A pilot has been indicted for allegedly threatening to shoot the captain if the flight was diverted

SEE "IDIOCRACY", the movie.

Your reading comprehension skills have no bearing on my ability to write clear English sentences.

Act accordingly.

I'm not writing a kid's book here. Though, perhaps, I should be.

If I missed that I should be writing for the 2nd grade reading level, perhaps that's MY bad. Yet, even if I had done it that way, I'd just be contributing to the ongoing, accelerating demise of civilization.

So, as you types like to say, "Uh, Yeah. No."
You’re right. You should be writing for the 2nd grade reading level or higher but instead you are writing at the preschool level. Actually might be even lower than that…
You’re right. You should be writing for the 2nd grade reading level or higher but instead you are writing at the preschool level. Actually might be even lower than that…
Well, hey! Those sentences keep pissing YOU off. So, ergo, they're workin' reeeeal good. Or, like most "successful" commercial operations, at least just well enough. 😁
I just got back from training last week for the program and it was top notch. Coming from a competitive shooting back ground I wasn’t expecting a whole lot but the program really was excellent. Highly recommend.

Just like any walk of life, there’s idiots everywhere. Hopefully those idiots don’t ruin a good program.

If the flight ended up not diverting as intended because of what he said, then he is screwed. Since, total inappropriateness aside of the comments he made in the first place, he would’ve had ample opportunity to say something such as “I was just messing around, let’s get on with the divert.” Even though the whole commentary he made in that situation, or in any situation, was completely inappropriate even if somehow intended as a joke (who makes a joke, even like this, in a potential medical divert situation, much less anytime else?) This comes off as first class straw grasping.
Wonder if he had a history with Pro Standards. Union Professional Standards committee is supposed to help with these sort of things before they get out of hand. Can't stop all of it. Will be interesting to see the outcome of the trial. Wonder if the jury can hear the tapes? Or are the tapes only allowed for accident investigation.
Having flown with someone like this on more than one occasion, I know EXACTLY what this kind of FO is…

The altercation occurred on the last leg of a three-day cross-country rotation that Dunn and the captain completed together. The captain reported having problems with Dunn questioning his decisions throughout the entire rotation and attempting to be, what he called a “right-seat captain.”