Pilot arrested with gun in his bag (aka why KCM will be going away)

It’s crazy how bad the POS is as well. You touched on the closures to entry points but add in the employee bus and the train delays. Getting to work becomes a complete nightmare.

Don’t forget 2 of 3 lanes of 90 being closed during the summer. 405 closing for entire weekends including the random unscheduled closure and the icing on the cake, the bridge connecting the employee lot to the airport being closed all of the fall.

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I read that as "piece of s****" Then I had to read it again and realized you probably meant Port of Seattle.

Then I realized, nah, the first take on it works just fine :)
Agreed. There are some airports where it is no big deal to be randomed where you basically turn left instead of right, and but your bag on a machine and off you go. And then there are airports where you have to go back to square one and then fight your way into a line and then think about your life choices and if a lump sum were ever offered etc.

This is only true if you make it a “me problem”.

Pro tip: it’s not.
This is only true if you make it a “me problem”.

Pro tip: it’s not.
I don’t follow perhaps. Do you mean “I’ll get there when I get there” type attitude? Sure, that’s always the case. But there is a large amount of PITA of wading through lines or waiting in the back of them regardless of your amount of apathy of getting to the other side. We tried that whole campaign here and it was as fruitless as you would expect.
I don’t follow perhaps. Do you mean “I’ll get there when I get there” type attitude? Sure, that’s always the case. But there is a large amount of PITA of wading through lines or waiting in the back of them regardless of your amount of apathy of getting to the other side. We tried that whole campaign here and it was as fruitless as you would expect.

Don’t give into hate. Hate leads to the dark side.
My problem is with those who feel they need to openly or CC everywhere they go or can. Some idiot Dad a few years ago got his family kicked out of a Disney resort here in Orlando because he felt the need to bring guns(yes plural) on vacation and even wanted to bring them in the parks. When the police questioned him, he stated that “he needed to protect his family.“
My problem is with those who feel they need to openly or CC everywhere they go or can. Some idiot Dad a few years ago got his family kicked out of a Disney resort here in Orlando because he felt the need to bring guns(yes plural) on vacation and even wanted to bring them in the parks. When the police questioned him, he stated that “he needed to protect his family.“

I mean, in his defense, there are a lot of light sabres there
My problem is with those who feel they need to openly or CC everywhere they go or can. Some idiot Dad a few years ago got his family kicked out of a Disney resort here in Orlando because he felt the need to bring guns(yes plural) on vacation and even wanted to bring them in the parks. When the police questioned him, he stated that “he needed to protect his family.“
All those single mommas by the pool.
Yessir! I haven't made it down there for a while. Lunch is usually something mediocre in a windowless room.
They also moved to a new building across the street, it's super nice. Was talking with the owner and manager the other week and we told them how stoked we were. Suuuuch a good place!
You know where most* of your guns aren’t. Apparently.

I know that all my guns are in a gun safe, being transported in a locked gun case, on my person, or within arm’s reach if safe from children or at-risk folks.

I don’t think it’s a stretch to claim I know where they aren’t if the only ambiguity is what gun safe.

My point was there is no reasonable excuse for a pax or pilot to accidentally board or attempt to board with a firearm.
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My problem is with those who feel they need to openly or CC everywhere they go or can. Some idiot Dad a few years ago got his family kicked out of a Disney resort here in Orlando because he felt the need to bring guns(yes plural) on vacation and even wanted to bring them in the parks. When the police questioned him, he stated that “he needed to protect his family.“
The first rule of a gunfight is to have a gun.
Geez. It’s not like you were offered a pet tarantula.

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Tarantulas are kind of cool pets if you take care of them. They're like reptiles, I've had friends (one in particular) who've kept everything from a bearded dragon, up to and including boa constrictors, pythons and eventually graduated to a Nile monitor. I actually very much enjoyed spending time with the monitor, he was what every kid from my era thought a tank was. Just pure muscle, torque and traction and as long as he'd eaten a mouse or rat in the last couple of days very docile, you didn't want to be around him when he was hungry. He didn't care if you were 6' tall, you were food. I drew the line when he started keeping rattlesnakes. Normal rattlesnakes (I don't know what a normal rattlesnake is) were pedestrian so his were Mojave Greens, they were all kept in earthquake proof padlocked cages, but one had been "neutered" by a vet (the venom sacks in its head had been removed) and my friend would, despite my protestations, take it out of the cage and handle it. I'd had enough of this nonsense (if a snake can grow another tail what else can it grow?) so I only kept in touch over the phone after that. I kept telling him a dog or cat was a better option for a pet. He lived a very full life and died at 35 from cancer. Just get a dog or a cat and try to not abuse it and it will be your best friend, or don't if your religion tells you something nearly every other society on the planet has benefited from is beneath you. Try explaining that to your kids in the South Bay and not having them resent you.