You should go re-read the indications for windshear, and then explain to the class why you’ll now be incorporating the engine indications into your scan.
For the 737, I know for a Flaps 30, I need approx 58-62% N1 (68/69% for a 40). If I’m varying off that by much, that’s getting my spidey senses tingling.
I’m sure AS has it in your FOM/Vol1 or whatever y’all use over there, that “HGS shall be used for windshear conditions”…I know at QX it was.
We built a CQ training scenario where Capt’s, in particular, got into a windshear situation that they would get tunnel vision in the HUD. You’d be so focused on it that you’d not notice being around 70% torque (vs 28-30% for normal).
Bottom line, don’t be a HUD cripple and do an L shaped scan so you keep the engine indications in it.