$75k to spend


Looking to get into the aircraft ownership game. Going to buy in with one partner, and our budget is $75k. Looking for something with 4 usable seats, faster than a 172, at least a basic autopilot and an IFR GPS. What are some options?

Some airplanes we are considering:

Beech Sierra
Piper Pathfinder/Early Dakota
Cherokee 6/260
Piper Arrow 200hp
Piper Archer (not much faster than a 172, I know)

What else?

Used Jabiru 230. Like any plane, it has it's issues, but a good one is worth 1.5x it's weight in old Cessnas or Pipers.
Anyone here have experience with a Beech Sierra? They aren't that fast, but faster than a 172, and a bunch of them have jump seats in the baggage compartment, which checks off the 6 pax capability for one of my potential partners. They are also pretty cheap, AOPA is selling one that has new P+I, a pair of G5's, a G650 GPS and they are asking $83k. I signed up for the Beech Aero Club, and from what I am reading on there, its not that expensive to maintain, especially compared to Bonanza's. I flew a 200hp Beech Sport (which is essentially a fixed gear Sierra) this past summer, and it flew very nice, was very comfortable in the front seats, and rode the bumps very well on a bubbly summer afternoon.
So, anyone know of a good 182 for sale for $100k-ish or less?


There's a few out there - this thread made me go window-shopping, but I don't know how good the sub-100K ones are. I was surprised at how much they cost. I have a student who wants one so I was perusing some of the ads - they're pretty damn popular it seems.
There's a few out there - this thread made me go window-shopping, but I don't know how good the sub-100K ones are. I was surprised at how much they cost. I have a student who wants one so I was perusing some of the ads - they're pretty damn popular it seems.

We just looked at a '62 that was absolutely gorgeous, tons of avionics, etc etc, but it was very overpriced, IMHO. He was asking $115k. We were thinking of putting together an offer and getting some other things lined up, and the owner texted me a few hours later and he said he got an offer for full retail price including a large cash deposit. So, the market is pretty hot still. Looking at the 182 yesterday gave us the 182 bug, and we decided to increase our budget a bit. It's going to be a matter of getting our ducks in a row, and when the right airplane comes along we're going to have to jump.
So, anyone know of a good 182 for sale for $100k-ish or less?

Plenty if you can wait for a deal. You might also look at Maule's which are generally less than that and newer. There's some with the steering wheel on the wrong end up front, but I don't know if those got over 180HP.
Plenty if you can wait for a deal. You might also look at Maule's which are generally less than that and newer. There's some with the steering wheel on the wrong end up front, but I don't know if those got over 180HP.

I don't see any of the 235 hp variants with a nose wheel for sale at the moment, but it might be something to look out for.