Alaska Hawaiian Merger?

Really similar to what 81% voted in for the pilots. Mainly pay improvements for high seniority and very poor QOL for junior seniority. One FA told me that there was mandatory doctors note requirements for sick calls. Which as a junior Eskimo employee is the only way to get days off for important family events etc.

FAs have a lot less leverage that the pilot group did and I'm proud of the message that they sent. Although it could have been poor tactical move considering a JCBA could be just around the corner.
Akchtually, the jr pilots (especially FOs) got a bigger raise than the CAs. I remember hearing CA’s beotching about it.
Am I the only one that reads these threads and thinks "what the • is going on at Alaska Airlines" ?
They must be working at a different airline, because it hasn’t been that bad for anyone I know.
When I was giving the FOFI basic pitch and power instruction on final he was probably thinking about it.

I will give you this.

Just flew with one of those hired-into-3-yr-instructor-job-gig-FOs. You know, where they teach 3 yrs and then go into a lineholder position as a FO.

Exceeeept… we stopped hiring. So this guy has a little seniority, but tells me he’s fresh on the line. He’s pissed the “deal” went away, but what can I say? We stopped hiring. I’m thinking, instructor, now online, must be cool. RONG. So wrong, I had to misspell it.

My first hint should have been when he complained one CA took him to Pro Stans. Only 6 months on the line. That should have been a huge red flag.

His background? Corpie to AS. Zero Boeing time. Sorry @Skåning or @Inverted whichever one of you is in the training department, but anyone with 0 time in 121 Boeing, Airbus, or hell even an ERJ/CRJ, has zero business teaching a B737.

I had to point out and correct several non-standard things. You would think an instructor would know? Nah. He’s on the line. And he only knows sim world.

Complained about some new guys pitch/power in sim. Then proceeds to do a crap ass job hand flying.

Standard? LOL. I don’t usually get guys who push back, but if you’re gonna push back on the wrong thing, I’mma show you how it is written - and an instructor should know the correct procedure.

His problem - among many - was as an ex-Corpie who’s basically played PIC his whole life, is having a hard time adapting to SIC. He was one of the the most right-seat CA I’ve seen in a while.

Sorry, not sorry. I don’t agree with this new FO instructor thing with 0 time on the plane.
You left for vacation without your wife!? Wtaf dude

We were already there. On a Monday, and returns on Friday. Lose 2k or lose 7k, it’s a loss either way. She had a HS friend she could stay with in Orlando. She signed off on the plan, obviously. I wouldn’t take the kids alone unless she okayed it. She did.
Does that really surprise you? His mother/SIL were probably there to help

Also he said "eff em" and went through KCM without helping her through TSA with the kids...

No one was there to help. She stayed back at a friend she knew from HS in Michigan that since moved to Orlando. And I took the kids with 0 help. No MIL/SIL.

As for KCM, I had a reason. I needed to get food on the other side for them since there’s no real food on Frontier. So allowing KCM entrance, the timing allowed getting food at the airport. By the time I got the food, they had just exited security and boarding was starting.

Wife and kids often fly alome when they go to/from MI/PA and I’m at work. They know the deal. She’s done international travel before - with and without kids - and did just fine. Just bad luck this time. Lotta what ifs. What if I’d gone through security, could I have seen it be left behind? Or what if I checked the Passport Card option on the passport renewal in 2022? Too many rabbit holes to go down the what if game.
Wife is probably thrilled. A week away from kids or any responsibility could perhaps be a better vacation!
Every time I get home “trip sucked, crew were lame, I’m taking the kids grocery shopping and we’ll pick up takeout for dinner”. Usually by the time I’m back out the door she’s up to her neck in the bathtub reading on her kindle.
You left for vacation without your wife!? Wtaf dude

Does that really surprise you? His mother/SIL were probably there to help

Also he said "eff em" and went through KCM without helping her through TSA with the kids...
Not even remotely shocked by this! Or by the fact that he thinks it's the right thing to do.

Even as much as I couldn't stand my ex-wife in the end, I wouldn't have abandoned her in the airport and gone on a cruise.
We were already there. On a Monday, and returns on Friday. Lose 2k or lose 7k, it’s a loss either way. She had a HS friend she could stay with in Orlando. She signed off on the plan, obviously. I wouldn’t take the kids alone unless she okayed it. She did.
Travel insurance is your friend. Covers this exact thing.
Travel insurance is your friend. Covers this exact thing.

You are correct.

Got a letter from Disney. If I’m reading this correctly, I’ll get a future cruise credit (not cash refund) for her Adult ticket portion, minus port taxes/fees about $150. If this works out, it should be $1,900 for future use on a Disney cruise.
I’ll be like one of those adults who starts using words like skibidi rizz in Ohio ironically and then can’t stop