Alaska Hawaiian Merger?

And that matters in terms of a JCBA and SLI integration how so?

Get over yourself at Alaskan. You have zero idea how Alaskan would be if this merger didn’t go through.

Ehh, I will bite back on this real quick. Alaska has traditionally had one of the highest profit margins in the industry, it had a huge war chest during COVID, the airline owns the vast majority of its fleet, it grows slowly, and is very conservative with the decisions it makes. It bought VX and paid the loan off extremely quickly. There is literally no financial metric you can use that shows Alaska is anything but a solvent, strong, and safe company with a positive outlook. Literally, nobody who knows anything would argue otherwise. I am not trying to start a pissing contest and you will never hear the words "windfall" come out of my mouth but let's also not live in a fantasy world either. Widebodies and Asia do HA no good if they file bankruptcy and that wasn't as far away as some people want to think. HA was a billion in debt, losing money every quarter and NONE of the Asia market was making money. Tell me how that is career progression and longevity inspiring...
and NONE of the Asia market was making money.

That's actually not true. Korea was doing fine, as was Australia. AKL was ok until everybody and their brother started dumping capacity in the market, but that's starting to come back out now, and HAL went seasonal so that market probably would be fine. Most of the South Pac flying (PPT/PPG/RAR) makes money hand over fist because nobody else does it. It really is just Japan that's an issue.

And that's one of the scary things... you've got to find ways to stay in international markets to to keep brand recognition, even during down times, and I with how quick Alaska is to pull the trigger right away on routes that don't work at that point in time, it's a bit of a concern.
Literally, nobody who knows anything would argue otherwise.
I will! Alaskan has ZERO exposure to International Traffic except through their code shares. Nice you can make money domestically, but that is not always the case.
Widebodies and Asia do HA no good if they file bankruptcy and that wasn't as far away as some people want to think. HA was a billion in debt, losing money every quarter and NONE of the Asia market was making money.
See the above post by @BobDDuck
Tell me how that is career progression and longevity inspiring...
The SLI Arbitrator(s) will laugh you out of the room if say "HA was a billion in debt, losing money every quarter and NONE of the Asia market was making money. Tell me how that is career progression and longevity inspiring"

Also, you Alaskans are forgetting about that Amazon contract. But yes, only focus on some perceived issues in Asia...
If I may, from an outsider perspective. The blunt truth is BOTH groups are MUCH stronger together than separate.

It is comical to be stating "Alaska did this..." "Alaska has always been conservative in growth" "Hawaiian is losing money...." "We have Cargo Operations in the SE (of the most overrated state in the nation)". Pure comedy to be stating this and shows a naivety to the process

There is a metric ton of money floating around the margins in these mergers. Powerful banks are bankrolling this as the larger airline entities, if done properly, practically create a new currency that banks leverage in ways most pilots don't understand. ALPA Merger policy doesn't give a flying flip about a potential bankruptcy. They look at what is on property at a certain date and what the pilots on property could be expected to be flying on that date for their career. I highly recommend the Alaskans watch this video.

Shows the amount of money being opened up that 'conservative' Alaska doesn't have access to now....

honest question: If Alaska plans to keep the HA brand around, how does that work with crews, seniority, etc. Has it happened before?

kinda of like HNL-LAX on Hawaiian, operated by Alaska Airlines, brought to you by Carl's Jr.
honest question: If Alaska plans to keep the HA brand around, how does that work with crews, seniority, etc. Has it happened before?

kinda of like HNL-LAX on Hawaiian, operated by Alaska Airlines, brought to you by Carl's Jr.

Or Hardee’s, depending
I can now laugh at this without it feeling like I stubbed my toe on my own clutter.
I don't...hate...the Midwest. It just isn't where I wanted to land for any significant part of time.

Getting back west was always the plan, getting back to the *north*west was always the end goal and the whole "why aren't we just doing this because we BOTH like this idea" conversation definitely happened aboard Motor Vessel CHIMACUM the other day, and now we are.