Any Portland area Pilots?


New Member
I'm looking for some pilots in the Portland (OR) area. I currently fly out of Troutdale and it's always fun to go up with other pilots.

Sorry if this is posted in the wrong area.
I spend the winter in the Portland area ( West Linn) and the summers in Vale, OR. I don't have my plane up here in Portland now. I go out to Lenhardt's (7S9) airport on most Fridays at 10:00 as they have a pilots coffee on that day. I have flown into TTD on a few occasions. This was a special flight I made at Troutdale.
Steve C.? the guy who works for comcast? (didn't wanna throw peoples last names out there on the web)

if so yes he is my student. he's about midway through his private right now. very dedicated fellow.
Yes that is the one. I am meeting him out to Lenhardts this Fri. for coffee. He seems like a great guy and I would think that he would be a good student. He has a log going on his training on another forum ( the Purple board for pilots).So I have been following his progress as he moves toward PPL.
I am from Eugene.... but am currently working in TX.... I make it back a couple times a month when the schedule allows....
I live in Eugene but i have family in Portland so i head up north on a semi-regular basis when i can make time between work and flying. Currently working on my commercial.