An International Ops Question for Doug Taylor

We do have that option in the military of blowing off ATC in international airspace. It's called "operational" or "due regard", where you basically act as your own air traffic controller if required for mission accomplishment. It's not something I've ever done or can really talk about with much intelligence. This option doesn't apply to civil operators.

Don't know if anyone mentioned it or not, but when using HF over the ocean, you're not actually talking to ATC, you're talking to a radio operator who relays instructions with ATC. For example, over much of the Pacific, you're talking to San Francisco ARINC, but you're actually in the Oakland oceanic FIR. In the Atlantic, the ocean is basically split in half at 30W. Flights west of 30W are talking to Gander Radio or New York (usually Gander for most flights from the US to Europe). Flights east of 30W are talking to Shanwick or Santa Maria (usually Shanwick for the majority of flights).