I knew the day would come.
When we first got it, we protected it like Sméagol does “The Precious”.
Then we added cabin crew shortly thereafter, which was fine, but the lower “cost” of entry in the profession wasn’t addressed.
Then the program expanded somewhat and people that weren’t flight crew had access to it (ahem, Skyw…nah, not going to go there)
Then the program expanded.
So the people that knew what life was like before KCM became the old curmudgeons. “Oh shut up gramps, it’s fine” when you’d see pilots basically drag all their travel companions belongings through KCM to avoid screening.
Then the guns, the knives, the contraband, the smuggling of drugs…
I don’t want to say I’m not shocked but there are so few people in the industry that knew what hell it was before we got the KCM system that don’t understand that all of the benefits aren’t “built-in” and have actively protected and if you bring contraband in, either willfully or not, we’ve done zero self-policing amongst ourselves.