Alaska Hawaiian Merger?

Yeah I was gonna say, the statement that the guy got it from "cold and dark" to full-up might have some caveats. 2 engines running and taking off into the sky doesn't mean it was pretty. I'm pretty sure flight sims can at least prepare someone for that.
I mean, he’s really no better than the 9/11 jackasses…none then were pilots and neither was he. Whenever I see “sky king” associated with his name, I throw up in my mouth a little bit.
My dude, you are omitting the fact that the Alaska pilots negotiated huge improvements to their scope section in that TA. Scope is section 1 for a reason!
Which y’all badly needed…only airline that has 89,000lb E175s on property.
One of those guys, is on a Disney cruise...


Big whammie. I verified all passports were together going to the airport. I took mine and went through KCM. Wife/kids went through the normal line. She had 4 passports in her purse.

Unfortunately, she used her passport to show ID for TSA. As it turns out, this is where she lost it. I assume it fell off of the belt as she picked everything up. Didn’t find out until port day next day. Not born in the US, so birth certificate copy on phone is useless. Only an original naturalization certificate would work, which we didn’t have.

Two options. Everybody stays behind. Or she stays behind and kids+I go. I figure we came all this way, may as well go. So it was just me and 3 kids, the youngest being 11 months old. LOL

Quite the adventure as a single parent with 3 kids on a cruise. A few people approached me and commented how they couldn’t help but note I was by myself and 3 kids and how well I was managing them. One lady said her husband could never do that.

Just finished the cruise today and at Orlando Airport about to fly back to LA. Almost 5 days no internet. 149 emails to catch up on. And what all is going on here? Have to catch up on what I missed.

One day extension? I’d say it’s a done deal. Just working out the finer details. Otherwise why extend a day just to tank it all.
Oh to be a fly on the wall when they start in with the worst checkride footprint I’ve experienced in my entire career.

Upside is maybe we can focus on positive learning on the 737.

But the likelihood hood of the McCord Mafia just hiring more of their buddies to continue the tradition of awful on the 737 is extremely high.

What are you guys smoking. Did any Virgin stuff survive? No. Procedures are going to be standardized and it’s gonna be Alaska. Get used to it.

Their training will change to adapt to Alaska. Not ours to adapt to them, with maybe exceptions for international stuff. But just watch virtual shop change something slightly just to call it the virtual shop procedure.

Worse training ever huh? That bad? When you had the pdf file for the oral exam and the gouge for the actual checkride, knowing full well what was coming and exactly when it would happen?

Yeah man, that’s a tough deal.
Help me list some terms for the bingo card:


We need at least 10 more.
Well done!
I'll go back and rewind some of the bulletin board posts and see what I can add. I'll nominate "stove pipe" and Arbitrator/Arbitration for now.
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Well done!
I'll go back and rewind some of the bulletin board posts and see what I can add. I'll nominate "stove pipe" and Arbitrator/Arbitration for now.
And snapshot...Ok im going to stop looking at old posts. Getting serious PTSD flashbacks. Good luck to HA/AS.
It made all the Airbus instructors who were basically convinced they wanted to go to the training department on the 737, change their mind once they went through... It is really sad.

Give me a break.

At VX I sat with one Virgin guy, a head of a major ALPA committee who started his Oral without knowing what ADRs did. Instructor hinted at BOATS and FAT HAAG. Easy acronyms that any noob would know. This guy didn’t know jack. A Captain. ADRs are the same function mostly on jets, so it wasn’t even an Airbus specific question. Anyway, the instructor asked me and since I answered, we moved forward as a team. Awesome. Then in the sim, he proceeded to jack up many things. During the debrief, the instructor flat out told him, “you are not what we expect from a Captain” And then proceeded to pass him. Because it also a good ol boys club, and he’s high enough in ALPA in that certain committee. An absolute joke. I would have failed his ass right there.

Now at AS?

The difference is, AS training doesn’t do favors. You don’t know your crap, you fail. As you should. It really is that simple. This ride at AS would have been a failure. Period. You can’t say “this is not what we expect from a Captain” and then expect to pass.

The real question you should be asking, when 100% of the gouge is out there for everyone, why are so many people VX failing? It isn’t some anti-VX thing. It’s the difference between being used to years and years of the EXACT same PC profile and a joke of a PT that you can’t fail, to a real 3-day training AND checking event. Not a dig on the VX instructors, many of them are fine folks. But the sim profiles were a joke. The PC was ridiculous. It was literally the same thing year after year. You go from box checking to actual ADM and some people are coming up short.
He didn't know how to land it.
He didn't have to. That wasn't how his legend was going to go. At least Horizon got a nice insurance check and the controlled burn helped prevent future forest fires, which is what Smokey the Bear has always asked of us. So at least he didn't let Smokey down.
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Just out of curiosity, how does HNL feel about this? My only contact at HA is former ATI who went there for the freighter so he’s not too happy. But I’m wondering what the pax side thinks of it.

I’m sitting bottom 10% of the AS list so if this goes through, I’m thinking it will be years to crack 70% seniority but as long as the checks keep coming I’m okay with that

I appreciate the TPA stating no furlough for two years post merger given the (maybe) shakey economic future.

I really hope no one is choosing to go to a passenger airline company for their freight only operation.
What are you guys smoking. Did any Virgin stuff survive? No. Procedures are going to be standardized and it’s gonna be Alaska. Get used to it.

Their training will change to adapt to Alaska. Not ours to adapt to them, with maybe exceptions for international stuff. But just watch virtual shop change something slightly just to call it the virtual shop procedure.

Worse training ever huh? That bad? When you had the pdf file for the oral exam and the gouge for the actual checkride, knowing full well what was coming and exactly when it would happen?

Yeah man, that’s a tough deal.

When they threw a FOFI in the left seat and he set off the stick shaker three times going into SNA on day 3 of CQ. That was the START of the worst checkride of my career. Also the worst display of airmanship, mentorship and instruction I've seen in as a former corpie or 121 pilot.

Also that little curveball wasn't in the PDF file that someone airdropped to me.
When they threw a FOFI in the left seat and he set off the stick shaker three times going into SNA on day 3 of CQ. That was the START of the worst checkride of my career. Also the worst display of airmanship, mentorship and instruction I've seen in as a former corpie or 121 pilot.

Also that little curveball wasn't in the PDF file that someone airdropped to me.

Did he throw in anti-Semitic remarks for good measure?


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