$75k to spend

I promise you’re not fatter than me. I had a short bodied Mooney and loved it.


I'd be curious to know what you budgeted for annual indirect operating costs. The amount you'd spend just to own, insure, and maintain airworthiness.

Also curious to know what it came out to per hour but I guess that's a lot more straightforward, gas oil and a few extras.

I did my complex in an M20J and loved flying it. Now that I've recently gotten current in GA again in a flying club after a decade hiatus, part of me is hopeful that it's phase one in eventually trying to at least get a share of an airplane. The Mooney series still seems like great value for the speed and range.
Not counting financing, I was only looking at roughly $6k. I wasn’t keeping it hangared, though. That was just on a tie-down. Direct operating costs, including engine and non-annual maintenance reserves was around $60/hr if memory serves. It sips gas. I’d frequently see 7gph.
Not counting financing, I was only looking at roughly $6k. I wasn’t keeping it hangared, though. That was just on a tie-down. Direct operating costs, including engine and non-annual maintenance reserves was around $60/hr if memory serves. It sips gas. I’d frequently see 7gph.
The way this is phrased makes me think you spent $500/mo just on tie down? Or does the 6k include other fixed costs like insurance
Any pics or other info?
I'll send him a text and see what I can find out for you.
His airplane is in Michigan, but he lives in Florida, so I'm not sure of his personal situation right now after the hurricanes. It might be a minute before he is able to get back with me...or not, I don't know.
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Are twins out of the question? You could get a fairly decent twin Comanche for 75k. I'm a fan of Beech. They fly wonderfully and are solid in weather. I've been bouncing back and forth between the N35-35A or Baron/310. I haven't pulled the trigger yet, and probably wont for at least another 6-8mo. Good luck with your search. If you want more info on Beech products, I highly recommend checking out Beechtalk.com.