Airline Seminar

....personal bankruptcies have a difficult time getting an ATP nowadays

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proof please.
I saw in another thread you're a Mac user. I should have known.

The proof is from personal experience. I had an ATP student back in late '01 and he had gone through a bankruptcy.

When he took his logbooks down to the FAA they asked him if had ever done all the usual things, and one thing was "have you ever declared bankruptcy?"

He was able to get his sign-off for the ATP written, but it took several weeks while the FSDO did a background investigation.

It may have been due to the recency of 9-11.
I hate smartasses from Tampa.....:)

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Allways better to be a SMARTass, than a DUMBass I always say.

Kellwolf - bitchin' plane you're sittin' in your Avtar!! Looks badassed - What is it?
Kellwolf - bitchin' plane you're sittin' in your Avtar!! Looks badassed - What is it?

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That's a Vans RV-9 at Sun N Fun last April. When I eventually have the money, I want to get the new RV-10. Almost the same thing, but it's a 4 seater with gull wing doors. I've got more pics of that plan somewhere around here.
If you mean this past April, then I saw that plane at Sun-N-Fun. Just SO many planes there to remember `em all! The RV's are great little planes.

A guy in my IR ground school class was in the process of building one and was chomping at the bit to go fly it.

Did you see the Liberty exhibit? Neat little jobber there too.
I saw in another thread you're a Mac user. I should have known.

The proof is from personal experience. I had an ATP student back in late '01 and he had gone through a bankruptcy.

When he took his logbooks down to the FAA they asked him if had ever done all the usual things, and one thing was "have you ever declared bankruptcy?"

He was able to get his sign-off for the ATP written, but it took several weeks while the FSDO did a background investigation.

It may have been due to the recency of 9-11.

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Macs are far superior, BUT I can't get them to run the flight planning software I use with out dumbing it way down so I use a Gateway or an IBM laptop.

Ok so your friend/student had a back ground check after going to the FAA for a check ride. but he did get it. so let me think if you offered any proof.


Nope, as usual.

Proof please. (also like to know how you are sure it was the Bankruptcy maybe they had problems with his log book, instruction, times, paperwork was fishy, ID was looking sloppy etc etc)
Well John if you were in Tampa that day, we were so close to you. Darn. We were in Sarasota. I think Corbin will really need some help with his people skills. Maybe we'll think about that seminar. Do you have any satisfaction promise?

I said he had difficulties. I think that is proof that people may have difficulties if they have a bankruptcy. That's all I claimed and that's all I meant. Again, it was right after 9-11, so that may have been a factor.

I have a Mac Classic sitting in my closet that I will gladly sell to the highest bidder as a Boat Anchor.


Satisfaction promise? I have to be careful how I phrase my response to this one

Let's just say that if you feel you didn't learn anything, I won't charge. How's that?

I used to put business cards on airplanes up and down the ramp that said "$50 BFR. You don't learn, you don't pay!"

Only had one guy who didn't pay. Said he didn't learn a thing. Two years later he flew with another CFI I know and tried to do the same thing to him. Guy refused to sign him off. Two months later he had an accident and was violated for unsafe flying practices, and flying without a Current Flight Review. I guess he was right, didn't learn a thing!
Sounds good. I was just hesitant because we have done osme things before that we got to and it was nothing like it was supposed to be. Do you think that the interview help will be relavent now even though he's not to that point yet, or is it better to wait till it's time to interview?
I said he had difficulties. I think that is proof that people may have difficulties if they have a bankruptcy.

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no John you are full of crap and back peddling aagin. you said.

personal bankruptcies have a difficult time getting an ATP nowadays.

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You know I pity guys like you. You seem to get your rocks off by insulting people and pissing people off. What a joy you must be to fly with.

If I'm wrong prove it. I back off because I don't want to get in an insult war with someone who has some intelligence (maybe) but has displayed absolutely no wisdom to date.

I am continually amazed that you are a moderator. You do nothing to moderate. No instead you incite, bait and cause unrest.

I am changing your title from moderator.

I hereby dub you the bad attitude, angry at the world, jealous of others, starving for attention, INSULTER.
You know I pity guys like you. You seem to get your rocks off by insulting people and pissing people off. What a joy you must be to fly with.

If I'm wrong prove it. I back off because I don't want to get in an insult war with someone who has some intelligence (maybe) but has displayed absolutely no wisdom to date.

I am continually amazed that you are a moderator. You do nothing to moderate. No instead you incite, bait and cause unrest.

I am changing your title from moderator.

I hereby dub you the bad attitude, angry at the world, jealous of others, starving for attention, INSULTER.

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is it your position that you did not post

personal bankruptcies have a difficult time getting an ATP nowadays.

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In Eagle's defense I must say he has strong opinions. However, I feel he encourages people to think for themselves. His purpose as a moderator (as I see it) is to facilitate conversation on the boards and keep topics moving. I would say about 80% of the time his posts and threads get responses comments opinions etc. So he performs his function well. He got a response out of you right?
As I said before those who can’t do…. teach.

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As I said before those who can’t do…. insult others, and those who teach.. are better people for it.

naa that is a twist on the phrase

“Those who can play, those who can't play coach, those who can't coach write and those that can't write, commentate." Bill Neely,

And Athena, thank you for your support, but my position here is only to be sure the Boards do not become an advertising billboard (without paying for a banner ad)

Stop Spammers,

Assist when someone is having a problem posting ( links photos etc)

And deleting/moving/editing posts when the content is over the line.

What offends people (like John) is I call a spade a spade and a heart a heart..

I personally find it rather sleazy that someone would charge people for employment advice on one side, and the on the other badmouth that employment on the other. But I also don’t understand the attraction of Sitcoms, or the National Enquirer, If there is a market someone will exploit it. ..shrug…

But then again that is why I am in no way a hypocrite, and I don’t tolerate those who are, (see any thread on religion or politics in the squawk box and you will understand my position)

Being unwilling to bend on these values, and being consistent is one of many things people, like JT, are taken aback by. So if I thing someone is full of crap, I will say so and by saying so...

I get

What a joy you must be to fly with.

I am continually amazed that you are a moderator.
I hereby dub you the bad attitude,
angry at the world,
jealous of others,
starving for attention,
I don't want to get in an insult war with someone who has some intelligence (maybe) but has displayed absolutely no wisdom to date.

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So, because I am a “word guy” lets take a look at this and pull out a few of the lines.. shall we?

What a joy you must be to fly with.

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Why thank you John, I can’t tell you how many times I have heard that, from both my captains, AND the customers in the back. They of course mean it as a complement not as an INSULT

I am continually amazed that you are a moderator.

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And you have whined to the boss about it more times than I can remember you have even pouted and stomped off never to return, but you came back .. wow said one thing did another… how odd… another INSULT?

angry at the world,

[/ QUOTE ]
interesting I can count (no kidding) the number of times I have been angry on one hand. Heck I have never even had an argument with my wife in the t10 years we have been married. So I am not sure where that came from. But fairly confident it was intended as an INSULT.

starving for attention

[/ QUOTE ]
I was even thinking about creating a website with my first and last name so I could post it as my signature line.. but that would be an INSULT to my intelligence.

Good thing he doesn’t want to get into an INSULT war huh?

But Boy-Howdy… I just L O V E D this one…
jealous of others

[/ QUOTE ]

I would love if you would back that up, but you won’t. So lets just see who is having issues with the J-word shall we? A quick comparison between the ACCUSER and.. Me..

Me: Have a flying Job
ACCUSER: tells people how to get a flying Job.
Me: Sits behind the controls of a multi million dollar jet with 7,000 pounds of thrust (That is a 2.5 to 1 ratio!!!)
ACCUSER: sits behind a computer with a lot of RAM.
Me: Appointed as a moderator by this site’s web-editor
ACCUSER: Angry that I am a moderator.
Me: Under 40, retired, working because I want too…
ACCUSER: Under 50 furloughed from a commuter.

Yep I am the one with issues obviousy…
Me: Have a flying Job
ACCUSER: tells people how to get a flying Job.

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I don't have a "job" but I get paid to fly.


Me: Sits behind the controls of a multi million dollar jet with 7,000 pounds of thrust (That is a 2.5 to 1 ratio!!!)
ACCUSER: sits behind a computer with a lot of RAM.

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe the CRJ has more thrust than your corporate jet.


Me: Appointed as a moderator by this site’s web-editor
ACCUSER: Angry that I am a moderator.

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Shocked. Disappointed. Worried about the future of jetcareers. Curious as to why such a hostile and snobby snot like you would be considered a moderator. Someone who doesn't even give out his real name. So no courage either. All I can conclude is that you are blackmailing Doug.


Me: Under 40, retired, working because I want too…
ACCUSER: Under 50 furloughed from a commuter.

[/ QUOTE ]

Excuse me? Midway was not a commuter when I worked there. I flew the B737-700. Gross weight of 157,000 lbs. How much can you stuff in your corporate jet? Until you have flown an aircraft that takes 1-2 seconds to respond to control movements you would be wise to guard your tongue. (Hah! like that will happen ... NOT) The transition from CRJ to Boeing was a challenge. Many did not make it.

The forum owner, Mr. Doug Taylor, who I have respect for, has encouraged me to promote my business. He has asked me why I don't promote it more. Mostly because I am semi-retired as well. I fly as much as I want to.
All I can conclude is that you are blackmailing Doug.

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man I love that line!!!

Excuse me? Midway was not a commuter when I worked there.

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I thought, obviously incorrectly, you were on furlough from AE, my bad.
I flew the B737-700. Gross weight of 157,000 lbs. How much can you stuff in your corporate jet?

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Different animals. I like my ride sleek and trim, vs fat and wallowing. I like being 'koff koff' forced to spend the weekend in 'Jackson Hole', 'Aspen', 'Ft Lauderdale'... etc, verses most of the places served by the 121 guys...., different strokes... not better not worse, just different.
Until you have flown an aircraft that takes 1-2 seconds to respond to control movements you would be wise to guard your tongue. .

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Nearly the dumbest thing you have posted do date, well in the top ten anyway.... What on earth does having to fly a sluggish response control, have to do with having an opinion? If you look at all the LJs they are neck and neck with the CRJ as far as power ratio goes. (Almost like they were built by the same company)

Someone who doesn't even give out his real name. So no courage either.

[/ QUOTE ] But if I wanted all the attention ( see your post above) that doesn’t jibe… Do I want it or am I hiding? You are confusing my requirement for maintaining personal privacy with others idea that include continuous self promotion. My choice is not uncommon.... But I just LOVE the idea of registering my proper name as a ddot com. Talk about self absorbed…
The forum owner, Mr. Doug Taylor, who I have respect for, has encouraged me to promote my business. He has asked me why I don't promote it more. Mostly because I am semi-retired as well. I fly as much as I want to.

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The dialogue between you and Doug is between you two. What I know is we (moderators) were told he was allowing (vs encouraging) you to discuss it without paying for a banner because you were furloughed, and we all sympathize with the pilots out of work. We were also told to monitor as to make sure it doesn't follow down the same path as some of the shadier aviation companies. But since it isn’t a money thing and you are not furloughed, and you are not trying to just make a buck, seems to me you are taking advantage of Doug’s generosity in allowing you to discuss your company and the interview seminars without paying the requisite advertising fees and I would suggest you and Doug revisit the arrangement.

After all it isn’t about the money and you are so concerned about the future of jetcareers perhaps you should become a sponsor…
In Eagle's defense I must say he has strong opinions. However, I feel he encourages people to think for themselves. His purpose as a moderator (as I see it) is to facilitate conversation on the boards and keep topics moving.

[/ QUOTE ] I would agree with Athena here. Although I haven't been around as long as many of you, I have seen that Eagle often adds a perspective that others don't.

What I like about this web site is that you don't get "cookie cutter" answers to issues. There's often a broad range of opinions when someone poses a question or is seeking advice. It allows people to mull over all the opinions, and draw from the experience of others to determine their own opinion. If there were only one answer, only one path to take, everyone could just look it up in a book. There's not, and that's why this forum is so engaging to to so many people ( see Dougs thread re: traffic). Plus, many of you guys (and gals!) are damn funny.