Captain Kila's State of the (Aviation) Union Address

I don't even...what?

*rolls up newspaper*
No! Not where you eat! *swatswatswat!*NO!

You don't see how this righteous indignation is likely why you're not getting jobs? Word to the wise - in aviation, with very few exceptions, no one cares about you, you're expendable, hiring decisions are reactionary, and life ain't fair.
Meh, ok. Callsign thing....almost everyone out here in Indonesia calls me Kila. It's easier for the Indonesians to spell and speak LOL.

Not sure why I come off the way I do in my writing, but it's definitely not my intent. My intent was simply to point out what is wrong in the hiring process in our profession, with personal examples that have happened (and I know happen to others) and suggestions on how to fix the problems. Maybe I should just not try.
All you can do, is not do it yourself if your in that position. I am as frustrated as you with some of this, but it has changed some what. Also, I'm facing a little of your same issues, I apply for jobs that I'm overqualified for and don't even get a call. I've have had to limit my expectations and just keep moving forward.
Meh, ok. Callsign thing....almost everyone out here in Indonesia calls me Kila. It's easier for the Indonesians to spell and speak LOL.

Not sure why I come off the way I do in my writing, but it's definitely not my intent. My intent was simply to point out what is wrong in the hiring process in our profession, with personal examples that have happened (and I know happen to others) and suggestions on how to fix the problems. Maybe I should just not try.

No. You should try. In all good faith, I mean that.

Like @ppragman said, I think you made some good points but they're buried in the delivery - I'm not a professional pilot, but I'm concerned with the state of the profession and folks with perspective and experience are valuable to me.

It sounds like you have a lot of good experience to share - I would humbly suggest you engage the services of a friend or colleague who can help you edit this. I imagine there are even some fine, experienced people here who share your views and could give you an assist on the messaging.

Here's an idea: Take a recording of yourself reading it aloud - a video of presenting it is even better. Then, while alone or with a trusted friend/colleague who will be honest but tactful with you, put yourself through the painful process of listening to it/watching it.

We all HATE seeing/hearing ourselves on this, but I suspect you'll pick up, pretty quickly, on what folks are telling you here. Then, using your (and their, if you have a friend) reactions to it, go back and edit. Professional writers and presenters do this all the time.

The guys who work for me all go through this on their presentation skills and it's humbling (and often humiliating) to realize that we do not AT ALL sound to others the way we sound to ourselves.

Good luck.
Meh, ok. Callsign thing....almost everyone out here in Indonesia calls me Kila. It's easier for the Indonesians to spell and speak LOL.

Not sure why I come off the way I do in my writing, but it's definitely not my intent. My intent was simply to point out what is wrong in the hiring process in our profession, with personal examples that have happened (and I know happen to others) and suggestions on how to fix the problems. Maybe I should just not try.
I don't think it really matters what your writing style is its a dissertation on how great you are and how the industry isn't fair.
Meh, ok. Callsign thing....almost everyone out here in Indonesia calls me Kila. It's easier for the Indonesians to spell and speak LOL.
Yeah, I'm not buying this for two reasons: 1) they wouldn't have known it was easier to spell and speak if you hadn't introduced it to them. And 2) You're using it here on this forum. This is what several of us have commented on here; it's a HUGE indicator of an inflated ego and arrogance that you most likely convey in both your resume and your interviews.
An excellent example of my point is your Avatar. You want to make sure everyone here recognizes you and your "status" amongst others in the profession by including that you are "Training Captain/Company Check Airman/Lead PIC"...seriously? Look at the others in the entire register of JC, by guess is you'll find not one that exudes this much self-inflation. I've only been flying 19 years and I've never heard of a "Lead PIC".....location Lead Pilot, yes; Lead!

Not sure why I come off the way I do in my writing, but it's definitely not my intent. My intent was simply to point out what is wrong in the hiring process in our profession, with personal examples that have happened (and I know happen to others) and suggestions on how to fix the problems. Maybe I should just not try.
This martyr crap is over the top! This is a comment one would expected from a 3 year old.....

Furthermore, there are issues with the hiring process. In my experience, but the majority of the "issues" involve applicants that refuse to follow the application process. You Really need to flush this from everywhere you've posted. You can't dump where you eat!

For someone that claims to be "Sempre Gumby", you sure are pretty rigid....
I think employers don't consider over-qualified applicants because they expect the applicant will move on as soon as a better opportunity arises. And in this market, opportunities are popping up all the time, so employers might fear the applicant will move on almost right away.

In a strong hiring market, when someone applies to dozens of jobs and doesn't get an offer there is more to the story. And I'm not suggesting that the OP has a personality problem, but rather, that he's applying for positions that are outside the normal target zone for pilots with his experience. Or, said another way, his experience means he's a good candidate for a specific set of flying jobs, and maybe he's applying for positions that are well outside that set.
Meh, ok. Callsign thing....almost everyone out here in Indonesia calls me Kila. It's easier for the Indonesians to spell and speak LOL.

Not sure why I come off the way I do in my writing, but it's definitely not my intent. My intent was simply to point out what is wrong in the hiring process in our profession, with personal examples that have happened (and I know happen to others) and suggestions on how to fix the problems. Maybe I should just not try.

Captain Kila,

Profiling a number of colleagues who are unable to get a job despite their level of qualification vs. your own challenges would lend greater credibility to your piece.

-Captain Jett
I'm Lead PIC.

By default.

Only PIC in the airplane
I hadn't thought of it that way. I guess I'm Lead PIC too then!!

Awesome, I'm calling VistaPrint today!

My new cards will show my title as: Director of Flight Operations, Lead PIC, Chief of Lawn Care and Weed Control, Head Log Book Maintainer, Training Manager, CEF (Chief Executive Fueler)
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A certain airline told us in indoc "you're not the big cheese anymore and we don't go by call signs here so leave it at the door". The FOM also does not allow it for identification. I've learned the guys who still insist on using it are quite... uh, fun to fly with.
A certain airline told us in indoc "you're not the big cheese anymore and we don't go by call signs here so leave it at the door". The FOM also does not allow it for identification.

When I was on 727 IOE, the FO's name was "Cheese" and I couldn't stop laughing.

"Your name is 'Cheese'? How in the world did you get 'Cheese' out of Charles? Ha!"

Two blank stares and a CSO shaking his head to explain to me that with a large amount of former military pilots (in the late 90's), some of them still went by their call sign.

I haven't seen that for over a decade except when you see some drunken DALPA guys talking around the bar after a meeting.
When I was on 727 IOE, the FO's name was "Cheese" and I couldn't stop laughing.

"Your name is 'Cheese'? How in the world did you get 'Cheese' out of Charles? Ha!"

Two blank stares and a CSO shaking his head to explain to me that with a large amount of former military pilots (in the late 90's), some of them still went by their call sign.

I haven't seen that for over a decade except when you see some drunken DALPA guys talking around the bar after a meeting.
So, like, how did he get cheese?