Any runners out there??????

Just about time that I was going to start training for a new event got a pulled muscle on the leg the other day. Now I have to wait a couple of days for recovery.............:(
Just about time that I was going to start training for a new event got a pulled muscle on the leg the other day. Now I have to wait a couple of days for recovery.............:(

Did a tri two weeks ago, and ended up spraining my ankle getting out of the pool. That made for a brutal run, and two and a half weeks later, I'm finally getting back into training. Injuries suck.
I can't figure out how I so easily did this but I injured the connective tissue on one of my ribs twice last week and it's been so painful that I thought I actually broke a rib. Injuries blow.

Rochester NY

There is a race of some sort just about every weekend, and even some in the snow. Today as the Flower City Challenge, pretty much the biggest race of the year, between the 5K and the Half Marathon about 3500 runners.

I finished 123 of 1130, 6th in my age group 25-29

There is even a 5K around KROC but im gonna miss that one
I was there a couple months ago, running along a trail right by KROC. Looked kinda nice, but the snow was 6 inches deep ice/powder/ice. It made an easy run a very tiring run.
Yeah it was a pretty rough winter around here, I didn't run outside for almost 4 months, it sucked, and I really missed it. The local running organization Fleet Feet, runs winter races and snow running training programs. Id rather stay warm inside lol
Fleet Feet! I did a marathon relay wearing a jersey of theirs. They're popular in the Milw area, also.

I used to work for Fleet Feet! Fun company to work for and a great group of support people.

On another note I'm signed up for the Chicago Marathon this fall. Anyone else got big training plans for the year?
I'm doing a running program for milers and 2 milers right now. Then a 2 week active break and then about 2 months of half miler training. I'm supposedly training to run 10k's but I keep doing the shorter distance programs and then sign up for 5k's.
I'm wanting/planning on a half marathon in July, however I pinched a nerve in my back last week, and all training/working out has come to a screeching halt
I'm wanting/planning on a half marathon in July, however I pinched a nerve in my back last week, and all training/working out has come to a screeching halt

Ouch! Sorry man I feel for ya. Will it require surgery or just some time off?
Ouch! Sorry man I feel for ya. Will it require surgery or just some time off?

Just some time off, and some more visits to the chiropractor, he said to avoid it for this week and im sure he will say the same after my visit on monday. I'm hoping ill only be down for another week or so. Never thought I would miss running or working out
I'm on a little "hiatus" from running as I'm focusing on strength training and by the time that little devil is done with me, I kind of just have the energy to walk. But I will be back shortly!
Soooo. I started trying to run but I've noticed a huuuge problem with shin splints. Anybody dealt with that starting out? I stretch and all that but lately after a while I end up just having to stop because it gets so bad.
Years and years of sitting on ass hasn't done be wonders :P
Soooo. I started trying to run but I've noticed a huuuge problem with shin splints. Anybody dealt with that starting out? I stretch and all that but lately after a while I end up just having to stop because it gets so bad.
Years and years of sitting on ass hasn't done be wonders :p

The right shoes makes a huge difference, I was killing my knees and ankles when I first started, my shoes just wern't cutting it, I went to the local Fleet Feet store, got new shoes and running inserts and since then zero problems running.

If you're just starting out I would recommend a couch to 5k app, it will help pace you and build up your endurance.