Alaska Hawaiian Merger?

Alaska is the most overrated state in the Nation. Have ANC/FAI on my avoid list and it will stay there until I retire.

I don't think anyone thinks of those places when they talk about Alaska being cool. Though I do think the aircraft on the field at FAI are pretty damn cool to watch, but that is just about anywhere else in AK too.

On the note of Jet America, I've flown with a couple of those people (FA types), and much like just about anyone in the LA base, they are super cool and had great stories. Sounds like it was a cool place to work in its time. I know they had a lot of old navy and marine pilots due to proximity to NAS Miramar and MCAS El Toro back when.
On the note of Jet America, I've flown with a couple of those people (FA types)
When the Bus first came into SNA they were total jerks. Bothered that they had their routines disrupted and learning a new plane and new crews. Lots of complaining, attitude, and disdain.

They all bought houses in Costa Mesa in 1983 and a lot of them had never had a real job. Literally college, JetAmerica, Alaskan.

I’m glad to hear they have mellowed out (or retired). They were very toxic.
Then they replaced it with a CRJ which needed like a 4000’ ceiling to leave off runway 8, which spoiler alert wasn’t a smash hit either. Then after they finally got a retired AS technical pilot to help their team build RNP approaches (his and his daughters’ names are on the fixes) they continually shoot themselves in the foot by promising this schedule or that schedule, then

“oh, just kidding, we’re ending weekday service in a few weeks and if you were scheduled to fly back on a weekday good luck because we’ll change your flight for you but only the last leg, jokes on you now you need to travel back in time to make your connection in Seattle”.

Look, I’m not some crazy Eskimo cheerleader even less now that I work here but IIRC he was still at Colgan back then and the fanboiing was weird back then, that he’s still at it like 10 years later and can’t admit that “yeah, that isn’t the Air Line’s strong suit and I’m man enough to admit it” is weird and kinda sad.

At least one of the daughters is an FO here. She's a super strong pilot. Helped me out the first time I operated into PAE. Which of course was super early at dark o'clock after a red eye from HNL.
No I'm making fun of your ridiculous speculation about what will be important during the SLI.
lol, I didn’t say anything about SLI, nor would I, but keep grasping. I actually think the Hawaiian brand is super important (much more important than Alaska), just not as much so for inter-island.
lol, I didn’t say anything about SLI, nor would I, but keep grasping. I actually think the Hawaiian brand is super important (much more important than Alaska), just not as much so for inter-island.

How would you know anything about that? How would you know anything about how people from Hawaii perceive things? Why are you offering a worthless opinion about this at all?
Not mad. Just familiar enough with Hawaiians to know I should keep my opinions to myself because they likely don't feel like I do about anything. I know listening is hard, but I suggest you start.
This coming from the guy who constantly throws his opinion around as fact. Got it. For a second there I thought this was an Internet forum where people, ya know, share their opinions.
This coming from the guy who constantly throws his opinion around as fact. Got it. For a second there I thought this was an Internet forum where people, ya know, share their opinions.

I don't know how the average Hawaiian consumer will buy tickets to see family or watch their kid play high school football. Neither do you. I'm just smart enough to say I should definitely not have an opinion about that.
I will! Alaskan has ZERO exposure to International Traffic except through their code shares. Nice you can make money domestically, but that is not always the case.

See the above post by @BobDDuck

The SLI Arbitrator(s) will laugh you out of the room if say "HA was a billion in debt, losing money every quarter and NONE of the Asia market was making money. Tell me how that is career progression and longevity inspiring"

Also, you Alaskans are forgetting about that Amazon contract. But yes, only focus on some perceived issues in Asia...

Did you read the VX/AS SLI decision, which also happens to be the last one, case example in the major airlines? Take a look. They mentioned airline financial, making/losing money, and static vs dynamic fleet modeling. It’s all in there. While every case is different, some of this sets precedent for future arbitrators. They’re not going to go out of the farm on this one.

And are you seriously touting the Amazon contract? That is the worst thing going into this merger. 10 fleet, rumors of 50. What happens when Amazon says nah - ATI can do it cheaper? And you have 30-50 widebodies that are now redundant? AS/HAL can’t just dump that many widebodies into the passenger business. It would result in instant downgrades and furloughs, as some of the most senior people start displacing westbound. I, for one, hope we dump this Amazon contract deal ASAP. Tying our future to contract feed at a major/legacy is no bueno. I’ve seen how Amazon treats their contractors and I don’t trust them one bit.

This Amazon deal was a move from HAL out of desperation to diversify and try to make money. I don’t trust contract feed. We don’t own it, we’re at their mercy, and it can easily be gutted. No thanks!
It's not the brand so much but the identity that matters. Everyone out here has an Aunti or Uncle that works for Hawaiian. Everyone remembers when they flew on a 717 (or DC9) over to Big Island in 6th grade for their geology field trip. Everybody remembers that giant Hawaiian logo behind the stage at Merrie Monarch. Everybody out here surfs with a guy who is a ramper or mechanic. Everybody has gotten a buddy pass (one time) to take the redeye to Vegas on a Friday night and return on Midnight Madness early Monday morning to be back at work at 8am. Those are the sorts of things that almost 100 years of identity has built up, and hopefully will remain.

“What happened to Pouani?”

She got old. And transitioned.
When the Bus first came into SNA they were total jerks. Bothered that they had their routines disrupted and learning a new plane and new crews. Lots of complaining, attitude, and disdain.

They all bought houses in Costa Mesa in 1983 and a lot of them had never had a real job. Literally college, JetAmerica, Alaskan.

I’m glad to hear they have mellowed out (or retired). They were very toxic.

Like I said, these were FA's, so can't speak to the pilot side. I imagine they have mostly aged out by now?

And like you said, this would have been the same peers/group of guys who also all bought houses on Coronado in the 1970s and 1980s with beach views. I can't imagine having such great timing! (though I certainly can't complain about my own timing of course, with respect to this biz)
Is there something complicated about PAE that I have been missing? :)

I'm easily confused but there is an island of doom painted line no go zone similar to FAI. It doesn't make sense and there is no reason for it to be there but it's apparently bad if you taxi into it.

It would be a lot simpler if they just stuck a Gandalf statue in the middle of it with a sign that read "YOU SHALL NOT PASS". But I'm not in charge of much and no one listens to me.
I'm going to say this once, nicely.

I know you are just trying to be funny (and as usual, failing miserably), but that's a really good way to get punched in the face. There's a ton of guys out here who would gladly risk a trip to the CP's office or HR over something like that.

I hadn't considered this flavor of humility injection when it comes to how to handle the Gig Harbor crowd.