Alaska Hawaiian Merger?

I listen to the FOs and generally don’t respond because it will just crush their dreams. They all keep talking about legit from the schoolhouse we are gonna get super planes even if the merger fails. Sounds like desperation to me but I’d rather we just buy the 330 Neos and grow organically. My opinion means nothing.

I’ll be all smiles if the only way you can hold captain is SEA after the SLI. 😂

I legit don’t get your complaints. You railed against CAs as being dangerous and uncool, took the first upgrade you could get because of said problem, and now incessantly complain about being junior. All self-inflicted.
I legit don’t get your complaints. You railed against CAs as being dangerous and uncool, took the first upgrade you could get because of said problem, and now incessantly complain about being junior. All self-inflicted.

“How could this happen!”

I legit don’t get your complaints. You railed against CAs as being dangerous and uncool, took the first upgrade you could get because of said problem, and now incessantly complain about being junior. All self-inflicted.

Well hey at least we cleared up where the rumor of the month came from. We are all gonna be more junior when the SLI goes down.

It would be ironic if our savior was SK. 🤷‍♂️
Well hey at least we cleared up where the rumor of the month came from. We are all gonna be more junior when the SLI goes down.

It would be ironic if our savior was SK. 🤷‍♂️

Let me guess. You’re one of those guys who thinks if you were 1900/2000 and became 3800/4000 then you got screwed.

Please study how math works before having an aneurysm.
Stop this silliness wishing for 'organic' growth. An Alaskan 787 showing up in HND/LHR with service to SEA wouldn't work alone.

Look at post 788. A merger is going to happen. It will create a stronger airline. Any short to medium term pain will be beneficial for all long term.
You both excessively seek adulation, but lack the self awareness to know you're desperate. Y'all are in your 40s, stop trying so hard and just live your lives.

Adulation for what? Making it in the business? I couldn’t care less what someone thinks of my job.

I just turned 40, this is new for me.
I listen to the FOs and generally don’t respond because it will just crush their dreams. They all keep talking about legit from the schoolhouse we are gonna get super planes even if the merger fails. Sounds like desperation to me but I’d rather we just buy the 330 Neos and grow organically. My opinion means nothing.

I’ll be all smiles if the only way you can hold captain is SEA after the SLI. 😂

I am a pretty junior CA and my schedule is great. Happiness is a choice, and something tells me you will never be happy.
Oh boy, where to start with this.

If you are 99.1% currently on the Captan list, when the SLI is done if you are 99.2% on the Captain list, did you really get hurt?

I have talked to so many pilots who have literally summarized SLI as "everyone will be displaced from their base, everyone will be made more junior, everyone will be downgraded and everyone will be displaced from their fleet.

Human beings with degrees and who have seemingly been able to put pants on their entire life have said that statement above in total confidence and certainty.
I have talked to so many pilots who have literally summarized SLI as "everyone will be displaced from their base, everyone will be made more junior, everyone will be downgraded and everyone will be displaced from their fleet.

Human beings with degrees and who have seemingly been able to put pants on their entire life have said that statement above in total confidence and certainty.

It's because few people have actually read the ALPA merger policy, and fewer still understand it.

All they know about is how they got screwed in X merger, or their buddy got screwed in Y merger, so they're going to get screwed in this merger.
I am a pretty junior CA and my schedule is great. Happiness is a choice, and something tells me you will never be happy.

Define junior…

We are no getting rid of the 900 classics. We need to replace the 700s. The 800 freighters were a total failure. There are no aircraft to replace them with. Add in HA very similar issues and the math doesn’t give me warm and fuzzies. But why get so upset when I simply point this out? I’m not going to change and and neither will any of you.

Also my happiness doesn’t come from operating heavy equipment that happens to fly. I work with a bunch of greedy nerds that think they are special because they operate heavy equipment.

Guys with no lives outside of picking up extra on days off. They get so, so butthurt when I point out things could be better and we could do things much better. So they start calling me miserable.

I simply don’t need validation from out of shape nerds, who have a big sense of accomplishment from their “I love me” wall and model airplanes. That’s not where my happiness comes from. If I could retire tomorrow I would. But I can’t. So here we are.

Define junior…

We are no getting rid of the 900 classics. We need to replace the 700s. The 800 freighters were a total failure. There are no aircraft to replace them with. Add in HA very similar issues and the math doesn’t give me warm and fuzzies. But why get so upset when I simply point this out? I’m not going to change and and neither will any of you.

Also my happiness doesn’t come from operating heavy equipment that happens to fly. I work with a bunch of greedy nerds that think they are special because they operate heavy equipment.

Guys with no lives outside of picking up extra on days off. They get so, so butthurt when I point out things could be better and we could do things much better. So they start calling me miserable.

I simply don’t need validation from out of shape nerds, who have a big sense of accomplishment from their “I love me” wall and model airplanes. That’s not where my happiness comes from. If I could retire tomorrow I would. But I can’t. So here we are.

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See here’s the problem. You post ridiculous • like this and then cry that everyone is attacking you personally and calling you names. Maybe you need a mirror on your bike.
Stop this silliness wishing for 'organic' growth. An Alaskan 787 showing up in HND/LHR with service to SEA wouldn't work alone.

Look at post 788. A merger is going to happen. It will create a stronger airline. Any short to medium term pain will be beneficial for all long term.

That’s most likely the truth. I’ve always been a short term feelings kinda dude, which is selfish to the core admittedly.

Hoping it all works out for the next 29 years if it goes through!
I have talked to so many pilots who have literally summarized SLI as "everyone will be displaced from their base, everyone will be made more junior, everyone will be downgraded and everyone will be displaced from their fleet.

Human beings with degrees and who have seemingly been able to put pants on their entire life have said that statement above in total confidence and certainty.

Some people take this in the literal sense:

All your base are belong to us.