How is a Pilot "Professional"?

And you know what, if you're rating your professionalism on the type of bag you carry, you're looking in the wrong place.

This industry just kills me. I'd love to be out of it before I'm 40. Maybe a new goal to work toward.
The sound of 121 pax drivers heads exploding can be heard....

Pretty much, and it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things that I have a backpack. Lots of pilots do, particularly freight pilots.

Wish more pilots would just show up, fly, and actually show some solidarity for once. With everything else that goes on in this industry, the last thing we need are pilots slamming each other over stupid crap like their bag choice. Sheesh.
Pretty much, and it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things that I have a backpack. Lots of pilots do, particularly freight pilots.

Wish more pilots would just show up, fly, and actually show some solidarity for once. With everything else that goes on in this industry, the last thing we need are pilots slamming each other over stupid crap like their bag choice. Sheesh.
Bits about the PPM where I work aside, I agree.
On the companies that allow backpacks: Cool.

However, we're not given the choice and they will slap some time off on you if you're not in compliance.

They say wear the uniform like "this" and don't wear "that". Cool. I can dig it.

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Well, it's something common we catch bitch about.

When we talked bout scope before the camel's nose was under the tent, there was butthurtedness beyond all butthurtedness.

Kind of like how the blogosphere will spend weeks bitching about flag pins, but nothing tangible like foreign policy or monetary policy.
On the companies that allow backpacks: Cool.

However, we're not given the choice and they will slap some time off on you if you're not in compliance.

They say wear the uniform like "this" and don't wear "that". Cool. I can dig it.

That's cool. I just have no patience with other pilots using their FOM standards as a guideline for what constitutes a "professional" to the rest of us. Frankly, we have way more important stuff to worry about than being bag police in the terminal.

Oh hey, if anyone sees me walking through SFO this morning with 5 o'clock shadow and a wrinkled shirt, I started my day in Korea. Not that anyone would ask.
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That's cool. I just have no patience with other pilots using their FOM standards as a guideline for what constitutes a "professional" to the rest of us. Frankly, we have way more important stuff to worry about than being bag police in the terminal.

Oh hey, if anyone sees me walking through SFO this morning with 5 o'clock shadow and a wrinkled shirt, I started my day in Korea. Not that anyone would ask.

Aww, I've had 43 years of being unduly judged for a variety of controllable and non-controllable aspects of my physical appearance.

You'll get used to it and you'll still get a cab before me in most cities. :)
You'll get used to it and you'll still get a cab before me in most cities. :)

This is a surprising fact. I was once with a buddy in Boston. It was raining, so he went out to flag down a cab with the only umbrella. He came back after 15 minutes, and I said, "No cabs drove by?" He said several drove by, but he was the wrong color for them to stop. It's amazing that happened in Boston. I would expect it in South Carolina, but Massachusetts?
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It's amazing that happened in Boston. I would expect it in South Carolina, but Massachusetts?

Actually, that's exactly what I'd expect in Boston. Was it your first trip?

Well, it's something common we catch bitch about.

When we talked bout scope before the camel's nose was under the tent, there was butthurtedness beyond all butthurtedness.

Kind of like how the blogosphere will spend weeks bitching about flag pins, but nothing tangible like foreign policy or monetary policy.

Oh, I'm as guilty as anyone of joining the bitching circle at times. It's the guys who take a 'hard line' on silly things like wether an airline pilot should wear a leather jacket that I find silly.
To me, and it's something that can't be taught, professionalism is about service above self and being the best you can be in a required situation. the CFI is a good example. As a PPL I learnt what was taught to me (and not what was left out). To make the step up, you have to go the extra mile and know what the regulations require of you. Blaming someone else isn't an option. I think the following is an excellent example when you do the job so well people can't pigeonhole you. Amateurs practice until they get it right, professionals practice until they can't get it wrong.
Now we are defending the backpack. That's it. I'm officially old.

Same here, and I'm at least ten years your junior. And it's not just aviation, either. I go into court all the time for evictions and see people there wearing jeans and t-shirts. Both landlords and tenants showing up looking like they just rolled out of bed. We don't even have respect for a court of law now? Is nothing sacred? Damn whippersnappers!