SWA announces COVID vaccination required by Dec 8 to maintain employment

Yeah, that’s true. I guess it’s just more obvious and numerous now.

I pressed the wrong key and had to go edit, but yeah. A lot of the stuff written recently was targeted straight at 2016, Trump 45 voters, Q, and all the stuff that half the country is trying to repress in to their collective memories. It's important to note that Trump didn't cause any of that. He was just an acute symptom of a festering low-grade infection which is actively cultivated by the Kochs (well, Koch now) and Fox News.
It isn't a recent phenomenon.

I don't write very well; I'll let someone like @Derg or @Boris Badenov throw in a little prose if they want. They probably already have, elsewhere. There are hundreds of articles and books with thousands of hours of reading on this subject.

Thanks, looks like a great book. I just bought the ebook version of it.
I always thought that general AI was what would destroy our species. Instead, it’s going to be something as pedantic as social media.

You might be on to something. Throughout human history, knowledge has always been slow and relatively controlled.

I wonder if the powers that were back at the dawn of the printing press had similar concerns.
Honestly it concerns me that we as a country seem to be sliding backwards intellectually into a “dark ages” line of thought. I don’t understand it at all.

It cuts both ways.

My alma matter just fired a professor, two time Pulitzer finalist, because... wait for it.... he showed a 1965 movie called Othello which had an actor with black face paint. In a movie. Filmed in 1965. Freshman raised the alarm, went all over social media, trashed him, felt like there was no trigger warning, and that there was no safe space for what was just seen.

Professor removed.

A freakin movie filmed in 1965.

We've been sliding backwards intellectually for a long time, and accelerated with the likes of Facebook and Twitter.
It cuts both ways.

My alma matter just fired a professor, two time Pulitzer finalist, because... wait for it.... he showed a 1965 movie called Othello which had an actor with black face paint. In a movie. Filmed in 1965. Freshman raised the alarm, went all over social media, trashed him, felt like there was no trigger warning, and that there was no safe space for what was just seen.

Professor removed.

A freakin movie filmed in 1965.

We've been sliding backwards intellectually for a long time, and accelerated with the likes of Facebook and Twitter.
It cuts both ways.

My alma matter just fired a professor, two time Pulitzer finalist, because... wait for it.... he showed a 1965 movie called Othello which had an actor with black face paint. In a movie. Filmed in 1965. Freshman raised the alarm, went all over social media, trashed him, felt like there was no trigger warning, and that there was no safe space for what was just seen.

what’s next? Robert Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder?
All this.

“Here’s your chance”.

I just had an epiphany. Some of the same people that I knew that refused to fly to West Africa because of Malaria when they didn’t have access to Malarone (which screws with your color perception, makes you feel wonky and would pop the pills like candy) are some of the same ones that bitch about the gym being closed and how their body is some vaxless temple. Even though, in their days, no Yellow Fever, no international category.

But now they want pay protection.

I can’t believe we’re wasting dues dollars on this. It’s like the 2020 lockdown never happened.

The problem is that the 2020 furloughs didn't happen. These no talent ass clowns sat at home, collecting min guarantee instead of being on furlough, and to them it was nothing but a vacation because of some overblown fake news.

I firmly believe if pilots had to suffer like the rest of the country they'd be clamoring for a vaccine.
As I've opined to you, elsewhere, I think it is hi-frigging-larious that your MEC has engaged outside legal counsel for this.

Probably because they didn't like the answer they got from their actual counsel, and are now going shopping.

They ain’t alone. Ours doing the same. It is beyond ridiculous.
I’d like a dues refund for the money spent on the crash accident attorneys that are embarking on this quixotic effort.

ALPA leadership is basically hiring the “Cyber Ninjas” of law to blow money on a sure to lose effort.