After cargo???

I don't think there has been enough recent hiring to know if 135 freight guys will be picked up at the majors like in the past. To say "no" is shortsighted. Worst case scenario in the cargo route is that you just get your 1000TPIC well before most regional FOs get upgraded to captain. If you aren't getting any hits then go to a regional and get that FMS, Jet, and 121 time some majors like the see.
Thanks for the input... I'm only trying to get on with one regional or one cargo company but no call backs from either , and I really only want to work for those company's... (I get payed well teaching Chinese but I can't do it much longer)
Why limit yourself to only two companies? That sounds ridiculous. Hell, all three of the companies I worked for I had no idea existed, until I ran across them accidentally.
Why limit yourself to only two companies? That sounds ridiculous. Hell, all three of the companies I worked for I had no idea existed, until I ran across them accidentally.
If I ran across another company that I liked I would defetnly try to get on with them, (and I'm always looking for new opportunity) both of the company's I want to work for I had no idea existed until I ran across them... Lots of factors come in to play when Im trying to find a job like location, QOL, pay, aircraft, just to name a few (and I have only been able to find 2 that ,meet my needs)
If I ran across another company that I liked I would defetnly try to get on with them, (and I'm always looking for new opportunity) both of the company's I want to work for I had no idea existed until I ran across them... Lots of factors come in to play when Im trying to find a job like location, QOL, pay, aircraft, just to name a few (and I have only been able to find 2 that ,meet my needs)
Work on how that comes across.

Friendly advice.
Sorry about that I guess I could have said it a better way, I didn't mean anything bad by it, no hard feelings to anyone on the forum.
I think he was more referring to selling yourself to company as an asset to their company rather than just "meeting your needs." I could be wrong.

Seems like the vast majority of the last bunch to leave was for the regionals. They were all relatively young for the most part.
IDK I'm still flying cargo. But I've had coworkers and friends leave straight to majors, regionals, charter, corporate, air attack, EMS, private. Basically all sorts of flying after. As for me i would like to move on to majors or EMS unless the golden corporate gig comes along.
FWIW, just about every fixed wing EMS pilot I know of came from a cargo background. It's interesting because the jobs are very, very different in just about every way, but when there's going to be just one guy without a lot of support making the decisions, they seem to like military guys for the spinny wings and freight guys for the stuck wings.
FWIW, just about every fixed wing EMS pilot I know of came from a cargo background. It's interesting because the jobs are very, very different in just about every way, but when there's going to be just one guy without a lot of support making the decisions, they seem to like military guys for the spinny wings and freight guys for the stuck wings.
really? We have an entire base of either 121 or flight instructor backgrounds. I don't know how we ever get off the ground?
really? We have an entire base of either 121 or flight instructor backgrounds. I don't know how we ever get off the ground?

*shrug*. Just saying what I've seen. I don't remember saying anything negative about 121 pilots, although now that you mention it... ;)
135 single pilot cargo in a 208--135 single pilot EMS and charter in a 421--135 single pilot EMS in a PC-12

I agree with the badanov. I think the EMS thing goes along with making choices, checking WX all that noise. Even though there are some crew members think they are pilots also. That's another story.
I went 135 Cargo, 121 Pax, and then 121 Cargo. QOL and Pay have been far better in 121 cargo than they ever were on the Pax side.