Pilot arrested with gun in his bag (aka why KCM will be going away)

Oh, we agree entirely vis a vis the significance of someone forgetting that they had a hog-leg in their carryon. That ought to be (as you point out above) a tut-tut, we'll just put it in this drop-box and you can get it on your way back, at least if it's not a regular kind of thing.

But when it comes to just breezing through the out-lane via KCM, hell, I think we've kind of done it to ourselves. They didn't start doing all of these randoms out of meanness, they did it because our co-workers don't seem to be able to stop carrying stuff they're not supposed to have through the KCM line.

And of course this is yet another example of "one kid poops the bed, all kids wear diapers", but, again, it's three minutes-ish. I wish we were all adults, too, but evidently we're not, so why not just go to the front of the line, get wanded, and go on with our days?
Oh, we agree entirely vis a vis the significance of someone forgetting that they had a hog-leg in their carryon. That ought to be (as you point out above) a tut-tut, we'll just put it in this drop-box and you can get it on your way back, at least if it's not a regular kind of thing.

But when it comes to just breezing through the out-lane via KCM, hell, I think we've kind of done it to ourselves. They didn't start doing all of these randoms out of meanness, they did it because our co-workers don't seem to be able to stop carrying stuff they're not supposed to have through the KCM line.

And of course this is yet another example of "one kid poops the bed, all kids wear diapers", but, again, it's three minutes-ish. I wish we were all adults, too, but evidently we're not, so why not just go to the front of the line, get wanded, and go on with our days?
It’s almost bedtime, tell me more 121 stories.
Generally agree with this, in the, what, "world at large"? But as Derg points out above, in the broader context, the number of either bone-headed or deliberately unlawful actions by flight crew makes me think that we should just go back to "when in uniform with a KCM badge, you go to the front of the line". Boom, dealt with. It's an extra, what, maybe 3 minutes?

I love breezing through as much as the next guy (and I'm not a commuter, full transparency), but if you're in danger of missing your commute over 180 seconds, maybe you should leave five minutes earlier and keep your blood-pressure down for the medical.

In many places it’s not 3 minutes. There are outstations I’ve been to regularly that don’t have KCM and even with going to front of the line take way WAY longer to clear security than it reasonably should.

This is a failing of TSA staffing, to be sure, but their problems become our problems and it’s not just 3 minutes.

Moron. 22 years old— that’s probably the final nail in the coffin for getting through KCM without guaranteed extra screening.
He’s probably “open-carry-in-McDonald’s-guy”.

I hate that guy. Let me stand two feet behind you while you order from the Value Menu. I want to disarm and pistol-whip McDonald’s-open-carry guy.
Who of any gender or sexual preference is going to look at that picture and NOT want some? Some things just sell themselves!
I don’t want it, but will pimp him out to pay my bar tab. That said, if that little effer was carrying a little Ruger .380, it’s up to you effeminate 121 guys to take care of your own, buy him a North Face jacket and send him up North or buy him an impressive hand cannon.
I love breezing through as much as the next guy (and I'm not a commuter, full transparency), but if you're in danger of missing your commute over 180 seconds, maybe you should leave five minutes earlier and keep your blood-pressure down for the medical.

Say you're not a commuter without say ... wait, you did say you weren't a commuter.

That twitching sound is all the commuters reading what you just said.

Then again, most commuters don't have to routinely exit and reenter security, I suppose.
Boris, don’t get me wrong. I want these guys keelhauled, I just don’t want these idiots to lose their careers. I am curious if these folks struggle with checklists once they clear TSA.

I have worked in places where poor packing decisions could lead to a beheading. Leave your gun, booze, drugs, and porn at home. Buy in-country.

Way too friendly.

If you kick someone’s ass strong and hard, and people see, they’ll take security far more seriously.

You‘re carrying a weapon with deadly results. Treat it more seriously than “Yuk yuk, left mah NINE in my bag, I’ll drop it off in my car then come thru KCM in another 20 minutes”.
Leave an animal or a baby in a hot car, even if they survive and you’re busted, your life just went to hell.

Pilot leaves a weapon in his bag and basically uses a ”professional courtesy” to go around security? Aww, things happen sometimes… NO, put him on a billboard and ridicule the hell out of him. This is yet another leak in the inevitable structural failure of the dam that is the KCM program so we’ll all pay the price of some dope who left his weapon in his bag against all personal responsibility.
Way too friendly.

If you kick someone’s ass strong and hard, and people see, they’ll take security far more seriously.

You‘re carrying a weapon with deadly results. Treat it more seriously than “Yuk yuk, left mah NINE in my bag, I’ll drop it off in my car then come thru KCM in another 20 minutes”.

I know where most of my guns are. More importantly, I know where they aren’t.

While I hate the idea of a pilot or pax carrying a criminal charge for a lifetime, there has to be a sanction. TSA No Fly List for a year seems reasonable.
i wouldn’t mind the randoms as much if it werent for the recent proliferation of these new ‘analogic’ (don’t ask me how that passed marketing QC) xray machines

they’re slower than smell and there’s nothing like 10 people crowded next to the roller belt watching one bag (PUT EVERYTHING IN A BIN) sit in the Cone of Confusion for 30 seconds before the computer decides to ship it down the belt or send it for additional screening.
i wouldn’t mind the randoms as much if it werent for the recent proliferation of these new ‘analogic’ (don’t ask me how that passed marketing QC) xray machines

they’re slower than smell and there’s nothing like 10 people crowded next to the roller belt watching one bag (PUT EVERYTHING IN A BIN) sit in the Cone of Confusion for 30 seconds before the computer decides to ship it down the belt or send it for additional screening.
Analogic and Rapiscan are the two notable brands. Hmmm....
i wouldn’t mind the randoms as much if it werent for the recent proliferation of these new ‘analogic’ (don’t ask me how that passed marketing QC) xray machines

they’re slower than smell and there’s nothing like 10 people crowded next to the roller belt watching one bag (PUT EVERYTHING IN A BIN) sit in the Cone of Confusion for 30 seconds before the computer decides to ship it down the belt or send it for additional screening.