably get the EMB-120 and the SF340 in there. Also a Chieftain and a Navajo are more or less the same airplane. +40hp and a couple inches on the fuselage. (PA31-310 vs PA31-350.)
From a career standpoint the Metro/1900 would probably be the end goal since they require type ratings. If you just want to put hair on your chest then the Mits takes the day :)
I quote myself from a thread a while back regarding freight dog pilots

"Flight express pilots flying a 210 with no radar through FL are the wolf/dog hybrid freight dogs

The guys flying old Falcons, Lears, ect on demand are the pit bulls.

Anybody else flying pistons is a rottwiler.

Feeder flying on turbine equipment (208, 1900, BE99)makes you a German Shephard. If it has a glass panel, you get demoted to Labrador retriever.

UPS and FedEx pilots are collies. Used to be real working dogs, but nowadays they sit around and look pretty ;)"
The rule in aviation is that anything with radials up front and a tailwheel in back is better than anything with a stinky nosewheel...and especially better than any kerosene burner.




And even....

The 18 is near and dear to my heart.
That may be the only prop louder than the MU-2. Those darts scream.

That's a 580, so those are Allison 501's. The 600 series Convairs (F-27's and G-I's too) have the Darts. The sound of a Dart engine can best be described as 10,000 pairs of scissors, all being used at once.
