ALPA Pride Laynard

Just because your team has decided to make something political in order to get Cletus to support them doesn’t mean that it’s inherently political.

P.S. You truly are the most selfish creature I have ever encountered. Assuming you‘re not just trolling.
Of course he’s trolling. At the risk of going all @jynxyjoe on you, cc strokes one out every time he thinks he’s triggered a JC lib.
Of course he’s trolling. At the risk of going all @jynxyjoe on you, cc strokes one out every time he thinks he’s triggered a JC lib.
All I'm saying, is if someone enjoys the abusive CC relationship, at least admit it. Let that freak flag fly. I don't need to know about the late nights wishing CC was there triggering you and you spoon up, I just want to be able to turn my eyes without being worried.
And it's not the time nor place for outright bigotry but I've heard plenty of that in my career since I started pumping gas as a teenager because people think I'm "one of the good ole' boys." I don't wear any special pins because I'm mostly too lazy to get any, and we don't really have any, but I don't think a simple gesture to show other pilots that you welcome them and aren't cool with that kind of thing is "virtue signaling." I remember all the racist BS I'd hear from the freeloading old guys that sat around drinking our FBO coffee right in front of the flight school counter. You think a young black kid that came in thinking about learning to fly is going to want to become part of that community if they overheard that kind of stuff? That's why we absolutely need this kind of stuff to set a good example and give an atmosphere of inclusion. If someone's so bigoted they can't handle a gesture like that, that's their problem.



Say it again, but louder.
Im not a lawyer so I probably misunderstood the cases. The supreme court doesn't allow for firings except under religious jobs right? Like if you are lgbtq and the cathoic church sees it in your timeline they can fire you as an example. Narrow framework in other words. Does the fed contract with any church groups? I can't find a lot

I haven't checked this for being current, but being that the ruling was in July, it's probably pretty close.

the article said:
The DOL’s new regulation has three major components, none of which is grounded in the law. First, it broadens the definition of a “religious” contractor to encompass for-profit corporations, expanding the number of employers with a right to discriminate. Second, it allows these contractors to discriminate on the basis of an employer’s subject interpretation of “religious tenets.” Third, the rule makes it much more difficult for the Department of Labor to prove that a contractor discriminated unlawfully. Taken together, Scalia’s alterations would essentially eliminate executive protections for millions of employees in the U.S.
the article said:
It covers for-profit corporations so long as they swear they are motivated by religion.
There it is.

Unbelievable. I hope civil rights groups are ready for their first test case, I assume when this gets challenged in court it'll lose.
I don't know why wing nuts find this so difficult to understand, but inclusiveness does not include acceptance of bigotry.

It’s simple, everything is bigotry to a large percentage of people. ANY SLIGHT CRITICISM to ANYBODY who can be considered a minority, no matter how true gets shouted down as bigotry.

State a fact about a problem in someone’s community, you’re a bigot and you might lose your job. Congrats, said problem in community never gets fixed and that community has now divided itself from another group who could help.
It’s simple, everything is bigotry to a large percentage of people. ANY SLIGHT CRITICISM to ANYBODY who can be considered a minority, no matter how true gets shouted down as bigotry.

State a fact about a problem in someone’s community, you’re a bigot and you might lose your job. Congrats, said problem in community never gets fixed and that community has now divided itself from another group who could help.

Bigotry has a definition. Criticizing a problem is not bigotry. Criticizing a person for who they are is. Again, I don't know why this is so difficult for wing nuts to understand. But it's probably because they don't want to understand....

(extra ellipsis for @Maximilian_Jenius )