Bumblebee is now officially.....

Dale, logged his firs 26 minutes in the P-3 today, as well as an ILS 13L at Chico, and one landing.
Dale did great. Well above most newbies flying the mighty orion and trust me I've seen my share in this life and past. Steep turns were locked on! And how many can brag they flew a 80K airplane at 105 knots?
Dale is now signed off 61.55 SIC P-3/L-188 with three sweet landings. He did great again, but..... oopsssssie. I can describe it, but a picture is worth a thousand words......

Dale is now signed off 61.55 SIC P-3/L-188 with three sweet landings. He did great again, but..... oopsssssie. I can describe it, but a picture is worth a thousand words......


I will never use the brakes again! :banghead:

I hope they don't take that out of my check:crazy:
It's been a long time, but brakes on a t-prop? Let alone a very old technology one at that.

BTW Dale, you are awesome....It's a job I dream about. Money and real flying...
Dale's got to write a book.

He goes from a fireman to an entertainer to an airline pilot and now to a fire attack pilot!

Hell, I thought I was the man for just surviving the occasional checkride!
By the end of today, Dale should be a carded Air Tanker Copilot, but he's got some challenging winds to land in......
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Wind [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] from the WNW (300 degrees) at 22 MPH (19 KT) gusting to 33 MPH (29 KT) [/FONT]